QLNet.SwaptionVolatilityMatrix.checkInputs C# (CSharp) Метод

checkInputs() приватный Метод

private checkInputs ( int volRows, int volsColumns ) : void
volRows int
volsColumns int
Результат void
        private void checkInputs(int volRows,
            int volsColumns)
            if(!(nOptionTenors_ == volRows))
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch between number of option dates (" +
                   nOptionTenors_ + ") and number of rows (" + volRows +
                   ") in the vol matrix");
            if(!(nSwapTenors_ == volsColumns))
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch between number of swap tenors (" +
                       nSwapTenors_ + ") and number of rows (" + volsColumns +
                       ") in the vol matrix");