Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.APIs.LSL_Api.ParseString C# (CSharp) Method

ParseString() private method

Scan the string supplied in 'src' and tokenize it based upon two sets of tokenizers provided in two lists, separators and spacers.
Separators demarcate tokens and are elided as they are encountered. Spacers also demarcate tokens, but are themselves retained as tokens. Both separators and spacers may be arbitrarily long strings. i.e. ":::". The function returns an ordered list representing the tokens found in the supplied sources string. If two successive tokenizers are encountered, then a NULL entry is added to the list. It is a precondition that the source and toekizer lisst are non-null. If they are null, then a null pointer exception will be thrown while their lengths are being determined. A small amount of working memoryis required of approximately 8*#tokenizers. There are many ways in which this function can be implemented, this implementation is fairly naive and assumes that when the function is invooked with a short source string and/or short lists of tokenizers, then performance will not be an issue. In order to minimize the perofrmance effects of long strings, or large numbers of tokeizers, the function skips as far as possible whenever a toekenizer is found, and eliminates redundant tokenizers as soon as is possible. The implementation tries to avoid any copying of arrays or other objects.
private ParseString ( string src, Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list separators, Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list spacers, bool keepNulls ) : Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list
src string
separators Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list
spacers Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list
keepNulls bool
return Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.LSL_Types.list
        private LSL_List ParseString(string src, LSL_List separators, LSL_List spacers, bool keepNulls)
            int beginning = 0;
            int srclen = src.Length;
            int seplen = separators.Length;
            object[] separray = separators.Data;
            int spclen = spacers.Length;
            object[] spcarray = spacers.Data;
            int mlen = seplen + spclen;

            int[] offset = new int[mlen + 1];
            bool[] active = new bool[mlen];

            //    Initial capacity reduces resize cost

            LSL_List tokens = new LSL_List();

            //    All entries are initially valid

            for (int i = 0; i < mlen; i++)
                active[i] = true;

            offset[mlen] = srclen;

            while (beginning < srclen)

                int best = mlen;

                //    Scan for separators

                int j;
                for (j = 0; j < seplen; j++)
                    if (separray[j].ToString() == String.Empty)
                        active[j] = false;

                    if (active[j])
                        // scan all of the markers
                        if ((offset[j] = src.IndexOf(separray[j].ToString(), beginning)) == -1)
                            // not present at all
                            active[j] = false;
                            // present and correct
                            if (offset[j] < offset[best])
                                // closest so far
                                best = j;
                                if (offset[best] == beginning)

                //    Scan for spacers

                if (offset[best] != beginning)
                    for (j = seplen; (j < mlen) && (offset[best] > beginning); j++)
                        if (spcarray[j - seplen].ToString() == String.Empty)
                            active[j] = false;

                        if (active[j])
                            // scan all of the markers
                            if ((offset[j] = src.IndexOf(spcarray[j - seplen].ToString(), beginning)) == -1)
                                // not present at all
                                active[j] = false;
                                // present and correct
                                if (offset[j] < offset[best])
                                    // closest so far
                                    best = j;

                //    This is the normal exit from the scanning loop

                if (best == mlen)
                    // no markers were found on this pass
                    // so we're pretty much done
                    if ((keepNulls) || ((srclen - beginning) > 0))
                        tokens.Add(new LSL_String(src.Substring(beginning, srclen - beginning)));

                //    Otherwise we just add the newly delimited token
                //    and recalculate where the search should continue.
                if ((keepNulls) || ((offset[best] - beginning) > 0))
                    tokens.Add(new LSL_String(src.Substring(beginning, offset[best] - beginning)));

                if (best < seplen)
                    beginning = offset[best] + (separray[best].ToString()).Length;
                    beginning = offset[best] + (spcarray[best - seplen].ToString()).Length;
                    string str = spcarray[best - seplen].ToString();
                    if ((keepNulls) || ((str.Length > 0)))
                        tokens.Add(new LSL_String(str));

            //    This an awkward an not very intuitive boundary case. If the
            //    last substring is a tokenizer, then there is an implied trailing
            //    null list entry. Hopefully the single comparison will not be too
            //    arduous. Alternatively the 'break' could be replced with a return
            //    but that's shabby programming.

            if ((beginning == srclen) && (keepNulls))
                if (srclen != 0)
                    tokens.Add(new LSL_String(""));

            return tokens;