System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadString C# (CSharp) Method

ReadString() public method

public ReadString ( ) : string
return string
        public virtual string ReadString()
            if (_stream == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.ObjectDisposed_FileClosed);

            int currPos = 0;
            int n;
            int stringLength;
            int readLength;
            int charsRead;

            // Length of the string in bytes, not chars
            stringLength = Read7BitEncodedInt();
            if (stringLength < 0)
                throw new IOException(SR.Format(SR.IO_IO_InvalidStringLen_Len, stringLength));

            if (stringLength == 0)
                return string.Empty;

            if (_charBytes == null)
                _charBytes = new byte[MaxCharBytesSize];

            if (_charBuffer == null)
                _charBuffer = new char[_maxCharsSize];

            StringBuilder sb = null;
                readLength = ((stringLength - currPos) > MaxCharBytesSize) ? MaxCharBytesSize : (stringLength - currPos);

                n = _stream.Read(_charBytes, 0, readLength);
                if (n == 0)
                    throw new EndOfStreamException(SR.IO_EOF_ReadBeyondEOF);

                charsRead = _decoder.GetChars(_charBytes, 0, n, _charBuffer, 0);

                if (currPos == 0 && n == stringLength)
                    return new string(_charBuffer, 0, charsRead);

                if (sb == null)
                    sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(stringLength); // Actual string length in chars may be smaller.

                sb.Append(_charBuffer, 0, charsRead);
                currPos += n;
            } while (currPos < stringLength);

            return StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(sb);

Usage Example

 public void readDataFrom(BinaryReader r)
     this.Manufacturer = r.ReadString();
     this.Model = r.ReadString();
     this.PhoneNumber = r.ReadString();
     this.HasCord = r.ReadBoolean();
All Usage Examples Of System.IO.BinaryReader::ReadString