MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket C# (CSharp) Method

readPacket() public method

Serial Reader to read mavlink packets. POLL method
public readPacket ( ) : MAVLinkMessage
return MAVLinkMessage
        public MAVLinkMessage readPacket()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN + 25];
            int count = 0;
            int length = 0;
            int readcount = 0;
            MAVLinkMessage message = null;

            BaseStream.ReadTimeout = 1200; // 1200 ms between chars - the gps detection requires this.

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR0 " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);

            lock (readlock)
                lastbad = new byte[2];

                //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR1 " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);

                while (BaseStream.IsOpen || logreadmode)
                        if (readcount > 300)
                        if (logreadmode)
                            message = readlogPacketMavlink();
                            buffer = message.buffer;
                            if (buffer == null || buffer.Length == 0)
                                return MAVLinkMessage.Invalid;
                            // time updated for internal reference
                            MAV.cs.datetime = DateTime.Now;

                            DateTime to = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(BaseStream.ReadTimeout);

                            // Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR1a " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);

                            while (BaseStream.IsOpen && BaseStream.BytesToRead <= 0)
                                if (DateTime.Now > to)
                                    log.InfoFormat("MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr {0} len {1}", BaseStream.BytesToRead,
                                    throw new TimeoutException("Timeout");
                                //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR0b " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);
                            //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR1a " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);
                            if (BaseStream.IsOpen)
                                BaseStream.Read(buffer, count, 1);
                                if (rawlogfile != null && rawlogfile.CanWrite)
                            //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR1b " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Info("MAVLink readpacket read error: " + e.ToString());

                    // check if looks like a mavlink packet and check for exclusions and write to console
                    if (buffer[0] != 0xfe && buffer[0] != 'U' && buffer[0] != 0xfd)
                        if (buffer[0] >= 0x20 && buffer[0] <= 127 || buffer[0] == '\n' || buffer[0] == '\r')
                            // check for line termination
                            if (buffer[0] == '\r' || buffer[0] == '\n')
                                // check new line is valid
                                if (buildplaintxtline.Length > 3)
                                    plaintxtline = buildplaintxtline;

                                // reset for next line
                                buildplaintxtline = "";

                            buildplaintxtline += (char)buffer[0];
                        count = 0;
                        lastbad[0] = lastbad[1];
                        lastbad[1] = buffer[0];
                        buffer[1] = 0;
                    // reset count on valid packet
                    readcount = 0;

                    //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR2 " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);

                    var mavlinkv2 = buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX ? true : false;

                    int headerlength = mavlinkv2 ? MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_LEN : MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_MAVLINK1_LEN;
                    int headerlengthstx = headerlength + 1;

                    // check for a header
                    if (buffer[0] == 0xfe || buffer[0] == 0xfd || buffer[0] == 'U')
                        // if we have the header, and no other chars, get the length and packet identifiers
                        if (count == 0 && !logreadmode)
                            DateTime to = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(BaseStream.ReadTimeout);

                            while (BaseStream.IsOpen && BaseStream.BytesToRead < headerlength)
                                if (DateTime.Now > to)
                                    log.InfoFormat("MAVLINK: 2 wait time out btr {0} len {1}", BaseStream.BytesToRead,
                                    throw new TimeoutException("Timeout");
                            int read = BaseStream.Read(buffer, 1, headerlength);
                            count = read;
                            if (rawlogfile != null && rawlogfile.CanWrite)
                                rawlogfile.Write(buffer, 1, read);

                        // packet length
                        if (buffer[0] == 0xfd)
                            length = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - magic - length
                            if ((buffer[2] & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) > 0)
                                length += MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN;
                            length = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - U - length    

                        if (count >= headerlength || logreadmode)
                                if (logreadmode)
                                    DateTime to = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(BaseStream.ReadTimeout);

                                    while (BaseStream.IsOpen && BaseStream.BytesToRead < (length - count))
                                        if (DateTime.Now > to)
                                            log.InfoFormat("MAVLINK: 3 wait time out btr {0} len {1}",
                                                BaseStream.BytesToRead, length);
                                    if (BaseStream.IsOpen)
                                        int read = BaseStream.Read(buffer, headerlengthstx, length - (headerlengthstx-2));
                                        if (rawlogfile != null && rawlogfile.CanWrite)
                                            // write only what we read, temp is the whole packet, so 6-end
                                            rawlogfile.Write(buffer, headerlengthstx, read);
                                count = length + 2;

                    if (count == 299)

                //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " SR3 " + BaseStream.BytesToRead);
            } // end readlock

            // resize the packet to the correct length
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref buffer, count);

