UpkManager.Dds.Compression.ClusterFit.ClusterFit C# (CSharp) Метод

ClusterFit() публичный Метод

public ClusterFit ( ColourSet Colours, SquishFlags Flags ) : System
Colours ColourSet
Flags SquishFlags
Результат System
    public ClusterFit(ColourSet Colours, SquishFlags Flags) : base(Colours, Flags) {
      // initialise the metric
      bool isPerceptual = (flags & SquishFlags.ColourMetricPerceptual) != 0;

      metric = isPerceptual ? new Vec3(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f) : new Vec3(1.0f);
      // initialise the best error
      bestError = Single.MaxValue;
      // cache some values
      int count = colours.Count;

      Vec3[] values = colours.Points;

      float[] weights = colours.Weights;
      // get the covariance matrix
      Sym3x3 covariance = Maths.ComputeWeightedCovariance(count, values, weights);
      // compute the principle component
      Vec3 principle = Maths.ComputePrincipleComponent(covariance);
      // get the min and max range as the codebook endpoints
      Vec3 startTemp = new Vec3(0.0f);
      Vec3   endTemp = new Vec3(0.0f);

      if (count > 0) {
        // compute the range
        startTemp = endTemp = values[0];

        float min = Vec3.Dot(values[0], principle);

        float max = min;

        for(int i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
          float val = Vec3.Dot(values[i], principle);

          if (val < min) {
            startTemp = values[i];

            min = val;
          else {
            if (val > max) {
              endTemp = values[i];

              max = val;
      // clamp the output to [0, 1]
      Vec3 one  = new Vec3(1.0f);
      Vec3 zero = new Vec3(0.0f);

      startTemp = Vec3.Min(one, Vec3.Max(zero, startTemp));
      endTemp   = Vec3.Min(one, Vec3.Max(zero, endTemp));
      // clamp to the grid and save
      Vec3 grid    = new Vec3(31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f);
      Vec3 gridrcp = new Vec3(1.0f / 31.0f, 1.0f / 63.0f, 1.0f / 31.0f);
      Vec3 half    = new Vec3(0.5f);

      start = Vec3.Truncate(grid * startTemp + half) * gridrcp;
      end   = Vec3.Truncate(grid * endTemp   + half) * gridrcp;