SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.SobekCM_File_Info.MIME_Type C# (CSharp) Метод

MIME_Type() публичный Метод

Gets the MIME Type of this file
This is computed from the provided System_Name's final extension
public MIME_Type ( string Extenstion ) : string
Extenstion string File extension
Результат string
        public string MIME_Type(string Extenstion)
            if (Extenstion.Length == 0)
                return String.Empty;

            string resourceType = String.Empty;

            // Handle the most common cases first, to avoid the long switch/case for speed optimization
            if ((Extenstion == "TIF") || (Extenstion == "TIFF"))
                return "image/tiff";

            if ((Extenstion == "JPG") || (Extenstion == "JPEG"))
                return "image/jpeg";

            if ((Extenstion == "JP2") || (Extenstion == "JPEG2") || (Extenstion == "JPX"))
                return "image/jp2";

            if ((Extenstion == "TXT") || (Extenstion == "TEXT"))
                return "text/plain";

            if (Extenstion == "PRO")
                return "text/x-pro";

            switch (Extenstion)
                case "3DM":
                    return "x-world/x-3dmf";
                case "3DMF":
                    return "x-world/x-3dmf";
                case "A":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "AAB":
                    return "application/x-authorware-bin";
                case "AAM":
                    return "application/x-authorware-map";
                case "AAS":
                    return "application/x-authorware-seg";
                case "ABC":
                    return "text/";
                case "ACGI":
                    return "text/html";
                case "AFL":
                    return "video/animaflex";
                case "AI":
                    return "application/postscript";
                case "AIF":
                    return "audio/aiff";
                case "AIFC":
                    return "audio/aiff";
                case "AIFF":
                    return "audio/aiff";
                case "AIM":
                    return "application/x-aim";
                case "AIP":
                    return "text/x-audiosoft-intra";
                case "ANI":
                    return "application/x-navi-animation";
                case "AOS":
                    return "application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software";
                case "APS":
                    return "application/mime";
                case "ARC":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "ARJ":
                    return "application/arj";
                case "ART":
                    return "image/x-jg";
                case "ASF":
                    return "video/x-ms-asf";
                case "ASM":
                    return "text/x-asm";
                case "ASP":
                    return "text/asp";
                case "ASPX":
                    return "text/aspx";
                case "ASX":
                    return "application/x-mplayer2";
                case "AU":
                    return "audio/basic";
                case "AVI":
                    return "video/avi";
                case "AVS":
                    return "video/avs-video";
                case "BCPIO":
                    return "application/x-bcpio";
                case "BIN":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "BM":
                    return "image/bmp";
                case "BMP":
                    return "image/bmp";
                case "BOO":
                    return "application/book";
                case "BOOK":
                    return "application/book";
                case "BOZ":
                    return "application/x-bzip2";
                case "BSH":
                    return "application/x-bsh";
                case "BZ":
                    return "application/x-bzip";
                case "BZ2":
                    return "application/x-bzip2";
                case "C":
                    return "text/x-c";
                case "C++":
                    return "text/x-c";
                case "CAT":
                    return "application/";
                case "CC":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "CCAD":
                    return "application/clariscad";
                case "CCO":
                    return "application/x-cocoa";
                case "CDF":
                    return "application/cdf";
                case "CER":
                    return "application/x-x509-ca-cert";
                case "CHA":
                    return "application/x-chat";
                case "CHAT":
                    return "application/x-chat";
                case "CLASS":
                    return "application/java";
                case "COM":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "CONF":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "CPIO":
                    return "application/x-cpio";
                case "CPP":
                    return "text/x-c";
                case "CPT":
                    return "application/x-compactpro";
                case "CRL":
                    return "application/pkcs-crl";
                case "CRT":
                    return "application/x-x509-ca-cert";
                case "CSH":
                    return "text/x-script.csh";
                case "CS":
                    return "text/x-csharp-source";
                case "CSS":
                    return "text/css";
                case "CXX":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "DCR":
                    return "application/x-director";
                case "DEEPV":
                    return "application/x-deepv";
                case "DEF":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "DER":
                    return "application/x-x509-ca-cert";
                case "DIF":
                    return "video/x-dv";
                case "DIR":
                    return "application/x-director";
                case "DL":
                    return "video/dl";
                case "DOC":
                    return "application/msword";
