UnityEngine.GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag C# (CSharp) 메소드

FindGameObjectsWithTag() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static FindGameObjectsWithTag ( string tag ) : UnityEngine.GameObject[]
tag string
리턴 UnityEngine.GameObject[]
		public static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag){}
		public void SendMessageUpwards(string methodName, System.Object value, SendMessageOptions options){}

Usage Example

예제 #1
 private NavMeshAgent MyAgent;  //instantiates a navmeshagent named MyAgent
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     EnemyHealth         = 100;                                                //sets EnemyHealth to 100
     waypoints           = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EnemyWayPoint"); // sets waypoint equal to all objects with the tag "EnemyWayPoint"
     MyAgent             = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();                      //sets MyAgent equal to this objects NavMeshAgent
     MyAgent.destination = waypoints[CurrentWaypoint].transform.position;      //sets MyAgents destination equal to the waypoint in the CurrentWayPoint position