Net.Pkcs11Interop.LowLevelAPI40.Pkcs11.C_Initialize C# (CSharp) Method

C_Initialize() public method

Initializes the Cryptoki library
public C_Initialize ( CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS initArgs ) : CKR
initArgs CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS structure containing information on how the library should deal with multi-threaded access or null if an application will not be accessing Cryptoki through multiple threads simultaneously
return CKR
        public CKR C_Initialize(CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS initArgs)
            if (this._disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName);

            uint rv = _delegates.C_Initialize(initArgs);
            return (CKR)rv;

Usage Example

        public void _03_SingleThreadedInitializeTest()
            if (Platform.UnmanagedLongSize != 4 || Platform.StructPackingSize != 0)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Test cannot be executed on this platform");

            CKR rv = CKR.CKR_OK;
            using (Pkcs11 pkcs11 = new Pkcs11(Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath))
                // PKCS#11 library needs to be initialized with C_Initialize method.
                // If an application will not be accessing PKCS#11 library from multiple threads
                // simultaneously, it can generally call C_Initialize with initArgs parameter set to null.
                rv = pkcs11.C_Initialize(null);
                if ((rv != CKR.CKR_OK) && (rv != CKR.CKR_CRYPTOKI_ALREADY_INITIALIZED))
                // Do something interesting
                // C_Finalize is called to indicate that an application is finished
                // with the PKCS#11 library. It should be the last call made by an application.
                rv = pkcs11.C_Finalize(IntPtr.Zero);
                if (rv != CKR.CKR_OK)
All Usage Examples Of Net.Pkcs11Interop.LowLevelAPI40.Pkcs11::C_Initialize