OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneObjectPart.TestIntersectionOBB C# (CSharp) Method

TestIntersectionOBB() public method

public TestIntersectionOBB ( Ray iray, Quaternion parentrot, bool frontFacesOnly, bool faceCenters ) : EntityIntersection
iray Ray
parentrot Quaternion
frontFacesOnly bool
faceCenters bool
return EntityIntersection
        public EntityIntersection TestIntersectionOBB(Ray iray, Quaternion parentrot, bool frontFacesOnly, bool faceCenters)
            // In this case we're using a rectangular prism, which has 6 faces and therefore 6 planes
            // This breaks down into the ray---> plane equation.
            // TODO: Change to take shape into account
            Vector3[] vertexes = new Vector3[8];

            // float[] distance = new float[6];
            Vector3[] FaceA = new Vector3[6]; // vertex A for Facei
            Vector3[] FaceB = new Vector3[6]; // vertex B for Facei
            Vector3[] FaceC = new Vector3[6]; // vertex C for Facei
            Vector3[] FaceD = new Vector3[6]; // vertex D for Facei

            Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[6]; // Normal for Facei
            Vector3[] AAfacenormals = new Vector3[6]; // Axis Aligned face normals

            AAfacenormals[0] = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            AAfacenormals[1] = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            AAfacenormals[2] = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
            AAfacenormals[3] = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
            AAfacenormals[4] = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            AAfacenormals[5] = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

            Vector3 AmBa = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Vertex A - Vertex B
            Vector3 AmBb = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Vertex B - Vertex C
            Vector3 cross = new Vector3();

            Vector3 pos = GetWorldPosition();
            Quaternion rot = GetWorldRotation();

            // Variables prefixed with AX are Axiom.Math copies of the LL variety.

            Quaternion AXrot = rot;

            Vector3 AXpos = pos;

            // tScale is the offset to derive the vertex based on the scale.
            // it's different for each vertex because we've got to rotate it
            // to get the world position of the vertex to produce the Oriented Bounding Box

            Vector3 tScale = Vector3.Zero;

            Vector3 AXscale = new Vector3(m_shape.Scale.X * 0.5f, m_shape.Scale.Y * 0.5f, m_shape.Scale.Z * 0.5f);

            //Vector3 pScale = (AXscale) - (AXrot.Inverse() * (AXscale));
            //Vector3 nScale = (AXscale * -1) - (AXrot.Inverse() * (AXscale * -1));

            // rScale is the rotated offset to find a vertex based on the scale and the world rotation.
            Vector3 rScale = new Vector3();

            // Get Vertexes for Faces Stick them into ABCD for each Face
            // Form: Face<vertex>[face] that corresponds to the below diagram
            #region ABCD Face Vertex Map Comment Diagram
            //                   A _________ B
            //                    |         |
            //                    |  4 top  |
            //                    |_________|
            //                   C           D

            //                   A _________ B
            //                    |  Back   |
            //                    |    3    |
            //                    |_________|
            //                   C           D

            //   A _________ B                     B _________ A
            //    |  Left   |                       |  Right  |
            //    |    0    |                       |    2    |
            //    |_________|                       |_________|
            //   C           D                     D           C

            //                   A _________ B
            //                    |  Front  |
            //                    |    1    |
            //                    |_________|
            //                   C           D

            //                   C _________ D
            //                    |         |
            //                    |  5 bot  |
            //                    |_________|
            //                   A           B

            #region Plane Decomposition of Oriented Bounding Box
            tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[0] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
               // vertexes[0].X = pos.X + vertexes[0].X;
            //vertexes[0].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[0].Y;
            //vertexes[0].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[0].Z;

            FaceA[0] = vertexes[0];
            FaceB[3] = vertexes[0];
            FaceA[4] = vertexes[0];

            tScale = AXscale;
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[1] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

               // vertexes[1].X = pos.X + vertexes[1].X;
               // vertexes[1].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[1].Y;
            //vertexes[1].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[1].Z;

            FaceB[0] = vertexes[1];
            FaceA[1] = vertexes[1];
            FaceC[4] = vertexes[1];

            tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;

            vertexes[2] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

            //vertexes[2].X = pos.X + vertexes[2].X;
            //vertexes[2].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[2].Y;
            //vertexes[2].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[2].Z;

            FaceC[0] = vertexes[2];
            FaceD[3] = vertexes[2];
            FaceC[5] = vertexes[2];

            tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[3] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

            //vertexes[3].X = pos.X + vertexes[3].X;
               // vertexes[3].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[3].Y;
               // vertexes[3].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[3].Z;

            FaceD[0] = vertexes[3];
            FaceC[1] = vertexes[3];
            FaceA[5] = vertexes[3];

            tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[4] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

               // vertexes[4].X = pos.X + vertexes[4].X;
               // vertexes[4].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[4].Y;
               // vertexes[4].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[4].Z;

