Kinect.FacetrackingManager.GetUserShapeUnits C# (CSharp) Метод

GetUserShapeUnits() публичный Метод

Gets all animation units for the specified user.
public GetUserShapeUnits ( long userId, float>.Dictionary &dictShapeUnits ) : bool
userId long User ID
dictShapeUnits float>.Dictionary Shape units dictionary, to get the results.
Результат bool
        public bool GetUserShapeUnits(long userId, ref Dictionary<KinectInterop.FaceShapeDeformations, float> dictShapeUnits)
            if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
                bool bGotIt = sensorData.sensorInterface.GetShapeUnits(userId, ref dictShapeUnits);
                return bGotIt;

            return false;