Axiom.Serialization.MaterialSerializer.ParseVertexProgram C# (CSharp) Метод

ParseVertexProgram() приватный Метод

private ParseVertexProgram ( string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context ) : bool
parameters string
context MaterialScriptContext
Результат bool
		protected static bool ParseVertexProgram( string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context )
			// update section
			context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Program;

			// create new program definition-in-progress
			context.programDef = new MaterialScriptProgramDefinition();
			context.programDef.progType = GpuProgramType.Vertex;
			context.programDef.supportsSkeletalAnimation = false;
			context.programDef.supportsMorphAnimation = false;
			context.programDef.poseAnimationCount = 0;

			// get name and language code
			string[] values = parameters.Split( new char[] { ' ', '\t' } );

			if ( values.Length != 2 )
				LogParseError( context, "Invalid vertex_program entry - expected 2 parameters." );
				return true;

			// name, preserve case = values[ 0 ];
			// language code, make lower case
			context.programDef.language = values[ 1 ].ToLower();

			// return true, because this must be followed by a {
			return true;