A4WaterUtilities.GeoNetTools.TraceFindClosest C# (CSharp) 메소드

TraceFindClosest() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static TraceFindClosest ( double x, double y, IApplication app, string targetFLName, string sWeightName, double snapTol, bool processEvent, bool traceIndeterminate ) : string
x double
y double
app IApplication
targetFLName string
sWeightName string
snapTol double
processEvent bool
traceIndeterminate bool
리턴 string
        public static string TraceFindClosest(double[] x, double[] y, IApplication app, string targetFLName, string sWeightName,
                                double snapTol, bool processEvent, bool traceIndeterminate)
            IMap map = null;

            IProgressDialogFactory pProDFact = null;
            IStepProgressor pStepPro = null;
            IProgressDialog2 pProDlg = null;
            ITrackCancel pTrkCan = null;

            List<IGeometricNetwork> gnList = null;
            int gnIdx;
            IGeometricNetwork gn = null;
            IPoint snappedPoint = null;
            int EID = -1;
            double distanceAlong;
            List<INetFlag> startNetFlag = null;
            List<IFlagDisplay> pFlagsDisplay = null;
            //Find feature classes

            IJunctionFlag[] junctionFlag = null;
            IEdgeFlag[] edgeFlag = null;
            ITraceFlowSolverGEN traceFlowSolver = null;
            INetSolver netSolver = null;
            INetElementBarriersGEN netElementBarriers = null;

            INetElementBarriers nb = null;
            IEnumNetEID juncEIDs = null;
            IEnumNetEID edgeEIDs = null;
            IEIDInfo eidInfo = null;
            IEIDInfo valveEIDInfo = null;
            IEIDInfo sourceEIDInfo = null;
            IEIDInfo vEIDInfo = null;
            List<int[]> userIds = null;

            IEIDHelper eidHelper = null;
            List<Hashtable> valveEIDInfoHT = null;
            Hashtable sourceEIDInfoHT = null;
            System.Object[] segCosts = null;
            ISelectionSetBarriers netElementBarrier = null;

            List<IEdgeFlag> pEdgeFlags = null;
            List<IJunctionFlag> pJunctionFlags = null;
            //List<IEdgeFlag> pEdgeFlagsBar = null;
            //List<IJunctionFlag> pJunctionFlagsBar = null;
            INetElementBarriers pEdgeElementBarriers = null;
            INetElementBarriers pJunctionElementBarriers = null;
            ISelectionSetBarriers pSelectionSetBarriers = null;
            List<INetFlag> pNetFlags;
            //ITraceResult traceRes = null;
            IFlagDisplay pFlagDisplay = null;
            INetworkAnalysisExt pNetAnalysisExt = null;
            UID pID = null;

            IJunctionFlag[] junctionFlags = null;
            IEdgeFlag[] edgeFlags = null;

            List<BarClassIDS> barrierIds = null;

            Hashtable sourceDirectEIDInfoHT = null;
            INetFlag netFlag1 = null;
            INetFlag netFlag2 = null;

            Hashtable htClosestAsset = null;
            IFeatureLayer pClosestLayer = null;
            INetwork pNetwork = null;
            INetSchema pNetSchema = null;
            INetWeight pNetWeight = null;
            INetSolverWeights pNetSolverW = null;

                map = ((app.Document as IMxDocument).FocusMap);

                bool boolCont = true;
                if (processEvent)
                    // Create a CancelTracker
                    pTrkCan = new CancelTrackerClass();
                    // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog
                    pProDFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass();
                    pProDlg = (IProgressDialog2)pProDFact.Create(pTrkCan, 0);

                    // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog
                    pProDlg.CancelEnabled = true;

                    pProDlg.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDesc_15a");
                    pProDlg.Title = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsTitle_15a");

                    pProDlg.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe;

