Aura.Channel.Skills.Combat.CombatMastery.Use C# (CSharp) Method

Use() public method

Handles attack.
public Use ( Creature attacker, Skill skill, long targetEntityId ) : CombatSkillResult
attacker Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature The creature attacking.
skill Skill The skill being used.
targetEntityId long The entity id of the target.
return CombatSkillResult
		public CombatSkillResult Use(Creature attacker, Skill skill, long targetEntityId)
			if (attacker.IsStunned)
				return CombatSkillResult.Okay;

			var mainTarget = attacker.Region.GetCreature(targetEntityId);
			if (mainTarget == null)
				return CombatSkillResult.Okay;

			if (!attacker.GetPosition().InRange(mainTarget.GetPosition(), attacker.AttackRangeFor(mainTarget)))
				return CombatSkillResult.OutOfRange;


			// Get targets, incl. splash.
			var targets = new HashSet<Creature>() { mainTarget };
			targets.UnionWith(attacker.GetTargetableCreaturesInCone(mainTarget.GetPosition(), attacker.GetTotalSplashRadius(), attacker.GetTotalSplashAngle()));

			// Counter
			if (Counterattack.Handle(targets, attacker))
				return CombatSkillResult.Okay;

			var rightWeapon = attacker.Inventory.RightHand;
			var leftWeapon = attacker.Inventory.LeftHand;
			var magazine = attacker.Inventory.Magazine;
			var maxHits = (byte)(attacker.IsDualWielding ? 2 : 1);
			int prevId = 0;

			for (byte i = 1; i <= maxHits; ++i)
				var weapon = (i == 1 ? rightWeapon : leftWeapon);
				var weaponIsKnuckle = (weapon != null && weapon.Data.HasTag("/knuckle/"));

				var aAction = new AttackerAction(CombatActionType.Attacker, attacker, targetEntityId);

				if (attacker.IsDualWielding)
					aAction.WeaponParameterType = (byte)(i == 1 ? 2 : 1);

				var cap = new CombatActionPack(attacker, skill.Info.Id, aAction);
				cap.Hit = i;
				cap.Type = (attacker.IsDualWielding ? CombatActionPackType.TwinSwordAttack : CombatActionPackType.NormalAttack);
				cap.PrevId = prevId;
				prevId = cap.Id;

				var mainDamage = (i == 1 ? attacker.GetRndRightHandDamage() : attacker.GetRndLeftHandDamage());

				foreach (var target in targets)
					if (target.IsDead)


					var tAction = new TargetAction(CombatActionType.TakeHit, target, attacker, skill.Info.Id);

					// Base damage
					var damage = mainDamage;

					// Elementals
					damage *= attacker.CalculateElementalDamageMultiplier(target);

					// Splash modifier
					if (target != mainTarget)
						damage *= attacker.GetSplashDamage(weapon);

					// Critical Hit
					var critChance = (i == 1 ? attacker.GetRightCritChance(target.Protection) : attacker.GetLeftCritChance(target.Protection));
					CriticalHit.Handle(attacker, critChance, ref damage, tAction);

					// Subtract target def/prot
					SkillHelper.HandleDefenseProtection(target, ref damage);

					// Conditions
					SkillHelper.HandleConditions(attacker, target, ref damage);

					// Defense
					Defense.Handle(aAction, tAction, ref damage);

					// Mana Shield
					ManaShield.Handle(target, ref damage, tAction);

					// Heavy Stander
					// Can only happen on the first hit
					var pinged = (cap.Hit == 1 && HeavyStander.Handle(attacker, target, ref damage, tAction));

					// Deal with it!
					if (damage > 0)
						target.TakeDamage(tAction.Damage = damage, attacker);
						SkillHelper.HandleInjury(attacker, target, damage);

					// Knock down on deadly
					if (target.Conditions.Has(ConditionsA.Deadly))
						tAction.Stun = GetTargetStun(attacker, weapon, tAction.IsKnockBack);

					// Aggro
					if (target == mainTarget)

					// Evaluate caused damage
					if (!target.IsDead)
						if (tAction.SkillId != SkillId.Defense)
							target.Stability -= this.GetStabilityReduction(attacker, weapon) / maxHits;

							// React normal for CombatMastery, knock down if 
							// FH and not dual wield, don't knock at all if dual.
							if (skill.Info.Id != SkillId.FinalHit)
								// Originally we thought you knock enemies back, unless it's a critical
								// hit, but apparently you knock *down* under normal circumstances.
								// More research to be done.
								if (target.IsUnstable && target.Is(RaceStands.KnockBackable))
									//tAction.Set(tAction.Has(TargetOptions.Critical) ? TargetOptions.KnockDown : TargetOptions.KnockBack);
							else if (!attacker.IsDualWielding && !weaponIsKnuckle && target.Is(RaceStands.KnockBackable))
								target.Stability = Creature.MinStability;