                case "DOT":
                    return "application/msword";
                case "DP":
                    return "application/commonground";
                case "DRW":
                    return "application/drafting";
                case "DUMP":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "DV":
                    return "video/x-dv";
                case "DVI":
                    return "application/x-dvi";
                case "DWF":
                    return "model/vnd.dwf";
                case "DWG":
                    return "image/vnd.dwg";
                case "DXF":
                    return "application/dxf";
                case "DXR":
                    return "application/x-director";
                case "EL":
                    return "text/x-script.elisp";
                case "ELC":
                    return "application/x-elc";
                case "ENV":
                    return "application/x-envoy";
                case "EPS":
                    return "application/postscript";
                case "ES":
                    return "application/x-esrehber";
                case "ETX":
                    return "text/x-setext";
                case "EVY":
                    return "application/envoy";
                case "EXE":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "F":
                    return "text/x-fortran";
                case "F77":
                    return "text/x-fortran";
                case "F90":
                    return "text/x-fortran";
                case "FDF":
                    return "application/vnd.fdf";
                case "FIF":
                    return "application/fractals";
                case "FLI":
                    return "video/fli";
                case "FLO":
                    return "image/florian";
                case "FLX":
                    return "text/vnd.fmi.flexstor";
                case "FMF":
                    return "video/x-atomic3d-feature";
                case "FOR":
                    return "text/x-fortran";
                case "FPX":
                    return "image/vnd.fpx";
                case "FRL":
                    return "application/freeloader";
                case "FUNK":
                    return "audio/make";
                case "G":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "G3":
                    return "image/g3fax";
                case "GIF":
                    return "image/gif";
                case "GL":
                    return "video/gl";
                case "GSD":
                    return "audio/x-gsm";
                case "GSM":
                    return "audio/x-gsm";
                case "GSP":
                    return "application/x-gsp";
                case "GSS":
                    return "application/x-gss";
                case "GTAR":
                    return "application/x-gtar";
                case "GZ":
                    return "application/x-gzip";
                case "GZIP":
                    return "application/x-gzip";
                case "H":
                    return "text/x-h";
                case "HDF":
                    return "application/x-hdf";
                case "HELP":
                    return "application/x-helpfile";
                case "HGL":
                    return "application/vnd.hp-hpgl";
                case "HH":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "HLB":
                    return "text/x-script";
                case "HLP":
                    return "application/hlp";
                case "HPG":
                    return "application/vnd.hp-hpgl";
                case "HPGL":
                    return "application/vnd.hp-hpgl";
                case "HQX":
                    return "application/binhex";
                case "HTA":
                    return "application/hta";
                case "HTC":
                    return "text/x-component";
                case "HTM":
                    return "text/html";
                case "HTML":
                    return "text/html";
                case "HTMLS":
                    return "text/html";
                case "HTT":
                    return "text/webviewhtml";
                case "HTX":
                    return "text/html";
                case "ICE":
                    return "x-conference/x-cooltalk";
                case "ICO":
                    return "image/x-icon";
                case "IDC":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "IEF":
                    return "image/ief";
                case "IEFS":
                    return "image/ief";
                case "IGES":
                    return "model/iges";
                case "IGS":
                    return "model/iges";
                case "IMA":
                    return "application/x-ima";
                case "IMAP":
                    return "application/x-httpd-imap";
                case "INF":
                    return "application/inf";
                case "INS":
                    return "application/x-internett-signup";
                case "IP":
                    return "application/x-ip2";
                case "ISU":
                    return "video/x-isvideo";
                case "IT":
                    return "audio/it";
                case "IV":
                    return "application/x-inventor";
                case "IVR":
                    return "i-world/i-vrml";
                case "IVY":
                    return "application/x-livescreen";
                case "JAM":
                    return "audio/x-jam";
                case "JAV":
                    return "text/x-java-source";
                case "JAVA":
                    return "text/x-java-source";
                case "JCM":
                    return "application/x-java-commerce";
                case "JFIF":
                    return "image/jpeg";
                case "JFIF-TBNL":
                    return "image/jpeg";
                case "JPE":
                    return "image/jpeg";
                case "JPEG":
                    return "image/jpeg";
                case "JPG":
                    return "image/jpeg";
