System.__DTString.RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces C# (CSharp) Method

RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces() private method

private RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces ( ) : void
return void
        internal void RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces() {
            if (len <= 2) {
            int i = 0;
            char ch = Value[i];
            // Check if the last character is a quote.
            if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"') {
                while ((i + 1) < len && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i+1])) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    Value = Value.Remove(1, i);
                    len = Value.Length;

Usage Example

		private static bool DoStrictParse(string s, string formatParam, DateTimeStyles styles, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, ref DateTimeResult result)
			ParsingInfo parsingInfo = default(ParsingInfo);
			parsingInfo.calendar = dtfi.Calendar;
			parsingInfo.fAllowInnerWhite = ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowInnerWhite) != DateTimeStyles.None);
			parsingInfo.fAllowTrailingWhite = ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowTrailingWhite) != DateTimeStyles.None);
			if (formatParam.Length == 1)
				if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != (ParseFlags)0 && formatParam[0] == 'U')
					result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadFormatSpecifier", null);
					return false;
				formatParam = DateTimeParse.ExpandPredefinedFormat(formatParam, ref dtfi, ref parsingInfo, ref result);
			result.calendar = parsingInfo.calendar;
			if (parsingInfo.calendar.ID == 8)
				parsingInfo.parseNumberDelegate = DateTimeParse.m_hebrewNumberParser;
				parsingInfo.fCustomNumberParser = true;
			result.Hour = (result.Minute = (result.Second = -1));
			__DTString _DTString = new __DTString(formatParam, dtfi, false);
			__DTString _DTString2 = new __DTString(s, dtfi, false);
			if (parsingInfo.fAllowTrailingWhite)
			if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowLeadingWhite) != DateTimeStyles.None)
			while (_DTString.GetNext())
				if (parsingInfo.fAllowInnerWhite)
				if (!DateTimeParse.ParseByFormat(ref _DTString2, ref _DTString, ref parsingInfo, dtfi, ref result))
					return false;
			if (_DTString2.Index < _DTString2.Value.Length - 1)
				result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadDateTime", null);
				return false;
			if (parsingInfo.fUseTwoDigitYear && (dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseHebrewRule) == DateTimeFormatFlags.None)
				if (result.Year >= 100)
					result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadDateTime", null);
					return false;
				result.Year = parsingInfo.calendar.ToFourDigitYear(result.Year);
			if (parsingInfo.fUseHour12)
				if (parsingInfo.timeMark == DateTimeParse.TM.NotSet)
					parsingInfo.timeMark = DateTimeParse.TM.AM;
				if (result.Hour > 12)
					result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadDateTime", null);
					return false;
				if (parsingInfo.timeMark == DateTimeParse.TM.AM)
					if (result.Hour == 12)
						result.Hour = 0;
					result.Hour = ((result.Hour == 12) ? 12 : (result.Hour + 12));
				if ((parsingInfo.timeMark == DateTimeParse.TM.AM && result.Hour >= 12) || (parsingInfo.timeMark == DateTimeParse.TM.PM && result.Hour < 12))
					result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadDateTime", null);
					return false;
			bool flag = result.Year == -1 && result.Month == -1 && result.Day == -1;
			if (!DateTimeParse.CheckDefaultDateTime(ref result, ref parsingInfo.calendar, styles))
				return false;
			if (!flag && dtfi.HasYearMonthAdjustment && !dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref result.Year, ref result.Month, (result.flags & ParseFlags.ParsedMonthName) != (ParseFlags)0))
				result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.FormatBadDateTimeCalendar, "Format_BadDateTimeCalendar", null);
				return false;
			if (!parsingInfo.calendar.TryToDateTime(result.Year, result.Month, result.Day, result.Hour, result.Minute, result.Second, 0, result.era, out result.parsedDate))
				result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.FormatBadDateTimeCalendar, "Format_BadDateTimeCalendar", null);
				return false;
			if (result.fraction > 0.0)
				result.parsedDate = result.parsedDate.AddTicks((long)Math.Round(result.fraction * 10000000.0));
			if (parsingInfo.dayOfWeek != -1 && parsingInfo.dayOfWeek != (int)parsingInfo.calendar.GetDayOfWeek(result.parsedDate))
				result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format, "Format_BadDayOfWeek", null);
				return false;
			return DateTimeParse.DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref result, styles, flag);
All Usage Examples Of System.__DTString::RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces