fCraft.ConfigGUI.MainForm.FillToolTipsRanks C# (CSharp) Метод

FillToolTipsRanks() приватный Метод

private FillToolTipsRanks ( ) : void
Результат void
        private void FillToolTipsRanks()
            toolTip.SetToolTip( xAllowSecurityCircumvention,
            @"Allows players to manupulate whitelists/blacklists or rank requirements
            in order to join restricted worlds, or to build in worlds/zones. Normally
            players with ManageWorlds and ManageZones permissions are not allowed to do this.
            Affected commands:
            /ZEdit" );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( bAddRank, "Add a new rank to the list." );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( bDeleteRank,
            @"Delete a rank from the list. You will be prompted to specify a replacement
            rank - to be able to convert old references to the deleted rank." );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( bRaiseRank,
            @"Raise a rank (and all players of the rank) on the hierarchy.
            The hierarchy is used for all permission checks." );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( bLowerRank,
            @"Lower a rank (and all players of the rank) on the hierarchy.
            The hierarchy is used for all permission checks." );

            const string tipRankName =
            "Name of the rank - between 2 and 16 alphanumeric characters.";
            toolTip.SetToolTip( lRankName, tipRankName );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( tRankName, tipRankName );

            const string tipRankColor =
            @"Color associated with this rank.
            Rank colors may be applied to player and world names.";
            toolTip.SetToolTip( lRankColor, tipRankColor );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( bColorRank, tipRankColor );

            const string tipPrefix =
            @"1-character prefix that may be shown above player names.
            The option to show prefixes in chat is on ""General"" tab.";
            toolTip.SetToolTip( lPrefix, tipPrefix );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( tPrefix, tipPrefix );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Kick],
            @"Limit on who can be kicked by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only kick players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Ban],
            @"Limit on who can be banned by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only ban players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Promote],
            @"Limit on how much can players of this rank promote others.
            By default, players can only promote up to the same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Demote],
            @"Limit on whom players of this rank can demote.
            By default, players can only demote players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Hide],
            @"Limit on whom can players of this rank hide from.
            By default, players can only hide from players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Freeze],
            @"Limit on who can be frozen by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only freeze players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Mute],
            @"Limit on who can be muted by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only mute players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Bring],
            @"Limit on who can be brought (forcibly teleported) by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only bring players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.Spectate],
            @"Limit on who can be spectated by players of this rank.
            By default, players can only bring players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( permissionLimitBoxes[Permission.UndoOthersActions],
            @"Limit on whose actions players of this rank can undo.
            By default, players can only undo actions of players of same or lower rank." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( xReserveSlot,
            @"Allows players of this rank to join the server
            even if it reached the maximum number of players." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( HiddenBox,
            @"Hides this rank from the /Ranks command" );

            const string tipKickIdle = "Allows kicking players who have been inactive/AFK for some time.";
            toolTip.SetToolTip( xKickIdle, tipKickIdle );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( nKickIdle, tipKickIdle );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( lKickIdleUnits, tipKickIdle );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( xAntiGrief,
            @"Antigrief is an automated system for kicking players who build
            or delete at abnormally high rates. This helps stop certain kinds
            of malicious software (like MCTunnel) from doing large-scale damage
            to server maps. False positives can sometimes occur if server or
            player connection is very laggy." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( nAntiGriefBlocks,
            @"Maximum number of blocks that players of this rank are
            allowed to build in a specified time period." );

            toolTip.SetToolTip( nAntiGriefBlocks,
            @"Minimum time interval that players of this rank are
            expected to spent to build a specified number of blocks." );

            const string tipDrawLimit =
            @"Limit on the number of blocks that a player is
            allowed to affect with drawing or copy/paste commands
            at one time. If unchecked, there is no limit.";
            toolTip.SetToolTip( xDrawLimit, tipDrawLimit );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( nDrawLimit, tipDrawLimit );
            toolTip.SetToolTip( lDrawLimitUnits, tipDrawLimit );

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Ban].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to ban/unban other players from the server.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.BanAll].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to ban/unban a player account, his IP, and all other accounts that used the IP.
            BanAll/UnbanAll commands can be used on players who keep evading bans.
            Required permissions: Ban & BanIP
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.BanIP].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to ban/unban players by IP.
            Required permission: Ban
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Basscannon].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to kick a player with stlye.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Bring].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to bring/summon other players to your location.
            This works a bit like reverse-teleport - other player is sent to you.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.BringAll].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to bring/summon many players at a time to your location.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.BroMode].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to activate BroMode.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Build].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to place blocks on maps. This is a baseline permission
            that can be overridden by world-specific and zone-specific permissions.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Chat].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to chat and PM players. Note that players without this
            permission can still type in commands, receive PMs, and read chat.
            Affected commands:
            @ (pm)
            @@ (rank chat)";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ChatWithCaps].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to chat with caps without restrictions.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.CopyAndPaste].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to copy (or cut) and paste blocks. The total number of
            blocks that can be copied or pasted at a time is affected by
            the draw limit.
            Affected commands:
            /Paste, /PasteNot