            FaceB[1] = vertexes[4];
            FaceA[2] = vertexes[4];
            FaceD[4] = vertexes[4];

            tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[5] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

               // vertexes[5].X = pos.X + vertexes[5].X;
               // vertexes[5].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[5].Y;
               // vertexes[5].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[5].Z;

            FaceD[1] = vertexes[5];
            FaceC[2] = vertexes[5];
            FaceB[5] = vertexes[5];

            tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[6] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

               // vertexes[6].X = pos.X + vertexes[6].X;
               // vertexes[6].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[6].Y;
               // vertexes[6].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[6].Z;

            FaceB[2] = vertexes[6];
            FaceA[3] = vertexes[6];
            FaceB[4] = vertexes[6];

            tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
            rScale = tScale * AXrot;
            vertexes[7] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));

               // vertexes[7].X = pos.X + vertexes[7].X;
               // vertexes[7].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[7].Y;
               // vertexes[7].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[7].Z;

            FaceD[2] = vertexes[7];
            FaceC[3] = vertexes[7];
            FaceD[5] = vertexes[7];

            // Get our plane normals
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                //m_log.Info("[FACECALCULATION]: FaceA[" + i + "]=" + FaceA[i] + " FaceB[" + i + "]=" + FaceB[i] + " FaceC[" + i + "]=" + FaceC[i] + " FaceD[" + i + "]=" + FaceD[i]);

                // Our Plane direction
                AmBa = FaceA[i] - FaceB[i];
                AmBb = FaceB[i] - FaceC[i];

                cross = Vector3.Cross(AmBb, AmBa);

                // normalize the cross product to get the normal.
                normals[i] = cross / cross.Length();

                //m_log.Info("[NORMALS]: normals[ " + i + "]" + normals[i].ToString());
                //distance[i] = (normals[i].X * AmBa.X + normals[i].Y * AmBa.Y + normals[i].Z * AmBa.Z) * -1;

            EntityIntersection result = new EntityIntersection();

            result.distance = 1024;
            float c = 0;
            float a = 0;
            float d = 0;
            Vector3 q = new Vector3();

            #region OBB Version 2 Experiment
            //float fmin = 999999;
            //float fmax = -999999;
            //float s = 0;

            //for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
                //s = iray.Direction.Dot(normals[i]);
                //d = normals[i].Dot(FaceB[i]);

                //if (s == 0)
                    //if (iray.Origin.Dot(normals[i]) > d)
                        //return result;
                   // else
                //a = (d - iray.Origin.Dot(normals[i])) / s;
                //if (iray.Direction.Dot(normals[i]) < 0)
                    //if (a > fmax)
                        //if (a > fmin)
                            //return result;
                        //fmax = a;

                    //if (a < fmin)
                        //if (a < 0 || a < fmax)
                            //return result;
                        //fmin = a;
            //if (fmax > 0)
            //    a= fmax;
               //     a=fmin;

            //q = iray.Origin + a * iray.Direction;

            // Loop over faces (6 of them)
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                AmBa = FaceA[i] - FaceB[i];
                AmBb = FaceB[i] - FaceC[i];
                d = Vector3.Dot(normals[i], FaceB[i]);

                //if (faceCenters)
                //    c = normals[i].Dot(normals[i]);
                c = Vector3.Dot(iray.Direction, normals[i]);
                if (c == 0)

                a = (d - Vector3.Dot(iray.Origin, normals[i])) / c;

                if (a < 0)

                // If the normal is pointing outside the object
                if (Vector3.Dot(iray.Direction, normals[i]) < 0 || !frontFacesOnly)
                    //if (faceCenters)
                    //{   //(FaceA[i] + FaceB[i] + FaceC[1] + FaceD[i]) / 4f;
                    //    q =  iray.Origin + a * normals[i];
                        q = iray.Origin + iray.Direction * a;

                    float distance2 = (float)GetDistanceTo(q, AXpos);
                    // Is this the closest hit to the object's origin?
                    //if (faceCenters)
                    //    distance2 = (float)GetDistanceTo(q, iray.Origin);

                    if (distance2 < result.distance)
                        result.distance = distance2;
                        result.HitTF = true;
                        result.ipoint = q;
                        //m_log.Info("[FACE]:" + i.ToString());
                        //m_log.Info("[POINT]: " + q.ToString());
                        //m_log.Info("[DIST]: " + distance2.ToString());
                        if (faceCenters)
                            result.normal = AAfacenormals[i] * AXrot;

                            Vector3 scaleComponent = AAfacenormals[i];
                            float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
                            if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.X;
                            if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.Y;
                            if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.Z;
                            ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
                            Vector3 offset = result.normal * ScaleOffset;
                            result.ipoint = AXpos + offset;

                            ///pos = (intersectionpoint + offset);
                            result.normal = normals[i];
                        result.AAfaceNormal = AAfacenormals[i];
            return result;

Usage Example

Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a point on a prim which is the reflection point of 2 points (pointFrom and pointTo). 
        /// This method uses the concept of "angle of incident = angle of rreflection" then solve
        /// that equation. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointFrom">Source</param>
        /// <param name="pointTo">Target</param>
        /// <param name="part">a prim which is used as a reflection surface</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReflectionPoint findReflectionPoint(Vector3 pointFrom, Vector3 pointTo, SceneObjectPart part)
            float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
            bool xIsZero = true, yIsZero = true, zIsZero = true;

            //Get a vector from start to the prim absolute position. Use that vector to test intersection
            //and get the normal of the prim. 