            // add byte count

            // update bps statistics
            if (_bpstime.Second != DateTime.Now.Second)
                long btr = 0;
                if (BaseStream != null && BaseStream.IsOpen)
                    btr = BaseStream.BytesToRead;
                else if (logreadmode)
                    btr = logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length - logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position;
                Console.Write("bps {0} loss {1} left {2} mem {3} mav2 {4} sign {5} mav1 {6} mav2 {7} signed {8}      \n", _bps1, MAV.synclost, btr,
                    System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)/1024/1024.0, MAV.mavlinkv2, MAV.signing, _mavlink1count, _mavlink2count, _mavlink2signed);
                _bps2 = _bps1; // prev sec
                _bps1 = 0; // current sec
                _bpstime = DateTime.Now;
                _mavlink1count = 0;
                _mavlink2count = 0;
                _mavlink2signed = 0;

            _bps1 += buffer.Length;

            if (buffer.Length == 0)
                return MAVLinkMessage.Invalid;

            if (message == null)
                message = new MAVLinkMessage(buffer);

            uint msgid = message.msgid;

            message_info msginfo = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo(msgid);

            // calc crc
            var sigsize = (message.sig != null) ? MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN : 0;
            ushort crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(buffer, message.Length - sigsize-MAVLINK_NUM_CHECKSUM_BYTES);

            // calc extra bit of crc for mavlink 1.0/2.0
            if (message.header == 0xfe || message.header == 0xfd)
                crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(msginfo.crc, crc);

            // check message length size vs table (mavlink1 explicit size check | mavlink2 oversize check, no undersize because of 0 trimming)
            if ((!message.ismavlink2 && message.payloadlength != msginfo.minlength) || (message.ismavlink2 && message.payloadlength > msginfo.length))
                if (msginfo.length == 0) // pass for unknown packets
                    log.InfoFormat("unknown packet type {0}", message.msgid);
                    log.InfoFormat("Mavlink Bad Packet (Len Fail) len {0} pkno {1}", buffer.Length, message.msgid);
                    return MAVLinkMessage.Invalid;

            // check crc
            if ((message.crc16 >> 8) != (crc >> 8) ||
                (message.crc16 & 0xff) != (crc & 0xff))
                if (buffer.Length > 5 && msginfo.name != null)
                    log.InfoFormat("Mavlink Bad Packet (crc fail) len {0} crc {1} vs {4} pkno {2} {3}", buffer.Length,
                        crc, message.msgid, msginfo.name.ToString(),
                if (logreadmode)
                    log.InfoFormat("bad packet pos {0} ", logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position);
                return MAVLinkMessage.Invalid;

            byte sysid = message.sysid;
            byte compid = message.compid;
            byte packetSeqNo = message.seq;

            // create a state for any sysid/compid includes gcs on log playback
            if (!MAVlist.Contains(sysid, compid))
                // create an item - hidden
                MAVlist.AddHiddenList(sysid, compid);
                // prevent packetloss counter on connect
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].recvpacketcount = unchecked(packetSeqNo - (byte)1);

            // once set it cannot be reverted
            if (!MAVlist[sysid, compid].mavlinkv2)
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].mavlinkv2 = message.buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX ? true : false;

            // stat count
            if (message.buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX)
            else if (message.buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)

            //check if sig was included in packet, and we are not ignoring the signature (signing isnt checked else we wont enable signing)
            //logreadmode we always ignore signing as they would not be in the log if they failed the signature
            if (message.sig != null && !MAVlist[sysid, compid].signingignore && !logreadmode)

                bool valid = false;

                foreach (var AuthKey in MAVAuthKeys.Keys.Values)
                    using (SHA256Managed signit = new SHA256Managed())
                        signit.TransformBlock(AuthKey.Key, 0, AuthKey.Key.Length, null, 0);
                        signit.TransformFinalBlock(message.buffer, 0, message.Length - MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN + 7);
                        var ctx = signit.Hash;
                        // trim to 48
                        Array.Resize(ref ctx, 6);

                        //Console.WriteLine("rec linkid {0}, time {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", message.sig[0], message.sig[1], message.sig[2], message.sig[3], message.sig[4], message.sig[5], message.sig[6], message.sigTimestamp);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ctx.Length; i++)
                            if (ctx[i] != message.sig[7 + i])
                                // not this key, check next

                        // got valid key
                        valid = true;

                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].linkid = message.sig[0];

                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].signingKey = AuthKey.Key;

                        enableSigning(sysid, compid);


                if (!valid)
                    log.InfoFormat("Packet failed signature but passed crc");
                    return MAVLinkMessage.Invalid;