                case "JPS":
                    return "image/x-jps";
                case "JS":
                    return "application/x-javascript";
                case "JUT":
                    return "image/jutvision";
                case "KAR":
                    return "audio/midi";
                case "KSH":
                    return "application/x-ksh";
                case "LA":
                    return "audio/nspaudio";
                case "LAM":
                    return "audio/x-liveaudio";
                case "LATEX":
                    return "application/x-latex";
                case "LHA":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "LHX":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "LIST":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "LMA":
                    return "audio/nspaudio";
                case "LOG":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "LSP":
                    return "application/x-lisp";
                case "LST":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "LTX":
                    return "application/x-latex";
                case "LZH":
                    return "application/x-lzh";
                case "LZX":
                    return "application/lzx";
                case "M":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "M1V":
                    return "video/mpeg";
                case "M2A":
                    return "audio/mpeg";
                case "M2V":
                    return "video/mpeg";
                case "M3U":
                    return "audio/x-mpequrl";
                case "MAN":
                    return "application/x-troff-man";
                case "MAP":
                    return "application/x-navimap";
                case "MAR":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "MBD":
                    return "application/mbedlet";
                case "MC$":
                    return "application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0";
                case "MCD":
                    return "application/mcad";
                case "MCF":
                    return "text/mcf";
                case "MCP":
                    return "application/netmc";
                case "ME":
                    return "application/x-troff-me";
                case "MHT":
                    return "message/rfc822";
                case "MHTML":
                    return "message/rfc822";
                case "MID":
                    return "audio/midi";
                case "MIDI":
                    return "audio/midi";
                case "MIF":
                    return "application/x-mif";
                case "MIME":
                    return "message/rfc822";
                case "MJF":
                    return "audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile";
                case "MJPG":
                    return "video/x-motion-jpeg";
                case "MM":
                    return "application/x-meme";
                case "MME":
                    return "application/base64";
                case "MOD":
                    return "audio/mod";
                case "MOOV":
                    return "video/quicktime";
                case "MOV":
                    return "video/quicktime";
                case "MOVIE":
                    return "video/x-sgi-movie";
                case "MP2":
                case "MPG":
                case "MPA":
                    return resourceType.ToUpper().IndexOf("VIDEO") < 0 ? "audio/mpeg" : "video/mpeg";
                case "MP3":
                    return resourceType.ToUpper().IndexOf("VIDEO") < 0 ? "audio/mpeg3" : "video/mpeg";
                case "MPC":
                    return "application/x-project";
                case "MPE":
                    return "video/mpeg";
                case "MPEG":
                    return "video/mpeg";
                case "MPGA":
                    return "audio/mpeg";
                case "MPP":
                    return "application/";
                case "MPT":
                    return "application/x-project";
                case "MPV":
                    return "application/x-project";
                case "MPX":
                    return "application/x-project";
                case "MRC":
                    return "application/marc";
                case "MS":
                    return "application/x-troff-ms";
                case "MV":
                    return "video/x-sgi-movie";
                case "MY":
                    return "audio/make";
                case "MZZ":
                    return "application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz";
                case "NAP":
                    return "image/naplps";
                case "NAPLPS":
                    return "image/naplps";
                case "NC":
                    return "application/x-netcdf";
                case "NCM":
                    return "application/";
                case "NIF":
                    return "image/x-niff";
                case "NIFF":
                    return "image/x-niff";
                case "NIX":
                    return "application/x-mix-transfer";
                case "NSC":
                    return "application/x-conference";
                case "NVD":
                    return "application/x-navidoc";
                case "O":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "ODA":
                    return "application/oda";
                case "OMC":
                    return "application/x-omc";
                case "OMCD":
                    return "application/x-omcdatamaker";
                case "OMCR":
                    return "application/x-omcregerator";
                case "P":
                    return "text/x-pascal";
                case "P10":
                    return "application/pkcs10";
                case "P12":
                    return "application/pkcs-12";
                case "P7A":
                    return "application/x-pkcs7-signature";
                case "P7C":
                    return "application/pkcs7-mime";
                case "P7M":
                    return "application/pkcs7-mime";
