FarseerPhysics.Common.TextureTools.TextureConverter.searchHoleEntrance C# (CSharp) Метод

searchHoleEntrance() приватный Метод

Function to search for an entrance point of a hole in a polygon. It searches the polygon from top to bottom between the polygon edges.
private searchHoleEntrance ( Vertices polygon, Vector2 lastHoleEntrance ) : Vector2?
polygon Vertices The polygon to search in.
lastHoleEntrance Vector2 The last entrance point.
Результат Vector2?
		Vector2? searchHoleEntrance( Vertices polygon, Vector2? lastHoleEntrance )
			if( polygon == null )
				throw new ArgumentNullException( "'polygon' can't be null." );

			if( polygon.Count < 3 )
				throw new ArgumentException( "'polygon.MainPolygon.Count' can't be less then 3." );

			List<float> xCoords;
			Vector2? entrance;

			int startY;
			int endY;

			int lastSolid = 0;
			bool foundSolid;
			bool foundTransparent;

			// Set start y coordinate.
			if( lastHoleEntrance.HasValue )
				// We need the y coordinate only.
				startY = (int)lastHoleEntrance.Value.Y;
				// Start from the top of the polygon if last entrance == null.
				startY = (int)getTopMostCoord( polygon );

			// Set the end y coordinate.
			endY = (int)getBottomMostCoord( polygon );

			if( startY > 0 && startY < _height && endY > 0 && endY < _height )
				// go from top to bottom of the polygon
				for( int y = startY; y <= endY; y++ )
					// get x-coord of every polygon edge which crosses y
					xCoords = searchCrossingEdges( polygon, y );

					// We need an even number of crossing edges. 
					// It's always a pair of start and end edge: nothing | polygon | hole | polygon | nothing ...
					// If it's not then don't bother, it's probably a peak ...
					// ...which should be filtered out by SearchCrossingEdges() anyway.
					if( xCoords.Count > 1 && xCoords.Count % 2 == 0 )
						// Ok, this is short, but probably a little bit confusing.
						// This part searches from left to right between the edges inside the polygon.
						// The problem: We are using the polygon data to search in the texture data.
						// That's simply not accurate, but necessary because of performance.
						for( int i = 0; i < xCoords.Count; i += 2 )
							foundSolid = false;
							foundTransparent = false;

							// We search between the edges inside the polygon.
							for( int x = (int)xCoords[i]; x <= (int)xCoords[i + 1]; x++ )
								// First pass: IsSolid might return false.
								// In that case the polygon edge doesn't lie on the texture's solid pixel, because of the hull tolearance.
								// If the edge lies before the first solid pixel then we need to skip our transparent pixel finds.

								// The algorithm starts to search for a relevant transparent pixel (which indicates a possible hole) 
								// after it has found a solid pixel.

								// After we've found a solid and a transparent pixel (a hole's left edge) 
								// we search for a solid pixel again (a hole's right edge).
								// When found the distance of that coodrinate has to be greater then the hull tolerance.

								if( isSolid( ref x, ref y ) )
									if( !foundTransparent )
										foundSolid = true;
										lastSolid = x;

									if( foundSolid && foundTransparent )
										entrance = new Vector2( lastSolid, y );

										if( distanceToHullAcceptable( polygon, entrance.Value, true ) )
											return entrance;

										entrance = null;
									if( foundSolid )
										foundTransparent = true;
						if( xCoords.Count % 2 == 0 )
							Debug.WriteLine( "SearchCrossingEdges() % 2 != 0" );

			return null;