            // packet is now verified

            // extract wp's/rally/fence/camera feedback/params from stream, including gcs packets on playback
            if (buffer.Length >= 5)
                getWPsfromstream(ref message, sysid, compid);

            // if its a gcs packet - dont process further
            if (buffer.Length >= 5 && (sysid == 255 || sysid == 253) && logreadmode) // gcs packet
                return message;

            // update packet loss statistics
            if (!logreadmode && MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetlosttimer.AddSeconds(5) < DateTime.Now)
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetlosttimer = DateTime.Now;
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetslost = (MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetslost * 0.8f);
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetsnotlost = (MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetsnotlost * 0.8f);
            else if (logreadmode && MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetlosttimer.AddSeconds(5) < lastlogread)
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetlosttimer = lastlogread;
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetslost = (MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetslost * 0.8f);
                MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetsnotlost = (MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetsnotlost * 0.8f);

                if ((message.header == 'U' || message.header == 0xfe || message.header == 0xfd) && buffer.Length >= message.payloadlength)
                    // check if we lost pacakets based on seqno
                    int expectedPacketSeqNo = ((MAVlist[sysid, compid].recvpacketcount + 1)%0x100);

                        // the second part is to work around a 3dr radio bug sending dup seqno's
                        if (packetSeqNo != expectedPacketSeqNo && packetSeqNo != MAVlist[sysid, compid].recvpacketcount)
                            MAVlist[sysid, compid].synclost++; // actualy sync loss's
                            int numLost = 0;

                            if (packetSeqNo < ((MAVlist[sysid, compid].recvpacketcount + 1)))
                                // recvpacketcount = 255 then   10 < 256 = true if was % 0x100 this would fail
                                numLost = 0x100 - expectedPacketSeqNo + packetSeqNo;
                                numLost = packetSeqNo - expectedPacketSeqNo;

                            MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetslost += numLost;

                                log.InfoFormat("mav {2}-{4} seqno {0} exp {3} pkts lost {1}", packetSeqNo, numLost, sysid,

                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetsnotlost++;

                        //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", sysid, packetSeqNo);

                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].recvpacketcount = packetSeqNo;

                    // packet stats per mav
                    if (double.IsInfinity(MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetspersecond[msgid]))
                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetspersecond[msgid] = 0;

                    MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetspersecond[msgid] = (((1000 /
                                                                            ((DateTime.Now -
                                                                              MAVlist[sysid, compid]
                                                                                .TotalMilliseconds) +
                                                                            MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetspersecond[
                                                                                msgid]) / 2));

                    MAVlist[sysid, compid].packetspersecondbuild[msgid] = DateTime.Now;

                    //Console.WriteLine("Packet {0}",temp[5]);
                    // store packet history
                    lock (objlock)
                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].addPacket(message);

                        // 3dr radio status packet are injected into the current mav
                        if (msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO_STATUS ||
                            msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO)
                            MAVlist[sysidcurrent, compidcurrent].addPacket(message);

                        // adsb packets are forwarded and can be from any sysid/compid
                        if (msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ADSB_VEHICLE)
                            var adsb = message.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t>();

                            var id = adsb.ICAO_address.ToString("X5");

                            if (MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes.ContainsKey(id))
                                // update existing
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).Lat = adsb.lat/1e7;
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).Lng = adsb.lon/1e7;
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).Alt = adsb.altitude/1000.0;
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).Heading = adsb.heading*0.01f;
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).Time = DateTime.Now;
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg)MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).CallSign = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(adsb.callsign);
                                // create new plane
                                MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id] =
                                    new adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg(adsb.lat/1e7, adsb.lon/1e7,
                                        adsb.altitude/1000.0, adsb.heading*0.01f, id,
                                        DateTime.Now) {CallSign = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(adsb.callsign)};

                        if (msgid == (byte) MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.COLLISION)
                            var coll = message.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_collision_t>();

                            var id = coll.id.ToString("X5");

                            var coll_type = (MAVLink.MAV_COLLISION_SRC)coll.src;

                            var action = (MAVLink.MAV_COLLISION_ACTION)coll.action;

                            if (action > MAV_COLLISION_ACTION.REPORT)
                                // we are reacting to a threat


                            var threat_level = (MAVLink.MAV_COLLISION_THREAT_LEVEL)coll.threat_level;

                            if (MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes.ContainsKey(id))
                                ((adsb.PointLatLngAltHdg) MainV2.instance.adsbPlanes[id]).ThreatLevel = threat_level;

                    // set seens sysid's based on hb packet - this will hide 3dr radio packets
                    if (msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.HEARTBEAT)
                        mavlink_heartbeat_t hb = message.ToStructure<mavlink_heartbeat_t>();

