System.Data.XSDSchema.HandleElementColumn C# (CSharp) Метод

HandleElementColumn() приватный Метод

private HandleElementColumn ( XmlSchemaElement elem, DataTable table, bool isBase ) : void
elem System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement
table DataTable
isBase bool
Результат void
        internal void HandleElementColumn(XmlSchemaElement elem, DataTable table, bool isBase)
            Type type = null;
            XmlSchemaElement el = elem.Name != null ? elem : (XmlSchemaElement)_elementsTable[elem.RefName];

            if (el == null) // it's possible due to some XSD compiler optimizations
                return; // do nothing

            XmlSchemaAnnotated typeNode = FindTypeNode(el);
            string strType = null;
            SimpleType xsdType = null;

            if (typeNode == null)
                strType = el.SchemaTypeName.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strType))
                    strType = string.Empty;
                    type = typeof(string);
                    type = ParseDataType(el.SchemaTypeName.Name);
            else if (typeNode is XmlSchemaSimpleType)
                XmlSchemaSimpleType simpleTypeNode = typeNode as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                xsdType = new SimpleType(simpleTypeNode);
                // ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).Name != null && ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).Name.Length != 0 check is for annonymos simple type, 
                // it should be  user defined  Named  simple type
                if (((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).Name != null && ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).Name.Length != 0 && ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).QualifiedName.Namespace != Keywords.XSDNS)
                    string targetNamespace = XSDSchema.GetMsdataAttribute(typeNode, Keywords.TARGETNAMESPACE);
                    strType = ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)typeNode).QualifiedName.ToString(); // use qualifed name
                    type = ParseDataType(strType);
                    simpleTypeNode = (xsdType.XmlBaseType != null && xsdType.XmlBaseType.Namespace != Keywords.XSDNS) ?
                                                _schemaTypes[xsdType.XmlBaseType] as XmlSchemaSimpleType :
                    while (simpleTypeNode != null)
                        simpleTypeNode = (xsdType.XmlBaseType != null && xsdType.XmlBaseType.Namespace != Keywords.XSDNS) ?
                                                    _schemaTypes[xsdType.XmlBaseType] as XmlSchemaSimpleType :

                    type = ParseDataType(xsdType.BaseType);
                    strType = xsdType.Name;

                    if (xsdType.Length == 1 && type == typeof(string))
                        type = typeof(char);
            else if (typeNode is XmlSchemaElement)
            { // theoratically no named simpletype should come here
                strType = ((XmlSchemaElement)typeNode).SchemaTypeName.Name;
                type = ParseDataType(strType);
            else if (typeNode is XmlSchemaComplexType)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XSDSchema.GetMsdataAttribute(elem, Keywords.MSD_DATATYPE)))
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.DatatypeNotDefined();
                    type = typeof(object);
                if (typeNode.Id == null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.DatatypeNotDefined();
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.UndefinedDatatype(typeNode.Id);

            DataColumn column;
            string columnName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(GetInstanceName(el));
            bool isToAdd = true;

            if (((!isBase) || FromInference) && (table.Columns.Contains(columnName, true)))
                column = table.Columns[columnName];
                isToAdd = false;

                if (FromInference)
                { // for backward compatability with old inference
                    if (column.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Element)
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.ColumnTypeConflict(column.ColumnName);
                    // in previous inference , if we have incoming column with different NS, we think as different column and 
                    //while adding , since there is no NS concept for datacolumn, we used to throw exception
                    // simulate the same behavior.
                    if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.QualifiedName.Namespace) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(column._columnUri)) || // backward compatability :SQL BU DT 310912
                        (string.Equals(elem.QualifiedName.Namespace, column.Namespace, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                        return; // backward compatability
                    column = new DataColumn(columnName, type, null, MappingType.Element);// this is to fix issue with Exception we used to throw for old inference engine if column
                    //exists with different namespace; while adding it to columncollection
                    isToAdd = true;
                column = new DataColumn(columnName, type, null, MappingType.Element);

            SetProperties(column, el.UnhandledAttributes);
            HandleColumnExpression(column, el.UnhandledAttributes);
            SetExtProperties(column, el.UnhandledAttributes);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.Expression))

            // Update XSD type to point to simple types actual namespace instead of normalized default namespace in case of remoting
            if (xsdType != null && xsdType.Name != null && xsdType.Name.Length > 0)
                if (XSDSchema.GetMsdataAttribute(typeNode, Keywords.TARGETNAMESPACE) != null)
                    column.XmlDataType = xsdType.SimpleTypeQualifiedName;
                column.XmlDataType = strType;
            column.SimpleType = xsdType;

            column.AllowDBNull = FromInference || (elem.MinOccurs == 0) || elem.IsNillable;

            if (!elem.RefName.IsEmpty || elem.QualifiedName.Namespace != table.Namespace)
            { // if ref element (or in diferent NS) it is global element, so form MUST BE Qualified
                column.Namespace = elem.QualifiedName.Namespace;
                column.Namespace = GetStringAttribute(el, "targetNamespace", column.Namespace);
            { // it is local, hence check for 'form' on local element, if not specified, check for 'elemenfformdefault' on schema element
                if (elem.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
                    column.Namespace = string.Empty;
                else if (elem.Form == XmlSchemaForm.None)
                    XmlSchemaObject e = elem.Parent;
                    while (e.Parent != null)
                        e = e.Parent;
                    if (((XmlSchema)e).ElementFormDefault == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
                        column.Namespace = string.Empty;
                    column.Namespace = elem.QualifiedName.Namespace;
                    column.Namespace = GetStringAttribute(el, "targetNamespace", column.Namespace);

            string tmp = GetStringAttribute(elem, Keywords.MSD_ORDINAL, (-1).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            int ordinal = (int)Convert.ChangeType(tmp, typeof(int), null);

            if (isToAdd)
                if (ordinal > -1 && ordinal < table.Columns.Count)
                    table.Columns.AddAt(ordinal, column);

            if (column.Namespace == table.Namespace)
                column._columnUri = null; // to not raise a column change namespace again

            if (FromInference)
            {// search for prefix after adding to table, so NS has its final value, and 
                column.Prefix = GetPrefix(column.Namespace); // it can inherit its NS from DataTable, if it is null

            string strDefault = el.DefaultValue;
            if (strDefault != null)
                    column.DefaultValue = column.ConvertXmlToObject(strDefault);
                catch (System.FormatException)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.CannotConvert(strDefault, type.FullName);