BeardedManStudios.Network.Unit.UnitRPC.AllTypes C# (CSharp) Метод

AllTypes() приватный Метод

private AllTypes ( int a, byte b, short c, ushort d, sbyte e, byte f, long g, ulong h, char i, bool j, float k, double l, string m, Vector2 n, Vector3 o, Vector4 p, Quaternion q, Color r, uint s ) : void
a int
b byte
c short
d ushort
e sbyte
f byte
g long
h ulong
i char
j bool
k float
l double
m string
n Vector2
o Vector3
p Vector4
q UnityEngine.Quaternion
r Color
s uint
Результат void
		private void AllTypes(int a, byte b, short c, ushort d, sbyte e, byte[] f, long g, ulong h, char i, bool j, float k, double l, string m, Vector2 n, Vector3 o, Vector4 p, Quaternion q, Color r, uint s)
			if (a != tInt)
				Failure("The value of int is " + a + " and not " + tInt);
			if (b != tByte)
				Failure("The value of byte is " + b + " and not " + tByte);
			if (c != tShort)
				Failure("The value of short is " + c + " and not " + tShort);
			if (d != tUshort)
				Failure("The value of ushort is " + d + " and not " + tUshort);
			if (e != tSbyte)
				Failure("The value of sbyte is " + e + " and not " + tSbyte);
			if (f[0] != tByteArray[0] && f[1] != tByteArray[1] && f[2] != tByteArray[2] && f[3] != tByteArray[3])
				Failure("The value of byte[] is " + f[0] + ", " + f[1] + ", " + f[2] + ", " + f[3] + " and not " + tByteArray[0] + ", " + tByteArray[1] + ", " + tByteArray[2] + ", " + tByteArray[3]);
			if (g != tLong)
				Failure("The value of long is " + g + " and not " + tLong);
			if (h != tUlong)
				Failure("The value of ulong is " + h + " and not " + tUlong);
			if (i != tChar)
				Failure("The value of char is " + i + " and not " + tChar);
			if (j != tBool)
				Failure("The value of bool is " + j + " and not " + tBool);
			if (k != tFloat)
				Failure("The value of float is " + k + " and not " + tFloat);
			if (l != tDouble)
				Failure("The value of double is " + l + " and not " + tDouble);
			if (m != tString)
				Failure("The value of string is " + m + " and not " + tString);
			if (n != tVector2)
				Failure("The value of Vector2 is " + n.x + ", " + n.y + " and not " + tVector2.x + ", " + tVector2.y);
			if (o != tVector3)
				Failure("The value of Vector3 is " + o.x + ", " + o.y + ", " + o.z + " and not " + tVector3.x + ", " + tVector3.y + ", " + tVector3.z);
			if (p != tVector4)
				Failure("The value of Vectorr is " + p.x + ", " + p.y + ", " + p.z + ", " + p.w + " and not " + tVector4.x + ", " + tVector4.y + ", " + tVector4.z + ", " + tVector4.w);
			if (q != tQuaternion)
				Failure("The value of Quaternion is " + q.x + ", " + q.y + ", " + q.z + ", " + q.w + " and not " + tQuaternion.x + ", " + tQuaternion.y + ", " + tQuaternion.z + ", " + tQuaternion.w);
			if (r != tColor)
				Failure("The value of Color is " + r.r + ", " + r.g + ", " + r.b + ", " + r.a + " and not " + tColor.r + ", " + tColor.g + ", " + tColor.b + ", " + tColor.a);
			if (s != tUint)
				Failure("The value of uint is " + s + " and not " + tUint);

			KillNetworkCall(() => { RPC("HasMessageInfo"); });