CharacterMotorCS.UpdateFunction C# (CSharp) Method

UpdateFunction() private method

private UpdateFunction ( ) : void
return void
    private void UpdateFunction()
        // We copy the actual velocity into a temporary variable that we can manipulate.
        Vector3 velocity = movVelocity;

        // Update velocity based on input
        velocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(velocity);

        // Apply gravity and jumping force
        velocity = ApplyGravityAndJumping (velocity);

        // Save lastPosition for velocity calculation.
        Vector3 lastPosition = tr.position;

        // We always want the movement to be framerate independent.  Multiplying by Time.deltaTime does this.
        Vector3 currentMovementOffset = velocity * Time.deltaTime;

        // Find out how much we need to push towards the ground to avoid loosing grouning
        // when walking down a step or over a sharp change in slope.
        float pushDownOffset = Mathf.Max(controller.stepOffset, new Vector3(currentMovementOffset.x, 0, currentMovementOffset.z).magnitude);
        if (grounded)
            currentMovementOffset -= pushDownOffset * Vector3.up;

        // Reset variables that will be set by collision function
        groundNormal =;

           	// Move our character!
        collisionFlags = controller.Move (currentMovementOffset);

        lastHitPoint = hitPoint;
        lastGroundNormal = groundNormal;

        // Calculate the velocity based on the current and previous position.
        // This means our velocity will only be the amount the character actually moved as a result of collisions.
        Vector3 oldHVelocity = new Vector3(velocity.x, 0, velocity.z);
        movVelocity = (tr.position - lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime;
        Vector3 newHVelocity = new Vector3( movVelocity.x, 0, movVelocity.z);

        // The CharacterController can be moved in unwanted directions when colliding with things.
        // We want to prevent this from influencing the recorded velocity.
        if (oldHVelocity ==
            movVelocity = new Vector3(0, movVelocity.y, 0);
            float projectedNewVelocity = Vector3.Dot(newHVelocity, oldHVelocity) / oldHVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
            movVelocity = oldHVelocity * Mathf.Clamp01(projectedNewVelocity) + movVelocity.y * Vector3.up;

        if ( movVelocity.y < velocity.y - 0.001)
            if ( movVelocity.y < 0)
                // Something is forcing the CharacterController down faster than it should.
                // Ignore this
                movVelocity.y = velocity.y;
                // The upwards movement of the CharacterController has been blocked.
                // This is treated like a ceiling collision - stop further jumping here.
                jumping.holdingJumpButton = false;

        // We were grounded but just loosed grounding
        if (grounded && !IsGroundedTest())
            grounded = false;

            SendMessage("OnFall", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            // We pushed the character down to ensure it would stay on the ground if there was any.
            // But there wasn't so now we cancel the downwards offset to make the fall smoother.
            tr.position += pushDownOffset * Vector3.up;

        // We were not grounded but just landed on something
        else if (!grounded && IsGroundedTest())
            grounded = true;
            jumping.jumping = false;

            SendMessage("OnLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);