					// React to knock back
					if (tAction.IsKnockBack)
						attacker.Shove(target, KnockBackDistance);
						if (target == mainTarget)

					// Set stun time if not defended, Defense handles the stun
					// in case the target used it.
					if (tAction.SkillId != SkillId.Defense)
						if (target == mainTarget)
							aAction.Stun = GetAttackerStun(attacker, weapon, tAction.IsKnockBack && skill.Info.Id != SkillId.FinalHit);
						tAction.Stun = GetTargetStun(attacker, weapon, tAction.IsKnockBack);

					if (target == mainTarget)
						// Set increased stun if target pinged
						if (pinged)
							aAction.Stun = GetAttackerStun(attacker, weapon, true);

						// Second hit doubles stun time for normal hits
						if (cap.Hit == 2 && !tAction.IsKnockBack && !pinged)
							aAction.Stun *= 2;

						// Update current weapon
						SkillHelper.UpdateWeapon(attacker, target, ProficiencyGainType.Melee, weapon);

						// Consume stamina for weapon
						var staminaUsage = (weapon != null ? weapon.Data.StaminaUsage : Creature.BareHandStaminaUsage);
						if (attacker.Stamina < staminaUsage)
							Send.Notice(attacker, Localization.Get("Your stamina is too low to fight properly!"));
						attacker.Stamina -= staminaUsage;

						// No second hit if defended, pinged, or knocked back
						if (tAction.IsKnockBack || tAction.SkillId == SkillId.Defense || pinged)
							// Set to 1 to prevent second run
							maxHits = 1;

							// Remove dual wield option if last hit doesn't come from
							// the second weapon. If this isn't done, the client shows
							// the second hit.
							if (cap.Hit != 2)
								aAction.Options &= ~AttackerOptions.DualWield;

						// Reduce attacker's knockback stun in new combat, to allow
						// movement after sooner.
						// It's unknown when exactly this was added, but older EU logs
						// don't have this packet, so we'll assume it was part of the the
						// new combat, which's purpose was to be faster.
						// Sending the packet appears to reset the movement lock, and
						// officials seem to send this about 1s after the attack, for
						// an effective 1s movement lock after an attack.
						// If it's send for non-knockback hits, it can add a delay,
						// maybe increasing the time of the lock, like for dual-wielding.
						if (AuraData.FeaturesDb.IsEnabled("CombatSystemRenewal"))
							if (tAction.IsKnockBack)
								Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(_ =>
									Send.CharacterLockUpdate(attacker, 18, 1500));

				// Handle

			return CombatSkillResult.Okay;

Usage Example

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles skill usage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creature"></param>
        /// <param name="skill"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        public void Use(Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet)
            var targetEntityId = packet.GetLong();

            // Similar to WM there is a case where these aren't sent.
            // Apparently this can happen if you activate the skill while
            // targetting an enemy.
            var unk1 = (packet.Peek() != PacketElementType.None ? packet.GetInt() : 0);
            var unk2 = (packet.Peek() != PacketElementType.None ? packet.GetInt() : 0);

            if (_cm == null)
                _cm = ChannelServer.Instance.SkillManager.GetHandler <CombatMastery>(SkillId.CombatMastery);

            // TODO: Check duration

            var attackResult = false;

            var target = creature.Region.GetCreature(targetEntityId);

            if (target != null && !creature.IsStunned && creature.CanTarget(target))
                var pos       = creature.GetPosition();
                var targetPos = target.GetPosition();
                var inRange   = pos.InRange(targetPos, creature.AttackRangeFor(target));

                if (!inRange)
                    var telePos = pos.GetRelative(targetPos, -creature.AttackRangeFor(target) + 100);

                    // Check teleport distance
                    if (pos.GetDistance(telePos) > skill.RankData.Var3 + 100)
                        Send.Notice(creature, "Out of range");
                        Send.Effect(creature, Effect.SilentMoveTeleport, targetEntityId, (byte)0);

                        creature.SetPosition(telePos.X, telePos.Y);
                        Send.SkillTeleport(creature, telePos.X, telePos.Y);

                        inRange = true;

                if (inRange)
                    attackResult = (_cm.Use(creature, skill, targetEntityId) == CombatSkillResult.Okay);

            Send.CombatAttackR(creature, attackResult);

            Send.SkillUse(creature, skill.Info.Id, targetEntityId, unk1, unk2);
All Usage Examples Of Aura.Channel.Skills.Combat.CombatMastery::Use