                        // not a gcs
                        if (hb.type != (byte) MAV_TYPE.GCS)
                            // add a seen sysid
                            if (!MAVlist.Contains(sysid, compid, false))
                                // ensure its set from connect or log playback
                                MAVlist.Create(sysid, compid);
                                MAVlist[sysid, compid].aptype = (MAV_TYPE) hb.type;
                                MAVlist[sysid, compid].apname = (MAV_AUTOPILOT) hb.autopilot;
                                setAPType(sysid, compid);

                            // attach to the only remote device. / default to first device seen
                            if (MAVlist.Count == 1)
                                // set it private as compidset will trigger new mavstate
                                _sysidcurrent = sysid;
                                compidcurrent = compid;

                    // only process for active mav
                    if (sysidcurrent == sysid && compidcurrent == compid)

                    if (debugmavlink)

                    if (msgid == (byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT) // status text
                        var msg = message.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_statustext_t>();

                        byte sev = msg.severity;

                        string logdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.text);
                        int ind = logdata.IndexOf('\0');
                        if (ind != -1)
                            logdata = logdata.Substring(0, ind);
                        log.Info(DateTime.Now + " " + sev + " " + logdata);

                        MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.messages.Add(logdata);

                        // gymbals etc are a child/slave to the main sysid, this displays the children messages under the current displayed vehicle
                        if (sysid == sysidcurrent && compid != compidcurrent)
                            MAVlist[sysidcurrent, compidcurrent].cs.messages.Add(compid + " : "+logdata);

                        bool printit = false;

                        // the change of severity and the autopilot version where introduced at the same time, so any version non 0 can be used
                        // copter 3.4+
                        // plane 3.4+
                        if (MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.version.Major > 0 || MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.version.Minor >= 4)
                            if (sev <= (byte) MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING)
                                printit = true;
                            if (sev >= 3)
                                printit = true;

                        if (logdata.StartsWith("Tuning:") || logdata.StartsWith("PreArm:") || logdata.StartsWith("Arm:"))
                            printit = true;

                        if (printit)
                            MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.messageHigh = logdata;
                            MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;

                            if (MainV2.speechEngine != null &&
                                MainV2.speechEngine.IsReady &&
                                Settings.Instance["speechenable"] != null &&
                                Settings.Instance["speechenable"].ToString() == "True")
                                if (speechenabled)

                    if (lastparamset != DateTime.MinValue && lastparamset.AddSeconds(10) < DateTime.Now)
                        lastparamset = DateTime.MinValue;

                        if (BaseStream.IsOpen)
                            doCommand(MAV_CMD.PREFLIGHT_STORAGE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);

                        if (logfile != null && logfile.CanWrite && !logreadmode)
                            lock (logfile)
                                byte[] datearray =
                                        (UInt64) ((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds*1000));
                                logfile.Write(datearray, 0, datearray.Length);
                                logfile.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                                if (msgid == 0)
// flush on heartbeat - 1 seconds
                    catch (Exception ex)

                        // full rw from mirror stream
                        if (MirrorStream != null && MirrorStream.IsOpen)
                            MirrorStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            while (MirrorStream.BytesToRead > 0)
                                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

                                int len = MirrorStream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                                if (MirrorStreamWrite)
                                    BaseStream.Write(buf, 0, len);
            catch (Exception ex)

            // update last valid packet receive time
            MAVlist[sysid, compid].lastvalidpacket = DateTime.Now;

            return message;

Usage Example

Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string tlogToCSV(string filepath)
            CurrentState.SpeedUnit = "m/s";
            CurrentState.DistanceUnit = "m";
            MAVLinkInterface proto = new MAVLinkInterface();

               OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

               string LogFilePath;
              openFileDialog1.FileName = filepath;

                    foreach (string logfile in openFileDialog1.FileNames)

                        using (MAVLinkInterface mine = new MAVLinkInterface())
                                mine.logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader(File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
                            catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); }
                            mine.logreadmode = true;

                            mine.MAV.packets.Initialize(); // clear

                            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.GetDirectoryName(logfile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(logfile) + ".csv");

                            while (mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position < mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length)

                                byte[] packet = mine.readPacket();
                                string text = "";
                                mine.DebugPacket(packet, ref text, true, ",");

                                sw.Write(mine.lastlogread.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff") + "," + text);


                            mine.logreadmode = false;
                            mine.logplaybackfile = null;
                            LogFilePath = (Path.GetDirectoryName(logfile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(logfile) + ".csv"));

                            return LogFilePath;

                    return null;
All Usage Examples Of MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface::readPacket