                    // Set the properties of the Step Progressor
                    pStepPro = (IStepProgressor)pProDlg;

                    pStepPro.MinRange = 0;
                    pStepPro.MaxRange = 18;
                    pStepPro.StepValue = 1;
                    pStepPro.Position = 0;
                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_4");

                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_14a");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                    if (!boolCont)

                        pStepPro = null;
                        pProDlg = null;
                        pProDFact = null;
                        return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");
                if (processEvent)
                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_4");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                if (!boolCont)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                gnList = Globals.GetGeometricNetworksCurrentlyVisible(ref map);
                gnIdx = -1;
                if (processEvent)

                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_14a");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                if (!boolCont)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                // Create junction or edge flag at start of trace - also returns geometric network, snapped point, and EID of junction

                if (processEvent)

                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_15a");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                if (!boolCont)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                startNetFlag = new List<INetFlag>();// null;// Globals.GetJunctionFlag(x, y, map, ref gnList, snapTol, ref gnIdx, out snappedPoint, out EID) as INetFlag;
                //if (startNetFlag == null)
                pFlagsDisplay = new List<IFlagDisplay>();
                if (x != null)
                    for (int l = 0; l < x.Length; l++)
                        startNetFlag.Add(Globals.GetEdgeFlag(x[l], y[l], ref  map, ref gnList, snapTol, ref gnIdx, out snappedPoint, out EID, out distanceAlong, out pFlagDisplay, true) as INetFlag);


                //Set network to trace
                if (gnIdx > -1)
                    gn = gnList[gnIdx] as IGeometricNetwork;

                if (app != null)

                    pID = new UID();

                    pID.Value = "esriEditorExt.UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt";
                    pNetAnalysisExt = (INetworkAnalysisExt)app.FindExtensionByCLSID(pID);
                    if (gn != null)
                        Globals.SetCurrentNetwork(ref pNetAnalysisExt, ref gn);

                    traceFlowSolver = Globals.CreateTraceFlowSolverFromToolbar(ref pNetAnalysisExt, out pEdgeFlags, out pJunctionFlags, out pEdgeElementBarriers, out pJunctionElementBarriers, out pSelectionSetBarriers) as ITraceFlowSolverGEN;

                    gn = pNetAnalysisExt.CurrentNetwork;
                    netSolver = traceFlowSolver as INetSolver;

                    if (gn == null || startNetFlag.Count == 0)

                        return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("NoFlagReturnStatement");
                    traceFlowSolver = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN;
                    netSolver = traceFlowSolver as INetSolver;

                    netSolver.SourceNetwork = gn.Network;

                traceFlowSolver.TraceIndeterminateFlow = traceIndeterminate;

                pNetFlags = new List<INetFlag>();

                if (pEdgeFlags != null)
                    foreach (IEdgeFlag pEdFl in pEdgeFlags)

                if (pJunctionFlags != null)

                    foreach (IJunctionFlag pJcFl in pJunctionFlags)
                if (startNetFlag != null)
                    if (startNetFlag.Count > 0)
                        foreach (INetFlag pNF in startNetFlag)
                            if (pNF != null)

                    // pNetFlags.Add((INetFlag)startNetFlag);

                if (pNetFlags.Count == 0)
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AddFlagOrClickReturnStatement");


                // Stop if user point was not on a visible network feature, old trace results and selection are cleared
                if (gn == null || pNetFlags.Count == 0)

                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("NotIntersectReturnStatement");

                bool fndAsLayer = false;
                pClosestLayer = Globals.FindLayer(app, targetFLName, ref fndAsLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                if (pClosestLayer == null)
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("LayerNotFoundReturnStatement");
                if (processEvent)

                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_15a");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                    Globals.AddFlagsToTraceSolver(pNetFlags.ToArray(), ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);

                    traceFlowSolver.FindFlowElements(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, esriFlowElements.esriFEJunctions, out juncEIDs, out edgeEIDs);
                    juncEIDs = null;
                    edgeEIDs = null;
                    if (processEvent)

                        pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + "FindFlowEndElements";
                        boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                    if (!boolCont)

