private void AllTypes(int a, byte b, short c, ushort d, sbyte e, byte[] f, long g, ulong h, char i, bool j, float k, double l, string m, Vector2 n, Vector3 o, Vector4 p, Quaternion q, Color r, uint s)
if (a != tInt)
Failure("The value of int is " + a + " and not " + tInt);
if (b != tByte)
Failure("The value of byte is " + b + " and not " + tByte);
if (c != tShort)
Failure("The value of short is " + c + " and not " + tShort);
if (d != tUshort)
Failure("The value of ushort is " + d + " and not " + tUshort);
if (e != tSbyte)
Failure("The value of sbyte is " + e + " and not " + tSbyte);
if (f[0] != tByteArray[0] && f[1] != tByteArray[1] && f[2] != tByteArray[2] && f[3] != tByteArray[3])
Failure("The value of byte[] is " + f[0] + ", " + f[1] + ", " + f[2] + ", " + f[3] + " and not " + tByteArray[0] + ", " + tByteArray[1] + ", " + tByteArray[2] + ", " + tByteArray[3]);
if (g != tLong)
Failure("The value of long is " + g + " and not " + tLong);
if (h != tUlong)
Failure("The value of ulong is " + h + " and not " + tUlong);
if (i != tChar)
Failure("The value of char is " + i + " and not " + tChar);
if (j != tBool)
Failure("The value of bool is " + j + " and not " + tBool);
if (k != tFloat)
Failure("The value of float is " + k + " and not " + tFloat);
if (l != tDouble)
Failure("The value of double is " + l + " and not " + tDouble);
if (m != tString)
Failure("The value of string is " + m + " and not " + tString);
if (n != tVector2)
Failure("The value of Vector2 is " + n.x + ", " + n.y + " and not " + tVector2.x + ", " + tVector2.y);
if (o != tVector3)
Failure("The value of Vector3 is " + o.x + ", " + o.y + ", " + o.z + " and not " + tVector3.x + ", " + tVector3.y + ", " + tVector3.z);
if (p != tVector4)
Failure("The value of Vectorr is " + p.x + ", " + p.y + ", " + p.z + ", " + p.w + " and not " + tVector4.x + ", " + tVector4.y + ", " + tVector4.z + ", " + tVector4.w);
if (q != tQuaternion)
Failure("The value of Quaternion is " + q.x + ", " + q.y + ", " + q.z + ", " + q.w + " and not " + tQuaternion.x + ", " + tQuaternion.y + ", " + tQuaternion.z + ", " + tQuaternion.w);
if (r != tColor)
Failure("The value of Color is " + r.r + ", " + r.g + ", " + r.b + ", " + r.a + " and not " + tColor.r + ", " + tColor.g + ", " + tColor.b + ", " + tColor.a);
if (s != tUint)
Failure("The value of uint is " + s + " and not " + tUint);
KillNetworkCall(() => { RPC("HasMessageInfo"); });