Forex_Strategy_Builder.Journal_Ord.UpdateJournalData C# (CSharp) Method

UpdateJournalData() protected method

Updates the journal data from the backtester
protected UpdateJournalData ( ) : void
return void
        void UpdateJournalData()
            if (!Data.IsResult)

            Order[] aOrders = new Order[orders];
            aiOrderIcons = new Image[orders];

            int ordIndex = 0;
            for (int point = 0; point < Backtester.WayPoints(selectedBar); point++)
                int iOrdNumber = Backtester.WayPoint(selectedBar, point).OrdNumb;
                WayPointType wpType = Backtester.WayPoint(selectedBar, point).WPType;

                if (iOrdNumber == -1) continue; // There is no order
                if (iOrdNumber < Backtester.OrdNumb(selectedBar, 0)) continue; // For a transferred position

                if (wpType == WayPointType.Add    || wpType == WayPointType.Cancel ||
                    wpType == WayPointType.Entry  || wpType == WayPointType.Exit   ||
                    wpType == WayPointType.Reduce || wpType == WayPointType.Reverse)
                    aOrders[ordIndex] = Backtester.OrdFromNumb(iOrdNumber);

            for (int ord = 0; ord < orders; ord++)
                int  ordNumber  = Backtester.OrdNumb(selectedBar, ord);
                bool toIncluded = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < ordIndex; i++)
                    if (ordNumber == aOrders[i].OrdNumb)
                        toIncluded = false;
                if (toIncluded)
                    aOrders[ordIndex] = Backtester.OrdFromNumb(ordNumber);

            asJournalData = new string[orders, columns];

            for (int ord = firstOrd; ord < firstOrd + shownOrd; ord++)
                int row = ord - firstOrd;

                string ordIF     = (aOrders[ord].OrdIF     > 0 ? (aOrders[ord].OrdIF + 1).ToString() : "-");
                string ordPrice2 = (aOrders[ord].OrdPrice2 > 0 ? aOrders[ord].OrdPrice2.ToString(Data.FF) : "-");

                asJournalData[row, 0] = (aOrders[ord].OrdNumb + 1).ToString();
                asJournalData[row, 1] = Language.T(aOrders[ord].OrdDir.ToString());
                asJournalData[row, 2] = Language.T(aOrders[ord].OrdType.ToString());
                if (Configs.AccountInMoney)
                    string sOrdAmount = (aOrders[ord].OrdDir == OrderDirection.Sell ? "-" : "") +
                                        (aOrders[ord].OrdLots * Data.InstrProperties.LotSize).ToString();
                    asJournalData[row, 3] = sOrdAmount;
                    asJournalData[row, 3] = aOrders[ord].OrdLots.ToString();
                asJournalData[row, 4] = aOrders[ord].OrdPrice.ToString(Data.FF);
                asJournalData[row, 5] = ordPrice2;
                asJournalData[row, 6] = Language.T(aOrders[ord].OrdStatus.ToString());
                asJournalData[row, 7] = aOrders[ord].OrdNote;

                // Icons
                aiOrderIcons[row] = aOrders[ord].OrderIcon;
