entity.Main.MenuClasses.screenData.getStrings C# (CSharp) Метод

getStrings() публичный Метод

Loads the strings from "stringListIdent" into "strings"
public getStrings ( Map map ) : bool
map HaloMap.Map.Map
Результат bool
        public bool getStrings(Map map)
            if (!isPopulated | stringsListIdent == -1)
                return false;
            Meta m = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(stringsListIdent), map, false, false);
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(m.MS);
            br.BaseStream.Position = 16;    // English only...
            int offset = br.ReadUInt16();
            int count = br.ReadUInt16();

            int uiOffset = map.Unicode.ut[0].indexOffset;
            int utOffset = map.Unicode.ut[0].tableOffset;
            if (map.Unicode.ut[0].SIDs == null)

            br = new BinaryReader(map.FS);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                br.BaseStream.Position = utOffset + map.Unicode.ut[0].US[offset + i].offset;
                    new entity.MetaFuncs.MEStringsSelector.Unicode(
                        offset + i,
                        map.Unicode.ut[0].US[offset + i].uString,
                        map.Unicode.ut[0].US[offset + i].size,
                        map.Unicode.ut[0].US[offset + i].offset,
            //new string(br.ReadChars(map.Unicode.ut[0].US[offset + i].size));
            return true;

Usage Example

Пример #1
        private bool loadMainMenuData(string mainmenuFileName)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            if (map != null)
                map = null;
            map = Map.LoadFromFile(mainmenuFileName);
            if (map == null)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
                MessageBox.Show("Load failed! Map not found or inaccessible.\n" + mainmenuFileName);
                return false;

            cbBitmapIdent.DataSource = null;
            cbBitmapIdent.Items.Add(new baseData(0));
            ((baseData)cbBitmapIdent.Items[0]).title = "<null>";
            int orderCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < map.FileNames.Name.Length; i++)
                if (map.MetaInfo.TagType[i] == "bitm")
                    baseData sd = new baseData(++orderCount);
                    sd.offset = i;
                    sd.title = map.FileNames.Name[i];

            Meta meta;
            // Get the tag index for [matg] globals\\globals
            int matgIndex = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindByNameAndTagType("matg", "globals\\globals");
            meta = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(matgIndex, map, false, true);
            br = new BinaryReader(meta.MS);

            br.BaseStream.Position = 272;
            int interfaceItemCount = br.ReadInt32();
            int interfaceItemOffset = br.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic - meta.offset;

            br.BaseStream.Position = interfaceItemOffset + 128;
            // Mainmenu Menus (Exists in Mainmenu.map)
            char[] wgtzMMTag = br.ReadChars(4);
            int wgtzMMIdent = br.ReadInt32();
            // Single Player Menus (Exists in Shared / SPShared.map)
            char[] wgtzSPTag = br.ReadChars(4);
            int wgtzSPIdent = br.ReadInt32();
            // Multiplayer Menus (Exists in Shared / SPShared.map)
            char[] wgtzMPTag = br.ReadChars(4);
            int wgtzMPIdent = br.ReadInt32();

            int tagIndex = -1;
            // Get the tag index for [wgtz] ui\\main_menu
            if (wgtzMMIdent != -1)
                tagIndex = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[wgtzMMIdent];
            else if (wgtzSPIdent != -1)
                tagIndex = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[wgtzSPIdent];
            else if (wgtzMPIdent != -1)
                tagIndex = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[wgtzMPIdent];
            //int tagIndex = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindByNameAndTagType("wgtz", "ui\\main_menu");
            if (tagIndex == -1)
                map = null;
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
                MessageBox.Show("Load failed! Not a MAINMENU.MAP / SHARED.MAP / SPSHARED.MAP file.\n" + mainmenuFileName);
                return false;

            // [wgzt] ui\\main_menu meta
            meta = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(tagIndex, map, false, true);
            br = new BinaryReader(meta.MS);

            #region Skins List Loading Section
            br.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            char[] wiglTag = br.ReadChars(4); 
            int wiglIdent = br.ReadInt32();

            // Should be "ui\ui_shared_globals" by default
            int tagNum = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[wiglIdent];
            Meta metaSG = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(tagNum, map, false, true);
            BinaryReader brSG = new BinaryReader(metaSG.MS);

            // Get the default header font number
            brSG.BaseStream.Position = 352;
            defaultHeaderFont = brSG.ReadInt16();
            // Get the default position of the header text
            brSG.BaseStream.Position = 376;
            short dhTop = brSG.ReadInt16();
            short dhLeft = brSG.ReadInt16();
            short dhBottom = brSG.ReadInt16();
            short dhRight = brSG.ReadInt16();
            defaultHeaderPos = new Rectangle(dhLeft, dhTop, dhRight-dhLeft, dhBottom-dhTop);

            // Get the skin data
            brSG.BaseStream.Position = 312;
            int listItemCount = brSG.ReadInt32();
            int listItemOffset = brSG.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic - metaSG.offset;

            for (int list = 0; list < listItemCount; list++)
                brSG.BaseStream.Position = listItemOffset + list * 8;
                char[] skinTag = brSG.ReadChars(4);
                int skinIdent = brSG.ReadInt32();

                tagNum = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[skinIdent];
                string[] tagData = map.FileNames.Name[tagNum].Split('\\');

                skinData sd = new skinData();
                sd.offset = 0;
                sd.title = "[" + list.ToString("00") + "] " + tagData[tagData.Length - 1];
                sd.meta = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(tagNum, map, false, true);
                sd.skin  = new Skin(map, skinIdent);



            #region Graphics Loading Section

            // Load Mainmenu screens tag
            // Offset 8 = Screen Widgets refelxive
            br.BaseStream.Position = 8;
            int screenCount = br.ReadInt32(); // Number of screen widgets
            int screenOffset = br.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic - meta.offset;

            // Release any memory from previously loaded menus (if any)
            //foreach(screenData sd in lbScreensList.Items)
            //    sd.meta.Dispose();

            foreach (screenData sd in screens)

            // For each tag/ident screen widget entry in [wgzt] ui\\main_menu...
            for (int screen = 0; screen < screenCount; screen++)
                // Offset 0 in each reflexive listing points to screen widget
                br.BaseStream.Position = screenOffset + screen * 8;
                char[] wgitTag = br.ReadChars(4);
                int wgitIdent = br.ReadInt32();

                // Retrieve the screen widget Tag Index & name and read in the [wigt] meta
                // These are all stored into the lbScreenList list box items
                tagNum = (int)map.MetaInfo.identHT[wgitIdent];
                string[] tagData = map.FileNames.Name[tagNum].Split('\\');
                screenData sd = new screenData(screen);
                sd.offset = 0;
                sd.title = tagData[tagData.Length - 1];
                sd.meta = Map.GetMetaFromTagIndex(tagNum, map, false, true);
                sd.meta.MS.Position = 0;
                sd.Read(new BinaryReader(sd.meta.MS));


            lbScreensList.DataSource = screens;
            // Actually update ListBox with data source
            if (lbScreensList.Items.Count > 0)
                lbScreensList.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // Make sure this is called to update the Panes ListBox on reload
                lbScreensList_SelectedIndexChanged(this, null);


            this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
            return true;