A4WaterUtilities.GeoNetTools.AddBarrier C# (CSharp) 메소드

AddBarrier() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static AddBarrier ( IPoint pPnt, IApplication app, double snapTol, bool showDialog ) : bool
pPnt IPoint
app IApplication
snapTol double
showDialog bool
리턴 bool
        public static bool AddBarrier(IPoint pPnt, IApplication app, double snapTol, bool showDialog)
            IProgressDialogFactory pProDFact = null;
            IStepProgressor pStepPro = null;
            IProgressDialog2 pProDlg = null;
            ITrackCancel pTrkCan = null;

            List<IGeometricNetwork> gnList = null;
            IGeometricNetwork gn = null;
            IPoint snappedPoint = null;
            IFlagDisplay pFlagDisplay = null;
            INetFlag startNetFlag = null;
            INetworkAnalysisExt pNetAnalysisExt = null;
            UID pID = null;
            IMap pMap = null;
            int EID = -1;
            double distanceAlong;


                pMap = (app.Document as IMxDocument).FocusMap;
                bool boolCont = true;
                if (showDialog)
                    // Create a CancelTracker
                    pTrkCan = new CancelTrackerClass();
                    // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog
                    pProDFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass();
                    pProDlg = (IProgressDialog2)pProDFact.Create(pTrkCan, 0);

                    // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog
                    pProDlg.CancelEnabled = true;

                    pProDlg.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe;

                    // Set the properties of the Step Progressor
                    pStepPro = (IStepProgressor)pProDlg;

                    pStepPro.MinRange = 0;
                    pStepPro.MaxRange = 6;
                    pStepPro.StepValue = 1;
                    pStepPro.Position = 0;
                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_4");

                gnList = Globals.GetGeometricNetworksCurrentlyVisible(ref pMap);
                int gnIdx = -1;

                if (gnList == null || gnList.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsError_2"), A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsErrorLbl_2"));
                    return false;

                if (showDialog)
                    // Create junction or edge flag at start of trace - also returns geometric network, snapped point, and EID of junction
                    pStepPro.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_6");
                    boolCont = pTrkCan.Continue();

                    if (!boolCont)

                        pStepPro = null;
                        pProDlg = null;
                        pProDFact = null;
                        return true;
                startNetFlag = Globals.GetJunctionFlag(ref pPnt, ref  pMap, ref gnList, snapTol, ref gnIdx, out snappedPoint, out EID, out  pFlagDisplay, false) as INetFlag;
                if (startNetFlag == null)
                    startNetFlag = Globals.GetEdgeFlag(ref pPnt, ref pMap, ref gnList, snapTol, ref gnIdx, out snappedPoint, out EID, out distanceAlong, out  pFlagDisplay, false) as INetFlag;

                //Set network to trace
                if (gnIdx > -1)
                    gn = gnList[gnIdx] as IGeometricNetwork;

                // Stop if user point was not on a visible network feature, old trace results and selection are cleared
                if (gn == null || startNetFlag == null)
                    return true;

                if (app != null)
                    pID = new UID();

                    pID.Value = "esriEditorExt.UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt";
                    pNetAnalysisExt = (INetworkAnalysisExt)app.FindExtensionByCLSID(pID);
                    Globals.SetCurrentNetwork(ref pNetAnalysisExt, ref gn);
                    Globals.AddBarrierToGN(pNetAnalysisExt, gn, pFlagDisplay);
                    //  pFlagDisplay
                    pNetAnalysisExt = null;
                    pID = null;


                return true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsLbl_3") + ": " + ex.ToString());
                return false;
                if (showDialog)
                    if (pProDlg != null)

                    pStepPro = null;
                    pProDlg = null;
                    pProDFact = null;
                    pTrkCan = null;

                pMap = null;
                gnList = null;
                gn = null;
                snappedPoint = null;
                pFlagDisplay = null;
                startNetFlag = null;
                pNetAnalysisExt = null;
                pID = null;
                pMap = null;