AForge.Robotics.Surveyor.SRV1Camera.WorkerThread C# (CSharp) Method

WorkerThread() private method

Worker thread.
private WorkerThread ( ) : void
return void
        private void WorkerThread( )
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch( );

            // buffer to read stream into
            byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

            while ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) )
                    stopWatch.Reset( );
                    stopWatch.Start( );

                    int bytesRead = communicator.SendAndReceive( new byte[] { (byte) 'I' }, buffer );

                    bytesReceived += bytesRead;

                    if ( bytesRead > 10 )
                        // check for image reply signature
                        if (
                            ( buffer[0] == (byte) '#' ) &&
                            ( buffer[1] == (byte) '#' ) &&
                            ( buffer[2] == (byte) 'I' ) &&
                            ( buffer[3] == (byte) 'M' ) &&
                            ( buffer[4] == (byte) 'J' ) )
                            // extract image size
                            int imageSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt32( buffer, 6 );

                            if ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) )
                                    // decode image from memory stream
                                    Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) Bitmap.FromStream( new MemoryStream( buffer, 10, imageSize ) );

                                    // let subscribers know if there are any
                                    if ( NewFrame != null )
                                        NewFrame( this, new NewFrameEventArgs( bitmap ) );

                                    bitmap.Dispose( );

                                // wait for a while ?
                                if ( frameInterval > 0 )
                                    // get download duration
                                    stopWatch.Stop( );

                                    // miliseconds to sleep
                                    int msec = frameInterval - (int) stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                                    while ( ( msec > 0 ) && ( stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) == false ) )
                                        // sleeping ...
                                        Thread.Sleep( ( msec < 100 ) ? msec : 100 );
                                        msec -= 100;
                    if ( VideoSourceError != null )
                        VideoSourceError( this, new VideoSourceErrorEventArgs( "Failed receiving video frame from SRV-1." ) );

            stopWatch.Stop( );

            if ( PlayingFinished != null )
                PlayingFinished( this, ReasonToFinishPlaying.StoppedByUser );