System.Net.CookieContainer.AgeCookies C# (CSharp) Method

AgeCookies() private method

private AgeCookies ( string domain ) : bool
domain string
return bool
        private bool AgeCookies(string domain) {

            // border case => shrinked to zero
            if(m_maxCookies == 0 || m_maxCookiesPerDomain == 0) {
                m_domainTable = new Hashtable();
                m_count = 0;
                return false;

            int      removed = 0;
            DateTime oldUsed = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime tempUsed;

            CookieCollection lruCc = null;
            string   lruDomain =  null;
            string   tempDomain = null;

            PathList pathList;
            int domain_count = 0;
            int itemp = 0;
            float remainingFraction = 1.0F;

            // the container was shrinked, might need additional cleanup for each domain
            if (m_count > m_maxCookies) {
                // Means the fraction of the container to be left
                // Each domain will be cut accordingly
                remainingFraction = (float)m_maxCookies/(float)m_count;


            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in m_domainTable) {
                if (domain == null) {
                    tempDomain = (string) entry.Key;
                    pathList = (PathList) entry.Value;          //aliasing to trick foreach
                else {
                    tempDomain = domain;
                    pathList = (PathList) m_domainTable[domain];

                domain_count = 0;                             // cookies in the domain
                foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                    itemp = ExpireCollection(cc);
                    removed += itemp;
                    m_count -= itemp;                      //update this container count;
                    domain_count += cc.Count;
                    // we also find the least used cookie collection in ENTIRE container
                    // we count the collection as LRU only if it holds 1+ elements
                    if (cc.Count > 0 && (tempUsed = cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check)) < oldUsed) {
                        lruDomain = tempDomain;
                        lruCc = cc;
                        oldUsed = tempUsed;

                // Check if we have reduced to the limit of the domain by expiration only
                int min_count = Math.Min((int)(domain_count*remainingFraction), Math.Min(m_maxCookiesPerDomain, m_maxCookies)-1);
                if (domain_count > min_count) {
                    //That case require sorting all domain collections by timestamp
                    Array cookies = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CookieCollection), pathList.Count);
                    Array stamps  = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), pathList.Count);
                    foreach (CookieCollection cc in pathList.Values) {
                        stamps.SetValue(cc.TimeStamp(CookieCollection.Stamp.Check), itemp);
                        cookies.SetValue(cc ,itemp );
                        ++itemp ;
                    Array.Sort(stamps, cookies);

                    itemp = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) {
                        CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)cookies.GetValue(i);

                        lock (cc) {
                            while (domain_count > min_count && cc.Count > 0) {
                        if (domain_count <= min_count ) {

                    if (domain_count > min_count && domain != null) {
                        //cannot complete aging of explicit domain (no cookie adding allowed)
                        return false;

                // we have completed aging of specific domain
                if (domain != null) {
                    return true;


            //  The rest is  for entire container aging
            //  We must get at least one free slot.

            //Don't need to appy LRU if we already cleaned something
            if (removed != 0) {
                return true;

            if (oldUsed == DateTime.MaxValue) {
            //Something strange. Either capacity is 0 or all collections are locked with cc.Used
                return false;

            // Remove oldest cookies from the least used collection
            lock (lruCc) {
                while (m_count >= m_maxCookies && lruCc.Count > 0) {
            return true;