                        pStepPro = null;
                        pProDlg = null;
                        pProDFact = null;
                        return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("DontFindFlowEltReturnStatement");
                    //MessageBox.Show("Error in the FindFlowEndElements");

                eidHelper = new EIDHelperClass();
                eidHelper.GeometricNetwork = gn;
                eidHelper.ReturnFeatures = true;

                //Save valves which stopped the trace
                if (processEvent)

                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_15b");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                if (!boolCont)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                if (pClosestLayer.FeatureClass != null)
                    htClosestAsset = Globals.GetEIDInfoListByFC(pClosestLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureClassID, juncEIDs, eidHelper);


                if (htClosestAsset.Count == 0)
                    if (processEvent)

                        pStepPro.Message = (A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_15b") + targetFLName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsMess_15c"));

                        boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();
                        return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("NoFeaturesReturnStatement");

                if (!boolCont)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                traceFlowSolver = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN;
                traceFlowSolver.TraceIndeterminateFlow = traceIndeterminate;
                netSolver = traceFlowSolver as INetSolver;

                netSolver.SourceNetwork = gn.Network;
                ////Globals.AddFlagsToTraceSolver(startNetFlag.ToArray(), ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);
                //Globals.AddFlagsToTraceSolver(pNetFlags.ToArray(), ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);
                Globals.AddBarriersToSolver(ref traceFlowSolver, ref pEdgeElementBarriers, ref pJunctionElementBarriers, ref pSelectionSetBarriers);
                pNetwork = gn.Network;
                pNetSchema = pNetwork as INetSchema;
                for (int i = 0; i < pNetSchema.WeightCount; i++)
                    pNetWeight = pNetSchema.get_Weight(i);
                    if (pNetWeight.WeightName == sWeightName)

                if (pNetWeight != null)
                    if (pNetWeight.WeightType == esriWeightType.esriWTBitGate || pNetWeight.WeightType == esriWeightType.esriWTNull)
                        pNetWeight = null;
                //Get trace weights
                if (pNetWeight != null)
                    pNetSolverW = traceFlowSolver as INetSolverWeights;
                    pNetSolverW.JunctionWeight = pNetWeight;
                    pNetSolverW.FromToEdgeWeight = pNetWeight;
                    pNetSolverW.ToFromEdgeWeight = pNetWeight;

                double shortest = 9999999.9;
                int pntAlong = 0;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in htClosestAsset)
                    ////Set the first junction flag for path finding based this current valve
                    //netFlag1 = new JunctionFlagClass();
                    //netFlag1.UserClassID = valveEIDInfo.Feature.Class.ObjectClassID;
                    //netFlag1.UserID = valveEIDInfo.Feature.OID;
                    //netFlag1.UserSubID = 0;
                    //netFlag1.Label = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_16a");
                    //AddFlagToTraceSolver(netFlag1, ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);
                    // startNetFlag[0].Label = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_16a");
                    //    startNetFlag[0].UserSubID = 0;

                    //Set the second (and last) trace flag at this source
                    //netFlag2 = new JunctionFlagClass();
                    //eidInfo = entry.Value as IEIDInfo;

                    //netFlag2.UserClassID = eidInfo.Feature.Class.ObjectClassID;
                    //netFlag2.UserID = eidInfo.Feature.OID;
                    //netFlag2.UserSubID = 0;
                    //netFlag2.Label = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_16b");

                    eidInfo = entry.Value as IEIDInfo;
                    IPoint pTmpPnt = eidInfo.Feature.Shape as IPoint;

                    //ref point, ref map, ref gn, snapTol, out snappedPoint,
                    //                             out EID, out distanceAlong, out  pFlagDisplay, Flag);
                    bool Flag = true;
                    netFlag2 = Globals.GetEdgeFlagWithGN(ref pTmpPnt, ref map, ref gn, snapTol, out snappedPoint,
                                                 out EID, out distanceAlong, out  pFlagDisplay, Flag) as INetFlag;
                    // Globals.AddTwoJunctionFlagsToTraceSolver(ref traceFlowSolver, netFlag1, netFlag2);
                    Globals.AddTwoJunctionFlagsToTraceSolver(ref traceFlowSolver, startNetFlag[0], netFlag2);

                    //Run trace
                    segCosts = new System.Object[1];
                    segCosts[0] = new System.Object(); edgeEIDs = null;
                    object pTotalCost = null;
                    IEnumNetEID pJuncSel = null;
                    IEnumNetEID pEdgeSel = null;
                    //traceFlowSolver.FindAccumulation(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, esriFlowElements.esriFEJunctionsAndEdges, out pJuncSel, out pEdgeSel,out pTotalCost);
                    traceFlowSolver.FindPath(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, esriShortestPathObjFn.esriSPObjFnMinSum, out juncEIDs, out edgeEIDs, 1, ref segCosts);
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(segCosts[0]) < shortest)
                        shortest = Convert.ToDouble(segCosts[0]);
                    string test = "";

                    // if (edgeEIDs != null && edgeEIDs.Count > 0)
                    // {
                    //     // foundSource = true;
                    //     // break;
                    // }

                //if (!boolCont)

                //    pStepPro.Hide();
                //    pProDlg.HideDialog();
                //    pStepPro = null;
                //    pProDlg = null;
                //    pProDFact = null;
                //    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");
                //traceFlowSolver = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN;
                //traceFlowSolver.TraceIndeterminateFlow = traceIndeterminate;
                //netSolver = traceFlowSolver as INetSolver;
                //netSolver.SourceNetwork = gn.Network;

                ////Globals.AddFlagsToTraceSolver(startNetFlag.ToArray(), ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);
                //Globals.AddFlagsToTraceSolver(pNetFlags.ToArray(), ref traceFlowSolver, out junctionFlag, out edgeFlag);
                //Globals.AddBarriersToSolver(ref traceFlowSolver, ref pEdgeElementBarriers, ref pJunctionElementBarriers, ref pSelectionSetBarriers);

                ////Set the barriers in the network based on the saved valves
                //netElementBarrier = new SelectionSetBarriersClass();
                //foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in hasSourceValveHT)
                //    eidInfo = entry.Value as IEIDInfo;

                //    //netElementBarrier.Add(valveFC.FeatureClassID, eidInfo.Feature.OID);
                //    netElementBarrier.Add(((IFeatureClass)eidInfo.Feature.Class).FeatureClassID, eidInfo.Feature.OID);
                //netSolver.SelectionSetBarriers = netElementBarrier;

                ////Run last trace
                //traceFlowSolver.FindFlowElements(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, esriFlowElements.esriFEJunctionsAndEdges, out juncEIDs, out edgeEIDs);
                ////skipped valves =>  //Hashtable skippedValvesEIDInfoHT = GetEIDInfoListByFC(valveFC.FeatureClassID, juncEIDs, eidHelper);

                ////Select junction features
                //pointAlong++; //51,44

                ////Open identify dialog with selected features
                //if (processEvent)

                //    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Complete");
                //    pStepPro.Step();
                //    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                //if (!boolCont)

                //    pStepPro.Hide();
                //    pProDlg.HideDialog();
                //    pStepPro = null;
                //    pProDlg = null;
                //    pProDFact = null;
                //    return A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("CanceledReturnStatement");

                //if (snappedPoint != null)
                //    snappedPoint.Project(map.SpatialReference);
                //    // traceRes.TracePoint = snappedPoint;

                //// return "Post1";

                ////Globals.LoadJunctions(ref traceRes, ref gn, ref map, ref juncEIDs, ref meterDSName);
                //// Globals.LoadValves(ref traceRes, ref gn, ref map, ref hasSourceValveHT);

