BrickPi.Movement.Vehicule.TurnLeft C# (CSharp) Метод

TurnLeft() публичный Метод

Turn the vehicule left by the specified number of degrees for each motor. So 360 will do 1 motor turn. You need to do some math to have the actual vehicule turning fully at 360. It depends of the reduction used.
public TurnLeft ( int speed, int degrees ) : void
speed int speed is between -255 and +255
degrees int degrees to turn each motor
Результат void
        public void TurnLeft(int speed, int degrees)
            RunMotorSyncDegrees(new BrickPortMotor[2] { portleft, PortRight }, new int[2] { -speed * correctedDir, speed * correctedDir }, new int[2] { degrees, degrees } ).Wait();