C# (CSharp) Метод

VMCS() публичный Метод

The VMCS scan is based on the LINK pointer, abort code and CR3 register We later isolate the EPTP based on constraints for that pointer
public VMCS ( long xoffset ) : bool
xoffset long
Результат bool
        public bool VMCS(long xoffset)
            var RevID = (REVISION_ID)(block[0] & 0xffffffff);
            var Acode = (VMCS_ABORT)((block[0] >> 32) & 0x7fffffff);

            var KnownAbortCode = false;
            var KnownRevision = false;
            var Candidate = false;
            var LinkCount = 0;
            var Neg1 = -1;

            if (ScanForVMCSset == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Entered VMCS callback w/o having found any VMCS, this is a second pass Func");

            // this might be a bit micro-opt-pointless ;)
            KnownRevision = typeof(REVISION_ID).GetEnumValues().Cast<REVISION_ID>().Any(x => x == RevID);
            KnownAbortCode = typeof(VMCS_ABORT).GetEnumValues().Cast<VMCS_ABORT>().Any(x => x == Acode);

            // TODO: Relax link pointer check. Possible when VMCS is shadow, then the link pointer is configured, retest this detection/nesting etc..
            // Find a 64bit value for link ptr
            for (int l = 0; l < block.Length; l++)
                if (block[l] == Neg1)

                // too many
                if (LinkCount > 32)
                    return false;
            // Currently, we expect to have 1 Link pointer at least
            if (LinkCount == 0 || !KnownAbortCode)
                return false;

            // curr width of line to screen
            Candidate = false;
            Parallel.For(0, ScanForVMCSset.Length, (v) =>
                var ScanFor = ScanForVMCSset[v];

                for (int check = 1; check < block.Length; check++)
                    if (block[check] == ScanFor.CR3Value && Candidate == false)
                        var OutputList = new List<long>();
                        StringBuilder sb = null, sbRED = null;
                        byte[] shorted = null;
                        var curr_width = 0;

                        if (Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                            sb = new StringBuilder();
                            // reverse endianness for easy reading in hex dumps/editors
                            shorted = BitConverter.GetBytes(block[check]);
                            Array.Reverse(shorted, 0, 8);
                            var Converted = BitConverter.ToUInt64(shorted, 0);

                            sbRED = new StringBuilder();
                            sbRED.Append($"Hypervisor: VMCS revision field: {RevID} [{((uint)RevID):X8}] abort indicator: {Acode} [{((int)Acode):X8}]{Environment.NewLine}");
                            sbRED.Append($"Hypervisor: {ScanFor.PageTableType} CR3 found [{ScanFor.CR3Value:X16})] byte-swapped: [{Converted:X16}] @ PAGE/File Offset = [{xoffset:X16}]");

                        for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
                            var value = block[i];

                            var eptp = new EPTP(value);

                            // any good minimum size? 64kb?
                            if (block[i] > 0
                            && block[i] < FileSize
                            && eptp.IsFullyValidated()
                   //         && EPTP.IsValid(eptp.aEPTP) && EPTP.IsValid2(eptp.aEPTP) && EPTP.IsValidEntry(eptp.aEPTP)
                            && !OutputList.Contains(block[i]))
                                Candidate = true;

                                if (Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                                    var linefrag = $"[{i}][{block[i]:X16}] ";

                                    if (curr_width + linefrag.Length > MAX_LINE_WIDTH)
                                        curr_width = 0;
                                    curr_width += linefrag.Length;

                        if (Candidate && Vtero.VerboseOutput)
                            WColor(ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.Black, sbRED.ToString().PadRight(WindowWidth));
                            WColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, ConsoleColor.Black, sb.ToString().PadRight(WindowWidth));

                        // most VMWare I've scanned comes are using this layout
                        // we know VMWare well so ignore any other potential candidates // TODO: Constantly Verify assumption's 
                        if (RevID == REVISION_ID.VMWARE_NESTED && OutputList.Contains(block[14]))
                            var vmcsFound = new VMCS { dp = ScanFor, EPTP = block[14], gCR3 = ScanFor.CR3Value, Offset = xoffset };
                            foreach (var entry in OutputList)
                                HVLayer.Add(new VMCS { dp = ScanFor, EPTP = entry, gCR3 = ScanFor.CR3Value, Offset = xoffset });
            return Candidate;