                case "P7R":
                    return "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp";
                case "P7S":
                    return "application/pkcs7-signature";
                case "PART":
                    return "application/pro_eng";
                case "PAS":
                    return "text/pascal";
                case "PBM":
                    return "image/x-portable-bitmap";
                case "PCL":
                    return "application/x-pcl";
                case "PCT":
                    return "image/x-pict";
                case "PCX":
                    return "image/x-pcx";
                case "PDB":
                    return "chemical/x-pdb";
                case "PDF":
                    return "application/pdf";
                case "PFUNK":
                    return "audio/make";
                case "PGM":
                    return "image/x-portable-graymap";
                case "PIC":
                    return "image/pict";
                case "PICT":
                    return "image/pict";
                case "PKG":
                    return "application/x-newton-compatible-pkg";
                case "PKO":
                    return "application/";
                case "PL":
                    return "text/x-script.perl";
                case "PLX":
                    return "application/x-pixclscript";
                case "PM":
                    return "text/x-script.perl-module";
                case "PM4":
                    return "application/x-pagemaker";
                case "PM5":
                    return "application/x-pagemaker";
                case "PNG":
                    return "image/png";
                case "PNM":
                    return "application/x-portable-anymap";
                case "POT":
                    return "application/mspowerpoint";
                case "POV":
                    return "model/x-pov";
                case "PPA":
                    return "application/";
                case "PPM":
                    return "image/x-portable-pixmap";
                case "PPS":
                    return "application/mspowerpoint";
                case "PPT":
                    return "application/mspowerpoint";
                case "PPZ":
                    return "application/mspowerpoint";
                case "PRE":
                    return "application/x-freelance";
                case "PRT":
                    return "application/pro_eng";
                case "PS":
                    return "application/postscript";
                case "PSD":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "PVU":
                    return "paleovu/x-pv";
                case "PWZ":
                    return "application/";
                case "PY":
                    return "text/x-script.phyton";
                case "PYC":
                    return "applicaiton/x-bytecode.python";
                case "QCP":
                    return "audio/vnd.qcelp";
                case "QD3":
                    return "x-world/x-3dmf";
                case "QD3D":
                    return "x-world/x-3dmf";
                case "QIF":
                    return "image/x-quicktime";
                case "QT":
                    return "video/quicktime";
                case "QTC":
                    return "video/x-qtc";
                case "QTI":
                    return "image/x-quicktime";
                case "QTIF":
                    return "image/x-quicktime";
                case "RA":
                    return "audio/x-realaudio";
                case "RAM":
                    return "audio/x-pn-realaudio";
                case "RAS":
                    return "image/cmu-raster";
                case "RAST":
                    return "image/cmu-raster";
                case "REXX":
                    return "text/x-script.rexx";
                case "RF":
                    return "image/vnd.rn-realflash";
                case "RGB":
                    return "image/x-rgb";
                case "RM":
                    return "audio/x-pn-realaudio";
                case "RMI":
                    return "audio/mid";
                case "RMM":
                    return "audio/x-pn-realaudio";
                case "RMP":
                    return "audio/x-pn-realaudio";
                case "RNG":
                    return "application/ringing-tones";
                case "RNX":
                    return "application/vnd.rn-realplayer";
                case "ROFF":
                    return "application/x-troff";
                case "RP":
                    return "image/vnd.rn-realpix";
                case "RPM":
                    return "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
                case "RT":
                    return "text/richtext";
                case "RTF":
                    return "text/richtext";
                case "RTX":
                    return "text/richtext";
                case "RV":
                    return "video/vnd.rn-realvideo";
                case "S":
                    return "text/x-asm";
                case "S3M":
                    return "audio/s3m";
                case "SAVEME":
                    return "application/octet-stream";
                case "SBK":
                    return "application/x-tbook";
                case "SCM":
                    return "text/x-script.scheme";
                case "SDML":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "SDP":
                    return "application/sdp";
                case "SDR":
                    return "application/sounder";
                case "SEA":
                    return "application/sea";
                case "SET":
                    return "application/set";
                case "SGM":
                    return "text/sgml";
                case "SGML":
                    return "text/sgml";
                case "SH":
                    return "text/";
                case "SHAR":
                    return "application/x-shar";
                case "SHTML":
                    return "text/x-server-parsed-html";
