Testing.Location.CreateLocation C# (CSharp) Метод

CreateLocation() публичный статический Метод

Create a new Location object.
public static CreateLocation ( global locationID, global name, global costRate, global availability, global modifiedDate ) : Location
locationID global Initial value of the LocationID property.
name global Initial value of the Name property.
costRate global Initial value of the CostRate property.
availability global Initial value of the Availability property.
modifiedDate global Initial value of the ModifiedDate property.
Результат Location
        public static Location CreateLocation(global::System.Int16 locationID, global::System.String name, global::System.Decimal costRate, global::System.Decimal availability, global::System.DateTime modifiedDate)
            Location location = new Location();
            location.LocationID = locationID;
            location.Name = name;
            location.CostRate = costRate;
            location.Availability = availability;
            location.ModifiedDate = modifiedDate;
            return location;