C# (CSharp) Метод

checkMsgids() публичный Метод

public checkMsgids ( String msgIds ) : String
msgIds String
Результат String
        public String checkMsgids(String msgIds)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msgIds)) {
                throw new ArgumentException("msgIds param is required.");
            Regex reg = new Regex(@"[^0-9, ]");
                  throw new ArgumentException("msgIds param format is incorrect. "
                        + "It should be msg_id (number) which response from JPush Push API. "
                        + "If there are many, use ',' as interval. ");
            msgIds = msgIds.Trim();
            if (msgIds.EndsWith(",")) {
                msgIds = msgIds.Substring(0, msgIds.Length - 1);
            String[] splits = msgIds.Split(',');
            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            try {
                foreach (String s in splits) {
                    string trim = s.Trim();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trim))
                return StringUtil.arrayToString(list.ToArray());
            } catch (Exception) {
                throw new Exception("Every msg_id should be valid Integer number which splits by ','");