iTextSharp.text.pdf.hyphenation.CharVector.TrimToSize C# (CSharp) Method

TrimToSize() public method

public TrimToSize ( ) : void
return void
		public void TrimToSize() {
			if (n < array.Length) {
				char[] aux = new char[n];
				Array.Copy(array, 0, aux, 0, n);
				array = aux;

Usage Example

         * Each node stores a character (splitchar) which is part of
         * some Key(s). In a compressed branch (one that only contain
         * a single string key) the trailer of the key which is not
         * already in nodes is stored  externally in the kv array.
         * As items are inserted, key substrings decrease.
         * Some substrings may completely  disappear when the whole
         * branch is totally decompressed.
         * The tree is traversed to find the key substrings actually
         * used. In addition, duplicate substrings are removed using
         * a map (implemented with a TernaryTree!).
        virtual public void TrimToSize()
            // first balance the tree for best performance

            // redimension the node arrays

            // ok, compact kv array
            CharVector kx = new CharVector();

            TernaryTree map = new TernaryTree();

            Compact(kx, map, root);
            kv = kx;
All Usage Examples Of iTextSharp.text.pdf.hyphenation.CharVector::TrimToSize