Axiom.Graphics.VertexData.PrepareForShadowVolume C# (CSharp) Method

PrepareForShadowVolume() public method

Modifies the vertex data to be suitable for use for rendering shadow geometry.

Preparing vertex data to generate a shadow volume involves firstly ensuring that the vertex buffer containing the positions is a standalone vertex buffer, with no other components in it. This method will therefore break apart any existing vertex buffers if position is sharing a vertex buffer. Secondly, it will double the size of this vertex buffer so that there are 2 copies of the position data for the mesh. The first half is used for the original, and the second half is used for the 'extruded' version. The vertex count used to render will remain the same though, so as not to add any overhead to regular rendering of the object. Both copies of the position are required in one buffer because shadow volumes stretch from the original mesh to the extruded version.

It's important to appreciate that this method can fundamentally change the structure of your vertex buffers, although in reality they will be new buffers. As it happens, if other objects are using the original buffers then they will be unaffected because the reference counting will keep them intact. However, if you have made any assumptions about the structure of the vertex data in the buffers of this object, you may have to rethink them.

public PrepareForShadowVolume ( ) : void
return void
		public void PrepareForShadowVolume()
			/* NOTE
			Sinbad would dearly, dearly love to just use a 4D position buffer in order to
			store the extra 'w' value I need to differentiate between extruded and
			non-extruded sections of the buffer, so that vertex programs could use that.
			Hey, it works fine for GL. However, D3D9 in it's infinite stupidity, does not
			support 4d position vertices in the fixed-function pipeline. If you use them,
			you just see nothing. Since we can't know whether the application is going to use
			fixed function or vertex programs, we have to stick to 3d position vertices and
			store the 'w' in a separate 1D texture coordinate buffer, which is only used
			when rendering the shadow.

			// Upfront, lets check whether we have vertex program capability
			RenderSystem renderSystem = Root.Instance.RenderSystem;
			bool useVertexPrograms = false;

			if ( renderSystem != null && renderSystem.Capabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexPrograms ) )
				useVertexPrograms = true;

			// Look for a position element
			VertexElement posElem =	vertexDeclaration.FindElementBySemantic( VertexElementSemantic.Position );

			if ( posElem != null )
				short posOldSource = posElem.Source;

				HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer( posOldSource );

				bool wasSharedBuffer = false;

				// Are there other elements in the buffer except for the position?
				if ( vbuf.VertexSize > posElem.Size )
					// We need to create another buffer to contain the remaining elements
					// Most drivers don't like gaps in the declaration, and in any case it's waste
					wasSharedBuffer = true;

				HardwareVertexBuffer newPosBuffer = null, newRemainderBuffer = null;
                VertexDeclaration newRemainderDeclaration = (VertexDeclaration)vertexDeclaration.Clone();

				if ( wasSharedBuffer )
                    bool found = false;
                    int index = 0;
                        if (newRemainderDeclaration.GetElement(index).Semantic == VertexElementSemantic.Position)
                            found = true;
                    } while ( !found );

					newRemainderBuffer = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( newRemainderDeclaration, vbuf.VertexCount, vbuf.Usage, vbuf.HasShadowBuffer );

				// Allocate new position buffer, will be FLOAT3 and 2x the size
				int oldVertexCount = vbuf.VertexCount;
				int newVertexCount = oldVertexCount * 2;

                VertexDeclaration newPosDecl = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexDeclaration();
                newPosDecl.AddElement( 0, 0, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position );
                newPosBuffer = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( newPosDecl, newVertexCount, vbuf.Usage, vbuf.HasShadowBuffer );

				// Iterate over the old buffer, copying the appropriate elements and initializing the rest
				IntPtr baseSrcPtr = vbuf.Lock( BufferLocking.ReadOnly );

				// Point first destination pointer at the start of the new position buffer,
				// the other one half way along
				IntPtr destPtr = newPosBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
				// oldVertexCount * 3 * 4, since we are dealing with byte offsets here
				IntPtr dest2Ptr = new IntPtr( destPtr.ToInt64() + ( oldVertexCount * 12 ) );

				int prePosVertexSize = 0;
				int postPosVertexSize = 0;
				int postPosVertexOffset = 0;

				if ( wasSharedBuffer )
					// Precalculate any dimensions of vertex areas outside the position
					prePosVertexSize = posElem.Offset;
					postPosVertexOffset = prePosVertexSize + posElem.Size;
					postPosVertexSize = vbuf.VertexSize - postPosVertexOffset;