            Vector3 direction = part.AbsolutePosition - pointFrom;
            EntityIntersection intersection = part.TestIntersectionOBB(new Ray(pointFrom, direction), part.ParentGroup.GroupRotation, true, false);

            //Return false if the ray hits nothing.
            if (!intersection.HitTF)
                return new ReflectionPoint();

            if (intersection.normal.X != 0) { xIsZero = false; }
            if (intersection.normal.Y != 0) { yIsZero = false; }
            if (intersection.normal.Z != 0) { zIsZero = false; }

            //Note: We can get rid of the first three if(else) statement below. But for computation result, 
            //it is better to use them as the 'last else' statement is quite computationally intensive. 

            if (!xIsZero && yIsZero && zIsZero) //{1, 0, 0}
                x = intersection.ipoint.X;
                y = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.Y, pointTo.Y, x, pointFrom.X, pointTo.X);
                z = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.Z, pointTo.Z, x, pointFrom.X, pointTo.X);
            else if (xIsZero && !yIsZero && zIsZero) //{0, 1, 0}
                y = intersection.ipoint.Y;
                x = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.X, pointTo.X, y, pointFrom.Y, pointTo.Y);
                z = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.Z, pointTo.Z, y, pointFrom.Y, pointTo.Y);
            else if (xIsZero && yIsZero && !zIsZero) //{0, 0, 1}
                z = intersection.ipoint.Z;
                x = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.X, pointTo.X, z, pointFrom.Z, pointTo.Z);
                y = solvePointEquation(pointFrom.Y, pointTo.Y, z, pointFrom.Z, pointTo.Z);

            else if (xIsZero && yIsZero && zIsZero)
                throw new Exception("There is no such normal vector which has x, y, and z = 0");

            //else create a virtual enviroment where the reflection plane has a normal to be x-axis.
            //Find the reflection point on that virtual plane, then rotate it back to map the prim surface.

                //Initialise all the required rotation variables

                Quaternion partRotation = Vector3.RotationBetween(intersection.normal, new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                Quaternion inverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(partRotation);
                Matrix4 partRotationM = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(partRotation);
                Matrix4 inverseRotationM = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(inverseRotation);

                //Direction vectors from prim absolute position to pointFrom, pointTo, and the intersection point.

                Vector3 newPointFrom = pointFrom - part.AbsolutePosition;
                Vector3 newPointTo = pointTo - part.AbsolutePosition;
                Vector3 newIntersection = intersection.ipoint - part.AbsolutePosition;

                //Rotate those directions vectors so that they map on a plane where normal = x-axis

                newPointFrom = Vector3.Transform(newPointFrom, partRotationM);
                newPointTo = Vector3.Transform(newPointTo, partRotationM);
                newIntersection = Vector3.Transform(newIntersection, partRotationM);

                //Convert those directions vectors back into a point

                newPointFrom += part.AbsolutePosition;
                newPointTo += part.AbsolutePosition;
                newIntersection += part.AbsolutePosition;

                //Now we calculate the relfection point by solving the equation.

                x = newIntersection.X;
                y = solvePointEquation(newPointFrom.Y, newPointTo.Y, x, newPointFrom.X, newPointTo.X);
                z = solvePointEquation(newPointFrom.Z, newPointTo.Z, x, newPointFrom.X, newPointTo.X);

                //Rotate the reflection point back to map the original prim surface.

                Vector3 virtualReflectionPoint = new Vector3(x, y, z) - part.AbsolutePosition;
                virtualReflectionPoint = Vector3.Transform(virtualReflectionPoint, inverseRotationM);
                virtualReflectionPoint += part.AbsolutePosition;

                //Set result x, y and z.

                x = virtualReflectionPoint.X;
                y = virtualReflectionPoint.Y;
                z = virtualReflectionPoint.Z;

            //Check if the found reflection point (x, y, and z) is actually on the prim surface. 
            //If yes then return that point and true. If not then return point(0, 0, 0) and false;

            ReflectionPoint reflectionPoint = new ReflectionPoint(new Vector3(x, y, z), true);
            if (checkPointIntersectPrim(reflectionPoint.reflectionPoint, part, 0.1f))
                reflectionPoint.surfaceMaterial = part.Material;
                return reflectionPoint;
            else { return new ReflectionPoint(); }