Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna.XnaTexture.CreateSurfaceList C# (CSharp) Method

CreateSurfaceList() private method

private CreateSurfaceList ( ) : void
return void
		private void CreateSurfaceList()
			//Debug.Assert( this._texture != null, "texture must be intialized." );
			XFG.Texture2D texture = null;

			// Make sure number of mips is right
			if ( Usage != TextureUsage.RenderTarget )
				_mipmapCount = this._texture.LevelCount - 1;

			// Need to know static / dynamic
			BufferUsage bufusage;
			if ( ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.Dynamic ) != 0 ) && this._dynamicTextures )
				bufusage = BufferUsage.Dynamic;
				bufusage = BufferUsage.Static;

			if ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
				bufusage = (BufferUsage)( (int)bufusage | (int)TextureUsage.RenderTarget );

			// If we already have the right number of surfaces, just update the old list
			bool updateOldList = ( this._surfaceList.Count == ( faceCount * ( MipmapCount + 1 ) ) );
			if ( !updateOldList )
				// Create new list of surfaces
				for ( int face = 0; face < faceCount; ++face )
					for ( int mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
						XnaHardwarePixelBuffer buffer = new XnaHardwarePixelBuffer( bufusage );
						this._surfaceList.Add( buffer );

			switch ( TextureType )
				case TextureType.OneD:
				case TextureType.TwoD:
					Debug.Assert( this._normTexture != null, "texture must be intialized." );

					// instead of passing a new texture2d to the hardware pixel buffer that wont have any reference to this normalTexture,
					// we pass the normTexture and bind each mip level
					// not sure but seems to work, each hardwarePixelBuffer will have the same reference to this same texture,
					// but with different mips level, that will be updated with SetData(miplevel,ect...)

					// This is required because .GetData<byte>( level ... ) copies the data from the buffer whereas in DX GetSurfaceLevel
					// creates a new Surface object that references the same data.
					// - borrillis

					if ( Usage == TextureUsage.RenderTarget )
						this.GetSurfaceAtLevel( 0, 0 ).Bind( this._device, renderTarget, updateOldList );
					else// For all mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
						for ( ushort mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
							this.GetSurfaceAtLevel( 0, mip ).Bind( this._device, _normTexture, mip, updateOldList );

				case TextureType.CubeMap:
					Debug.Assert( _cubeTexture != null, "texture must be initialized." );

					// For all faces and mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
					//for ( int face = 0; face < 6; ++face )
					//    for ( int mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
					//    {
					//        this.GetSurfaceAtLevel( face, mip ).Bind( this._device, _cubeTexture, face, mip, updateOldList );
					//    }


				case TextureType.ThreeD:
					Debug.Assert( _volumeTexture != null, "texture must be intialized." );

					// For all mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
					// TODO - Load Volume Textures

					for ( int mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
						this.GetSurfaceAtLevel( 0, mip ).Bind( this._device, _volumeTexture, updateOldList );


			// Set autogeneration of mipmaps for each face of the texture, if it is enabled
			if ( ( RequestedMipmapCount != 0 ) && ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 ) )
				for ( int face = 0; face < faceCount; ++face )
					this.GetSurfaceAtLevel( face, 0 ).SetMipmapping( true, MipmapsHardwareGenerated, this._texture );