ConcaveCollider.ReadVrml C# (CSharp) Method

ReadVrml() public static method

public static ReadVrml ( string contents, ProgressDelegate progress, string debugNameObj = "???" ) : List
contents string
progress ProgressDelegate
debugNameObj string
return List
    public static List<Mesh> ReadVrml(string contents, ProgressDelegate progress, string debugNameObj = "???")
        if (progress != null)
            progress("Loading Vrml file", 0.0f);
        List<Mesh> ret = new List<Mesh>();
        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(contents,
            "Group {.*?"
            + "point\\s*\\[(?<verts>[^\\]]+).*?"
            + "coordIndex\\s*\\[(?<indices>[^\\]]+)"
            + "",
            RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
        int meshCounter = 0;
        foreach(Match m in matches)
            if (progress != null)
                progress("Converting Vrml file to Unity meshes", 100f * (meshCounter + 0.5f) / matches.Count);
            Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();
            MatchCollection vertMatches = Regex.Matches(m.Groups["verts"].Value,
                "^\\s*(?<x>-?\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\s+(?<y>-?\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\s+(?<z>-?\\d*\\.?\\d+),", RegexOptions.Multiline);
            MatchCollection indexMatches = Regex.Matches(m.Groups["indices"].Value,
                "^\\s*(?<x>\\d+),\\s+(?<y>\\d+),\\s+(?<z>\\d+),", RegexOptions.Multiline);
        //            Debug.LogFormat("Found match: v:{3}-{0},i:{4}-{1}, all:{2}", m.Groups["verts"].Value, m.Groups["indices"].Value, m.Value, vertMatches.Count, indexMatches.Count * 3);
            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[vertMatches.Count];
            int[] indices = new int[indexMatches.Count * 3];
            int itrCounter = 0;
            // Have to reflect the x value for some reason
            foreach(Match vm in vertMatches)
                verts[itrCounter++] = new Vector3(-float.Parse(vm.Groups["x"].Value), float.Parse(vm.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(vm.Groups["z"].Value));
            itrCounter = 0;
            foreach(Match im in indexMatches)
                indices[itrCounter++] = int.Parse(im.Groups["x"].Value);
                indices[itrCounter++] = int.Parse(im.Groups["y"].Value);
                indices[itrCounter++] = int.Parse(im.Groups["z"].Value);
            newMesh.vertices  = verts;
            newMesh.triangles = indices;
            // This checks the number of triangles in the each mesh and ignores
            // the larger meshes. Probably for performance issues.
            // newMesh.triangles.Length actually spits out three time the number of triangles!
            if (newMesh.triangles.Length > 765)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("Too many triangles in vrml mesh for {0}! Found {1}", debugNameObj, newMesh.triangles.Length);
            else if (newMesh.triangles.Length < 3)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat ("Insufficient vertices to form a triangle in vrml mesh for {0}! Found {1}", debugNameObj, newMesh.triangles.Length);
        return ret;