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Delete].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to delete or replace blocks on maps. This is a baseline permission
            that can be overridden by world-specific and zone-specific permissions.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.DeleteAdmincrete].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to delete admincrete (aka adminium) blocks. Even if someone
            has this permission, it can be overridden by world-specific and
            zone-specific permissions.
            Required permission: Delete";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Demote].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to demote other players to a lower rank.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Draw].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use drawing tools (commands capable of affecting many blocks
            at once). This permission can be overridden by world-specific and
            zone-specific permissions.
            Required permission: Build, Delete
            Affected commands:
            /Cuboid, /CuboidH, and /CuboidW
            /Ellipsoid and /EllipsoidH
            /Replace and /ReplaceNot
            /Undo and /Redo";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.DrawAdvanced].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use advanced drawing tools, such as brushes.
            Required permission: Build, Delete, Draw
            Affected commands:
            /Sphere and /SphereH

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.EditPlayerDB].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to edit the player database directly. This also adds the ability to
            promote/demote players by name, even if they have not visited the server yet.
            Also allows to manipulate players' records, and to promote/demote players in batches.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Fireworks].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to create fireworks.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Freeze].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to freeze/unfreeze players. Frozen players cannot
            move or build/delete.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Gtfo].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to kick a player without saving it to the DB.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Gun].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use a gun.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Hide].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to appear hidden from other players. You can still chat,
            build/delete blocks, use all commands, and join worlds while hidden.
            Hidden players are completely invisible to other players.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.HideRanks].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to hide ranks from the /ranks list.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.HighFive].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to give a player a HighFive.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Import].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to import rank and ban lists from files. Useful if you
            are switching from another server software.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Immortal].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to become immortal.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Kick].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to kick players from the server.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Kill].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to kill players.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Lock].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to lock/unlock maps (locking puts a world into read-only state.)
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.MakeVoteKicks].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to vote to kick a player.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.MakeVotes].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to create votes.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ManageWorlds].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to manipulate the world list: adding, renaming, and deleting worlds,
            loading/saving maps, change per-world permissions, and using the map generator.
            Affected commands:
            /WAccess and /WBuild

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ManageBlockDB].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to enable/disable, clear, and configure BlockDB.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ManagePortal].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to create, edit, and delete portals.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ManageZones].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to manipulate zones: adding, editing, renaming, and removing zones.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Moderation].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to mute everyone in the server, useful for announcements.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Mute].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to temporarily mute players. Muted players cannot write chat or
            send PMs, but they can still type in commands, receive PMs, and read chat.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Patrol].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to patrol lower-ranked players. ""Patrolling"" means teleporting
            to other players to check on them, usually while hidden.
            Required permission: Teleport
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Physics].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to activate Physics on a world.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.PlaceAdmincrete].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to place admincrete/adminium. This also affects draw commands.
            Required permission: Build
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.PlaceGrass].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to place grass blocks. This also affects draw commands.
            Required permission: Build
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.PlaceLava].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to place lava blocks. This also affects draw commands.
            Required permission: Build
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.PlaceWater].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to place water blocks. This also affects draw commands.
            Required permission: Build
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Possess].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to possess a player.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Promote].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to promote players to a higher rank.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.RageQuit].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to ragequit from the server.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ReadAdminChat].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to read Admin chat.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ReadCustomChat].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to read Custom chat.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ReadStaffChat].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to read staff chat.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Realm].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to create realms.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ReloadConfig].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to reload the configuration file without restarting.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Say].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use /Say command.
            Required permission: Chat
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.SetSpawn].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to change the spawn point of a world or a player.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ShutdownServer].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to shut down or restart the server remotely.
            Useful for servers that run on dedicated machines.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Slap].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to slap players.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Spectate].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to spectate/follow other players in first-person view.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Swear].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use swear words without restrictions";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Teleport].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to teleport to other players.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.TempBan].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to temporarily ban a player.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Tower].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to create a Tower.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Troll].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to troll players.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.UndoOthersActions].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to undo actions of other players, using the BlockDB.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.UseColorCodes].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use color codes in chat messages.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.UsePortal].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to use portals (not be confused with ManagePortal).";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.UseSpeedHack].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to move at a faster-than-normal rate (using hacks).
            WARNING: Speedhack detection is often inaccurate, and may produce many
            false positives - especially on laggy servers.";

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.Warn].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to warn a player.
            Affected command:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ViewOthersInfo].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to view extended information about other players.
            Affected commands:

            vPermissions.Items[( int )Permission.ViewPlayerIPs].ToolTipText =
            @"Ability to view players' IP addresses.
            Affected commands:
            /BanIP, /BanAll, /UnbanIP, /UnbanAll";