SEToolbox.Models.StructureCubeGridModel.UpdateGeneralFromEntityBase C# (CSharp) Метод

UpdateGeneralFromEntityBase() публичный Метод

public UpdateGeneralFromEntityBase ( ) : void
Результат void
        public override void UpdateGeneralFromEntityBase()
            double scaleMultiplyer = CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength();
            if (IsStatic && CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                ClassType = ClassType.Station;
            else if (!IsStatic && CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
                ClassType = ClassType.LargeShip;
            else if (!IsStatic && CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small)
                ClassType = ClassType.SmallShip;

            var min = new Point3D(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            var max = new Point3D(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
            float totalMass = 0;

            foreach (var block in CubeGrid.CubeBlocks)
                min.X = Math.Min(min.X, block.Min.X);
                min.Y = Math.Min(min.Y, block.Min.Y);
                min.Z = Math.Min(min.Z, block.Min.Z);

                var cubeDefinition = SpaceEngineersApi.GetCubeDefinition(block.TypeId, CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum, block.SubtypeName);

                // definition is null when the block no longer exists in the Cube definitions. Ie, Ladder, or a Mod that was removed.
                if (cubeDefinition == null || (cubeDefinition.Size.X == 1 && cubeDefinition.Size.Y == 1 && cubeDefinition.Size.Z == 1))
                    max.X = Math.Max(max.X, block.Min.X);
                    max.Y = Math.Max(max.Y, block.Min.Y);
                    max.Z = Math.Max(max.Z, block.Min.Z);
                    // resolve the cube size acording to the cube's orientation.
                    var orientSize = cubeDefinition.Size.Add(-1).Transform(block.BlockOrientation).Abs();
                    max.X = Math.Max(max.X, block.Min.X + orientSize.X);
                    max.Y = Math.Max(max.Y, block.Min.Y + orientSize.Y);
                    max.Z = Math.Max(max.Z, block.Min.Z + orientSize.Z);

                var cubeBlockDefinition = SpaceEngineersApi.GetCubeDefinition(block.TypeId, CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum, block.SubtypeName);

                float cubeMass = 0;
                if (cubeBlockDefinition != null)
                    foreach (var component in cubeBlockDefinition.Components)
                        float componentMass = component.Definition.Mass * component.Count;
                        cubeMass += componentMass;

                totalMass += cubeMass;

            var cockpitOrientation = "None";
            var cockpits = CubeGrid.CubeBlocks.Where(b => b is MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit).ToArray();
            if (cockpits.Length > 0)
                var count = cockpits.Count(b => b.BlockOrientation.Forward == cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Forward && b.BlockOrientation.Up == cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Up);
                if (cockpits.Length == count)
                    // All cockpits share the same orientation.
                    cockpitOrientation = string.Format("Forward={0} ({1}), Up={2} ({3})", cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Forward, GetAxisIndicator(cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Forward), cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Up, GetAxisIndicator(cockpits[0].BlockOrientation.Up));
                    // multiple cockpits are present, and do not share a common orientation.
                    cockpitOrientation = "Mixed";
            CockpitOrientation = cockpitOrientation;

            var scale = max - min;

            if (CubeGrid.CubeBlocks.Count == 0)
                scale = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D();

            Min = min;
            Max = max;
            Scale = scale;
            Size = new Size3D(scale.X * scaleMultiplyer, scale.Y * scaleMultiplyer, scale.Z * scaleMultiplyer);
            Mass = totalMass;

            var quaternion = CubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.ToQuaternionD();
            var p1 = (min.ToVector3D() * CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength()).Transform(quaternion) + CubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position - (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength() / 2);
            var p2 = ((min.ToVector3D() + Scale.ToVector3D()) * CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength()).Transform(quaternion) + CubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position - (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength() / 2);
            //var p1 = VRageMath.Vector3D.Transform(min.ToVector3D() * CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength(), quaternion) + CubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position - (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength() / 2);
            //var p2 = VRageMath.Vector3D.Transform((min.ToVector3D() + Scale.ToVector3D()) * CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength(), quaternion) + CubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position - (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum.ToLength() / 2);
            WorldAABB = new BoundingBoxD(VRageMath.Vector3D.Min(p1, p2), VRageMath.Vector3D.Max(p1, p2));
            Center = WorldAABB.Center;

            DisplayName = CubeGrid.DisplayName;

            // Add Beacon or Antenna detail for the Description.
            var broadcasters = CubeGrid.CubeBlocks.Where(b => b.SubtypeName == SubtypeId.LargeBlockBeacon.ToString()
                || b.SubtypeName == SubtypeId.SmallBlockBeacon.ToString()
                || b.SubtypeName == SubtypeId.LargeBlockRadioAntenna.ToString()
                || b.SubtypeName == SubtypeId.SmallBlockRadioAntenna.ToString()).ToArray();
            var broadcastNames = string.Empty;
            if (broadcasters.Length > 0)
                var beaconNames = broadcasters.Where(b => b is MyObjectBuilder_Beacon).Select(b => ((MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)b).CustomName ?? "Beacon").ToArray();
                var antennaNames = broadcasters.Where(b => b is MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna).Select(b => ((MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna)b).CustomName ?? "Antenna").ToArray();
                broadcastNames = String.Join("|", beaconNames.Concat(antennaNames).OrderBy(s => s));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(broadcastNames))
                Description = string.Format("{0}×{1}×{2}", Scale.X, Scale.Y, Scale.Z);
                Description = string.Format("{3} {0}×{1}×{2}", Scale.X, Scale.Y, Scale.Z, broadcastNames);

            // TODO:
            // Report:
            // Reflectors On
            // Mass:      9,999,999 Kg
            // Speed:          0.0 m/s
            // Power Usage:      0.05%
            // Reactors:     12,999 GW
            // Thrusts:            999
            // Gyros:              999
            // Fuel Time:        0 sec