OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Voxels.VoxelModule.InstallInterfaces C# (CSharp) Метод

InstallInterfaces() приватный Метод

private InstallInterfaces ( ) : void
Результат void
        private void InstallInterfaces()
            // Load / Save
            string supportedFileExtensions = "";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IVoxelFileHandler> loader in m_loaders)
                supportedFileExtensions += " " + loader.Key + " (" + loader.Value + ")";

            Command loadFromFileCommand =
                new Command("load", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceLoadFile, "Loads a terrain from a specified file.");
                                            "The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: " +
                                            supportedFileExtensions, "String");

            Command saveToFileCommand =
                new Command("save", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_NON_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceSaveFile, "Saves the current heightmap to a specified file.");
                                          "The destination filename for your heightmap, the file extension determines the format to save in. Supported extensions include: " +
                                          supportedFileExtensions, "String");

            Command loadFromTileCommand =
                new Command("load-tile", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceLoadTileFile, "Loads a terrain from a section of a larger file.");
                                            "The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: " +
                                            supportedFileExtensions, "String");
            loadFromTileCommand.AddArgument("file width", "The width of the file in tiles", "Integer");
            loadFromTileCommand.AddArgument("file height", "The height of the file in tiles", "Integer");
            loadFromTileCommand.AddArgument("minimum X tile", "The X region coordinate of the first section on the file",
            loadFromTileCommand.AddArgument("minimum Y tile", "The Y region coordinate of the first section on the file",

            // Terrain adjustments
            Command fillRegionCommand =
                new Command("fill", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceFillTerrain, "Fills the current heightmap with a specified value.");
            fillRegionCommand.AddArgument("value", "The numeric value of the height you wish to set your region to.",

            Command elevateCommand =
                new Command("elevate", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceElevateTerrain, "Raises the current heightmap by the specified amount.");
            elevateCommand.AddArgument("amount", "The amount of height to add to the terrain in meters.", "Double");

            Command lowerCommand =
                new Command("lower", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceLowerTerrain, "Lowers the current heightmap by the specified amount.");
            lowerCommand.AddArgument("amount", "The amount of height to remove from the terrain in meters.", "Double");

            Command multiplyCommand =
                new Command("multiply", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceMultiplyTerrain, "Multiplies the heightmap by the value specified.");
            multiplyCommand.AddArgument("value", "The value to multiply the heightmap by.", "Double");

            Command bakeRegionCommand =
                new Command("bake", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceBakeTerrain, "Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map.");
            Command revertRegionCommand =
                new Command("revert", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceRevertTerrain, "Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap.");

            Command flipCommand =
                new Command("flip", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceFlipTerrain, "Flips the current terrain about the X or Y axis");
            flipCommand.AddArgument("direction", "[x|y] the direction to flip the terrain in", "String");

			Command generateCommand=
				new Command("generate",CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceGenerate,"Generate terrain.");
			generateCommand.AddArgument("Seed","Starting point for the random number generator","Integer");
            Command rescaleCommand =
                new Command("rescale", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceRescaleTerrain, "Rescales the current terrain to fit between the given min and max heights");
            rescaleCommand.AddArgument("min", "min terrain height after rescaling", "Double");
            rescaleCommand.AddArgument("max", "max terrain height after rescaling", "Double");

            // Debug
            Command showDebugStatsCommand =
                new Command("stats", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_STATISTICAL, InterfaceShowDebugStats,
                            "Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes.");

            Command experimentalBrushesCommand =
                new Command("newbrushes", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceEnableExperimentalBrushes,
                            "Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes. WARNING: This is a debug setting and may be removed at any time.");
            experimentalBrushesCommand.AddArgument("Enabled?", "true / false - Enable new brushes", "Boolean");

            Command pluginRunCommand =
                new Command("effect", CommandIntentions.COMMAND_HAZARDOUS, InterfaceRunPluginEffect, "Runs a specified plugin effect");
            pluginRunCommand.AddArgument("name", "The plugin effect you wish to run, or 'list' to see all plugins", "String");

            m_commander.RegisterCommand("load", loadFromFileCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("load-tile", loadFromTileCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("save", saveToFileCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("fill", fillRegionCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("elevate", elevateCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("lower", lowerCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("multiply", multiplyCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("bake", bakeRegionCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("revert", revertRegionCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("newbrushes", experimentalBrushesCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("stats", showDebugStatsCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("effect", pluginRunCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("flip", flipCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("rescale", rescaleCommand);
            m_commander.RegisterCommand("generate", generateCommand);

            // Add this to our scene so scripts can call these functions