MS.Internal.Xml.Cache.XPathNode.Create C# (CSharp) 메소드

Create() 공개 메소드

Constructs a XPathNode. Later, the idxSibling and value fields may be fixed up.
public Create ( XPathNodeInfoAtom info, XPathNodeType xptyp, int idxParent ) : void
info XPathNodeInfoAtom
xptyp XPathNodeType
idxParent int
리턴 void
        public void Create(XPathNodeInfoAtom info, XPathNodeType xptyp, int idxParent) {
            Debug.Assert(info != null && idxParent <= UInt16.MaxValue);
   = info;
            this.props = (uint) xptyp;
            this.idxParent = (ushort) idxParent;

Same methods

XPathNode::Create ( XPathNodePageInfo pageInfo ) : void