					// the 2 separate bits together should be the same size as the remainder buffer vertex
					Debug.Assert( newRemainderBuffer.VertexSize == ( prePosVertexSize + postPosVertexSize ) );

					IntPtr baseDestRemPtr = newRemainderBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );

					int baseSrcOffset = 0;
					int baseDestRemOffset = 0;

						float* pDest = (float*)destPtr.ToPointer();
						float* pDest2 = (float*)dest2Ptr.ToPointer();

						int destCount = 0, dest2Count = 0;

						// Iterate over the vertices
						for ( int v = 0; v < oldVertexCount; v++ )
							float* pSrc = (float*)( (byte*)baseSrcPtr.ToPointer() + posElem.Offset + baseSrcOffset );

							// Copy position, into both buffers
							pDest[ destCount++ ] = pDest2[ dest2Count++ ] = pSrc[ 0 ];
							pDest[ destCount++ ] = pDest2[ dest2Count++ ] = pSrc[ 1 ];
							pDest[ destCount++ ] = pDest2[ dest2Count++ ] = pSrc[ 2 ];

							// now deal with any other elements
							// Basically we just memcpy the vertex excluding the position
							if ( prePosVertexSize > 0 )
								Memory.Copy( baseSrcPtr, baseDestRemPtr, baseSrcOffset, baseDestRemOffset, prePosVertexSize );

							if ( postPosVertexSize > 0 )
								Memory.Copy( baseSrcPtr, baseDestRemPtr, baseSrcOffset + postPosVertexOffset, baseDestRemOffset + prePosVertexSize, postPosVertexSize );

							// increment the pointer offsets
							baseDestRemOffset += newRemainderBuffer.VertexSize;
							baseSrcOffset += vbuf.VertexSize;
						} // next vertex
					} // unsafe
					// copy the data directly
					Memory.Copy( baseSrcPtr, destPtr, vbuf.Size );
					Memory.Copy( baseSrcPtr, dest2Ptr, vbuf.Size );


				if ( wasSharedBuffer )

				// At this stage, he original vertex buffer is going to be destroyed
				// So we should force the deallocation of any temporary copies
				HardwareBufferManager.Instance.ForceReleaseBufferCopies( vbuf );

				if ( useVertexPrograms )
                        VertexDeclaration decl = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexDeclaration();
                        decl.AddElement(0, 0, VertexElementType.Float1, VertexElementSemantic.Position);

						// Now it's time to set up the w buffer
						hardwareShadowVolWBuffer = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( decl,	newVertexCount,	BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly, false );

						// Fill the first half with 1.0, second half with 0.0
						IntPtr wPtr = hardwareShadowVolWBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
						float* pDest = (float*)wPtr.ToPointer();
						int destCount = 0;

						for ( int v = 0; v < oldVertexCount; v++ )
							pDest[ destCount++ ] = 1.0f;
						for ( int v = 0; v < oldVertexCount; v++ )
							pDest[ destCount++ ] = 0.0f;
					} // unsafe

				} // if vertexPrograms

				short newPosBufferSource = 0;

				if ( wasSharedBuffer )
					// Get the a new buffer binding index
					newPosBufferSource = vertexBufferBinding.NextIndex;

					// Re-bind the old index to the remainder buffer
					vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( posOldSource, newRemainderBuffer );
					// We can just re-use the same source idex for the new position buffer
					newPosBufferSource = posOldSource;

				// Bind the new position buffer
				vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( newPosBufferSource, newPosBuffer );

				// Now, alter the vertex declaration to change the position source
				// and the offsets of elements using the same buffer
				for ( int i = 0; i < vertexDeclaration.ElementCount; i++ )
					VertexElement element = vertexDeclaration.GetElement( i );

					if ( element.Semantic == VertexElementSemantic.Position )
						// Modify position to point at new position buffer
						vertexDeclaration.ModifyElement( i, newPosBufferSource /* new source buffer */,  0 /* no offset now */, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position );
					else if ( wasSharedBuffer &&
						element.Source == posOldSource &&
						element.Offset > prePosVertexSize )
						// This element came after position, remove the position's size
						vertexDeclaration.ModifyElement( i, posOldSource /* same old source */, 	element.Offset - posElem.Size /* less offset now */, element.Type, element.Semantic, element.Index );
			} // if posElem != null