                ////Globals.LoadEdges(ref traceRes, ref gn, ref map, ref edgeEIDs);
                ////Globals.RemoveGraphics(((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap, false);
                //string returnVal = "";
                //returnVal = Globals.SelectJunctions(ref map, ref gn, ref juncEIDs, ref junctionFlag, MeterName, MeterCritField, MeterCritVal, processEvent);
                //if (processEvent)
                //    if (selectEdges)
                //        Globals.SelectEdges(ref map, ref  gn, ref edgeEIDs);
                //    else
                //        Globals.DrawEdges(ref map, ref  gn, ref edgeEIDs);
                //returnVal = Globals.SelectValveJunctions(ref map, ref hasSourceValveHT, ref valveFLs, processEvent) + "_" + returnVal;

                //if (processEvent)
                //    if (pNetAnalysisExt != null)
                //    {
                //        foreach (IFlagDisplay pFgDi in pFlagsDisplay)
                //        {
                //            Globals.AddFlagToGN(ref pNetAnalysisExt, ref gn, pFgDi);

                //            // Globals.AddPointGraphic(map, pFgDi.Geometry as IPoint, false);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        foreach (IFlagDisplay pFgDi in pFlagsDisplay)
                //        {
                //            //  Globals.AddFlagToGN(ref pNetAnalysisExt, ref gn,  pFgDi);

                //            Globals.AddPointGraphic(map, pFgDi.Geometry as IPoint, false);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    Globals.GetCommand("esriArcMapUI.ZoomToSelectedCommand", app).Execute();

                string returnVal = "";
                return returnVal;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
                return ex.Message.ToString();


                barrierIds = null;
                sourceDirectEIDInfoHT = null;
                netFlag1 = null;
                netFlag2 = null;
                junctionFlags = null;
                edgeFlags = null;
                pID = null;

                if (pProDlg != null)

                pStepPro = null;
                pProDlg = null;
                pProDFact = null;

                if (gnList != null)
                    //   Marshal.ReleaseComObject(gnList);
                if (gn != null)
                if (snappedPoint != null)
                if (startNetFlag != null)
                    //   Marshal.ReleaseComObject(startNetFlag);

                if (junctionFlag != null)
                if (edgeFlag != null)
                    // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(edgeFlag);
                if (traceFlowSolver != null)
                if (netSolver != null)
                if (netElementBarriers != null)
                if (nb != null)
                if (juncEIDs != null)
                if (edgeEIDs != null)
                if (eidInfo != null)
                if (valveEIDInfo != null)
                if (sourceEIDInfo != null)
                if (vEIDInfo != null)
                if (userIds != null)
                    // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(userIds);
                if (eidHelper != null)
                if (valveEIDInfoHT != null)
                    //  Marshal.ReleaseComObject(valveEIDInfoHT);
                if (sourceEIDInfoHT != null)
                    //  Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceEIDInfoHT);
                if (segCosts != null)
                    //  Marshal.ReleaseComObject(segCosts);
                if (netElementBarrier != null)
                //if (traceRes != null)
                //    traceRes.Dispose();
                //    // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(traceRes);

                pNetAnalysisExt = null;
                pFlagsDisplay = null;
                pEdgeFlags = null;
                pJunctionFlags = null;
                pNetFlags = null;
                pFlagDisplay = null;
                //pEdgeFlagsBar = null;
                //pJunctionFlagsBar = null;

                gnList = null;

                gn = null;
                snappedPoint = null;

                startNetFlag = null;

                junctionFlag = null;
                edgeFlag = null;
                traceFlowSolver = null;
                netSolver = null;
                netElementBarriers = null;
                nb = null;
                juncEIDs = null;
                edgeEIDs = null;
                eidInfo = null;
                valveEIDInfo = null;
                sourceEIDInfo = null;
                vEIDInfo = null;
                userIds = null;

                eidHelper = null;
                valveEIDInfoHT = null;
                sourceEIDInfoHT = null;
                segCosts = null;
                netElementBarrier = null;

                //traceRes = null;