                case "SID":
                    return "audio/x-psid";
                case "SIT":
                    return "application/x-stuffit";
                case "SKD":
                    return "application/x-koan";
                case "SKM":
                    return "application/x-koan";
                case "SKP":
                    return "application/x-koan";
                case "SKT":
                    return "application/x-koan";
                case "SL":
                    return "application/x-seelogo";
                case "SMI":
                    return "application/smil";
                case "SMIL":
                    return "application/smil";
                case "SND":
                    return "audio/basic";
                case "SOL":
                    return "application/solids";
                case "SPC":
                    return "application/x-pkcs7-certificates";
                case "SPL":
                    return "application/futuresplash";
                case "SPR":
                    return "application/x-sprite";
                case "SPRITE":
                    return "application/x-sprite";
                case "SRC":
                    return "application/x-wais-source";
                case "SSI":
                    return "text/x-server-parsed-html";
                case "SSM":
                    return "application/streamingmedia";
                case "SST":
                    return "application/";
                case "STEP":
                    return "application/step";
                case "STL":
                    return "application/sla";
                case "STP":
                    return "application/step";
                case "SV4CPIO":
                    return "application/x-sv4cpio";
                case "SV4CRC":
                    return "application/x-sv4crc";
                case "SVF":
                    return "image/vnd.dwg";
                case "SVR":
                    return "application/x-world";
                case "SWF":
                    return "application/x-shockwave-flash";
                case "T":
                    return "application/x-troff";
                case "TALK":
                    return "text/x-speech";
                case "TAR":
                    return "application/x-tar";
                case "TBK":
                    return "application/toolbook";
                case "TCL":
                    return "application/x-tcl";
                case "TCSH":
                    return "text/x-script.tcsh";
                case "TEX":
                    return "application/x-tex";
                case "TEXI":
                    return "application/x-texinfo";
                case "TEXINFO":
                    return "application/x-texinfo";
                case "TEXT":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "TGZ":
                    return "application/gnutar";
                case "TIF":
                    return "image/tiff";
                case "TIFF":
                    return "image/tiff";
                case "TR":
                    return "application/x-troff";
                case "TSI":
                    return "audio/tsp-audio";
                case "TSP":
                    return "audio/tsplayer";
                case "TSV":
                    return "text/tab-separated-values";
                case "TURBOT":
                    return "image/florian";
                case "TXT":
                    return "text/plain";
                case "UIL":
                    return "text/x-uil";
                case "UNI":
                    return "text/uri-list";
                case "UNIS":
                    return "text/uri-list";
                case "UNV":
                    return "application/i-deas";
                case "URI":
                    return "text/uri-list";
                case "URIS":
                    return "text/uri-list";
                case "USTAR":
                    return "application/x-ustar";
                case "UU":
                    return "text/x-uuencode";
                case "UUE":
                    return "text/x-uuencode";
                case "VCD":
                    return "application/x-cdlink";
                case "VCS":
                    return "text/x-vcalendar";
                case "VDA":
                    return "application/vda";
                case "VDO":
                    return "video/vdo";
                case "VEW":
                    return "application/groupwise";
                case "VIV":
                    return "video/vivo";
                case "VIVO":
                    return "video/vivo";
                case "VMD":
                    return "application/vocaltec-media-desc";
                case "VMF":
                    return "application/vocaltec-media-file";
                case "VOC":
                    return "audio/voc";
                case "VOS":
                    return "video/vosaic";
                case "VOX":
                    return "audio/voxware";
                case "VQE":
                    return "audio/x-twinvq-plugin";
                case "VQF":
                    return "audio/x-twinvq";
                case "VQL":
                    return "audio/x-twinvq-plugin";
                case "VRML":
                    return "model/vrml";
                case "VRT":
                    return "x-world/x-vrt";
                case "VSD":
                    return "application/x-visio";
                case "VST":
                    return "application/x-visio";
                case "VSW":
                    return "application/x-visio";
                case "W60":
                    return "application/wordperfect6.0";
                case "W61":
                    return "application/wordperfect6.1";
                case "W6W":
                    return "application/msword";
                case "WAV":
                    return "audio/wav";
                case "WB1":
                    return "application/x-qpro";
                case "WBMP":
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                case "WEB":
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