PKHeX.PKX.getRandomEVs C# (CSharp) Method

getRandomEVs() static private method

static private getRandomEVs ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]
        internal static byte[] getRandomEVs()
            byte[] evs = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBA, 0xBE }; // ha ha, just to start off above 510!

            while (evs.Sum(b => (ushort)b) > 510) // recalculate random EVs...
                evs[0] = (byte)Math.Min(Util.rnd32() % 300, 252); // bias two to get maybe 252
                evs[1] = (byte)Math.Min(Util.rnd32() % 300, 252);
                evs[2] = (byte)Math.Min(((Util.rnd32()) % (510 - evs[0] - evs[1])), 252);
                evs[3] = (byte)Math.Min(((Util.rnd32()) % (510 - evs[0] - evs[1] - evs[2])), 252);
                evs[4] = (byte)Math.Min(((Util.rnd32()) % (510 - evs[0] - evs[1] - evs[2] - evs[3])), 252);
                evs[5] = (byte)Math.Min((510 - evs[0] - evs[1] - evs[2] - evs[3] - evs[4]), 252);
            return evs;
        internal static byte getBaseFriendship(int species)