UnityEditor.SceneViewPicking.PickGameObject C# (CSharp) Method

PickGameObject() public static method

public static PickGameObject ( Vector2 mousePosition ) : GameObject
mousePosition Vector2
return UnityEngine.GameObject
        public static GameObject PickGameObject(Vector2 mousePosition)
            List<GameObject> allOverlapping = GetAllOverlapping(mousePosition);
            if (allOverlapping.Count == 0)
                return null;
            GameObject obj2 = HandleUtility.FindSelectionBase(allOverlapping[0]);
            int index = allOverlapping.IndexOf(Selection.activeGameObject);
            if (obj2 != null)
                if ((obj2 != Selection.activeGameObject) && (index == -1))
                    return obj2;
                if ((obj2 == Selection.activeGameObject) && (index != 0))
                    return HandleUtility.PickGameObject(mousePosition, false);
                if (((index + 1) < allOverlapping.Count) && (allOverlapping[index + 1] == obj2))
            if ((index + 1) < allOverlapping.Count)
                return allOverlapping[index + 1];
            if (obj2 != null)
                return obj2;
            return HandleUtility.PickGameObject(mousePosition, false);

Usage Example

        static Vector3 MoveHandlesGUI(Rect rect, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation)
            int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_MoveHandleHash, FocusType.Passive);

            Vector3 newPos      = pivot;
            float   discSize    = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pivot) * 0.2f;
            float   discOpacity = (1 - GUI.color.a);

            Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];
            corners[0] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y) + pivot;
            corners[1] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y) + pivot;
            corners[2] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax) + pivot;
            corners[3] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax) + pivot;


            bool supportsRectSnapping = Selection.transforms.Length == 1 &&
                                        UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SupportsRectLayout(Selection.activeTransform) &&
                                        Selection.activeTransform.parent.rotation == rotation;

            Event     evt       = Event.current;
            EventType eventType = evt.GetTypeForControl(id);
            Plane     guiPlane  = new Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]);

            switch (eventType)
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                bool acceptClick = false;

                if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                    acceptClick = true;
                    acceptClick =
                        evt.button == 0 &&
                        evt.modifiers == 0 &&
                        RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(evt.mousePosition, guiPlane, out s_StartMouseWorldPos) &&
                            SceneViewDistanceToRectangle(corners, evt.mousePosition) == 0f ||
                            (discOpacity > 0 && SceneViewDistanceToDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, discSize, evt.mousePosition) == 0f)

                if (acceptClick)
                    s_StartPosition       = pivot;
                    s_StartMousePos       = s_CurrentMousePos = evt.mousePosition;
                    s_Moving              = false;
                    s_LockAxis            = -1;
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
                    HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null;

                    // Calculate snapping values if applicable
                    if (supportsRectSnapping)
                        Transform     transform           = Selection.activeTransform;
                        RectTransform rectTransform       = transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                        Transform     transformParent     = transform.parent;
                        RectTransform rectTransformParent = transformParent.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

                        s_StartRectPosition = rectTransform.anchoredPosition;

                        RectTransformSnapping.CalculatePositionSnapValues(transformParent, transform, rectTransformParent, rectTransform);

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    s_CurrentMousePos += evt.delta;
                    if (!s_Moving && (s_CurrentMousePos - s_StartMousePos).magnitude > 3f)
                        s_Moving = true;
                        // Re-raycast to get start mouse pos when effective dragging starts.
                        // This prevents a sudden unsnap when the dragging is enabled.
                        RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(s_CurrentMousePos, guiPlane, out s_StartMouseWorldPos);
                    if (s_Moving)
                        if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                            if (HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects == null)
                            Vector3 near;
                            if (HandleUtility.FindNearestVertex(s_CurrentMousePos, null, out near))
                                // Snap position based on found near vertex
                                newPos      = near;
                                GUI.changed = true;
                            ManipulationToolUtility.minDragDifference = Vector2.zero;
                            Vector3 pos;
                            if (RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(s_CurrentMousePos, guiPlane, out pos))
                                Vector3 offset = pos - s_StartMouseWorldPos;

                                // Snap to axis
                                if (evt.shift)
                                    // Get offset in rect handles space
                                    offset = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * offset;
                                    // Determine lock axis if not already set
                                    if (s_LockAxis == -1)
                                        s_LockAxis = Mathf.Abs(offset.x) > Mathf.Abs(offset.y) ? 0 : 1;
                                    // Cancel mocement on other axis
                                    offset[1 - s_LockAxis] = 0;
                                    // Put offset back in world space
                                    offset = rotation * offset;
                                    s_LockAxis = -1;

                                if (supportsRectSnapping)
                                    Transform transformParent = Selection.activeTransform.parent;
                                    Vector3   rectPosition    = s_StartRectPosition + transformParent.InverseTransformVector(offset);
                                    rectPosition.z = 0;

                                    Quaternion inverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation);
                                    Vector2    snapSize        = Vector2.one * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(newPos) * RectTransformSnapping.kSnapThreshold;
                                    snapSize.x /= (inverseRotation * transformParent.TransformVector(Vector3.right)).x;
                                    snapSize.y /= (inverseRotation * transformParent.TransformVector(Vector3.up)).y;

                                    Vector3 newRectPosition = RectTransformSnapping.SnapToGuides(rectPosition, snapSize);
                                    ManipulationToolUtility.DisableMinDragDifferenceBasedOnSnapping(rectPosition, newRectPosition);
                                    offset = transformParent.TransformVector(newRectPosition - s_StartRectPosition);

                                newPos = s_StartPosition + offset;

                                GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    if (!s_Moving)
                        Selection.activeGameObject = SceneViewPicking.PickGameObject(evt.mousePosition);
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null;

            case EventType.Repaint:
                if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                    RectHandles.RectScalingHandleCap(id, pivot, rotation, 1, EventType.Repaint);
                    Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1, 1, 1, 1.5f * discOpacity);
                    Handles.CircleHandleCap(id, pivot, rotation, discSize, EventType.Repaint);
                    Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3f * discOpacity);
                    Handles.DrawSolidDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, discSize);

            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingPosX, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingLeft, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingRight, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingPosY, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingTop, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingBottom, eventType);

All Usage Examples Of UnityEditor.SceneViewPicking::PickGameObject