Questor.Modules.Combat.Drones.ProcessState C# (CSharp) Метод

ProcessState() публичный статический Метод

public static ProcessState ( ) : void
Результат void
        public static void ProcessState()
            if (_nextDroneAction > DateTime.UtcNow || Settings.Instance.DebugDisableDrones) return;

            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.ProcessState", "Entering Drones.ProcessState", Logging.Debug);
            _nextDroneAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(800);

            if (Cache.Instance.InStation ||                             // There is really no combat in stations (yet)
                !Cache.Instance.InSpace ||                              // if we are not in space yet, wait...
                Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity == null ||   // What? No ship entity?
                Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.IsCloaked || // There is no combat when cloaked
                !Cache.Instance.UseDrones                               // if UseDrones is false
                _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Idle;

            if (Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.IsShipWithNoDroneBay)
                _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Idle;

            if ((!Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Any() && Cache.Instance.InWarp) || !Cache.Instance.EntitiesOnGrid.Any())
                _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Idle;

            switch (_States.CurrentDroneState)
                case DroneState.WaitingForTargets:

                    // Are we in the right state ?
                    if (Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Any())
                        // Apparently not, we have drones out, go into fight mode
                        _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Fighting;

                    if (Cache.Instance.Targets.Any() || Settings.Instance.DronesDontNeedTargetsBecauseWehaveThemSetOnAggressive)
                        // Should we launch drones?
                        bool launch = true;

                        // Always launch if we're scrambled
                        if (!Cache.Instance.PotentialCombatTargets.Any(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe))
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            launch &= Cache.Instance.UseDrones;
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", " launch &= Cache.Instance.UseDrones; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            // Are we done with this mission pocket?
                            launch &= !Cache.Instance.IsMissionPocketDone;
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "!Cache.Instance.IsMissionPocketDone; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            // If above minimums
                            launch &= Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage >= Settings.Instance.DroneMinimumShieldPct;
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            launch &= Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage >= Settings.Instance.DroneMinimumArmorPct;
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            launch &= Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage >= Settings.Instance.DroneMinimumCapacitorPct;
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);

                            // yes if there are targets to kill
                            launch &= (Cache.Instance.Aggressed.Count(e => e.Distance < Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange && (!e.IsSentry || (e.IsSentry && Settings.Instance.KillSentries) || (e.IsSentry && e.IsEwarTarget) )) > 0 || Cache.Instance.Targets.Count(e => e.IsLargeCollidable) > 0);
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "Cache.Instance.Aggressed.Count; Launch is [" + launch + "] MaxDroneRange [" + Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange + "] DroneControlrange [" + Settings.Instance.DroneControlRange + "] TargetingRange [" + Cache.Instance.MaxTargetRange + "]", Logging.Debug);

                            if (_States.CurrentQuestorState != QuestorState.CombatMissionsBehavior)
                                launch &= Cache.Instance.EntitiesOnGrid.Count(e => !e.IsSentry && !e.IsBadIdea && e.CategoryId == (int)CategoryID.Entity && e.IsNpc && !e.IsContainer && !e.IsLargeCollidable && e.Distance < Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange) > 0;
                                if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "Cache.Instance.Entities.Count; Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);

                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                            // If drones get aggro'd within 30 seconds, then wait (5 * _recallCount + 5) seconds since the last recall
                            if (_lastLaunch < _lastRecall && _lastRecall.Subtract(_lastLaunch).TotalSeconds < 30)
                                if (_lastRecall.AddSeconds(5 * _recallCount + 5) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                                    // Increase recall count and allow the launch

                                    // Never let _recallCount go above 5
                                    if (_recallCount > 5)
                                        _recallCount = 5;
                                    // Do not launch the drones until the delay has passed
                                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "We are still in _lastRecall delay. Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                                    launch = false;
                            else // Drones have been out for more then 30s
                                _recallCount = 0;
                        if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.WaitingForTargets", "Launch is [" + launch + "]", Logging.Debug);
                        if (launch)
                            // Reset launch tries
                            _launchTries = 0;
                            _lastLaunch = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Launch;

                case DroneState.Launch:
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Launch", "LaunchAllDrones", Logging.Debug);
                    // Launch all drones
                    Recall = false;
                    _launchTimeout = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Launching;

                case DroneState.Launching:
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Launching", "Entering Launching State...", Logging.Debug);
                    // We haven't launched anything yet, keep waiting
                    if (!Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Any())
                        if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Launching", "No Drones in space yet. waiting", Logging.Debug);
                        if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_launchTimeout).TotalSeconds > 10)
                            // Relaunch if tries < 5
                            if (_launchTries < 5)
                                _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Launch;

                            _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.OutOfDrones;

                    // Are we done launching?
                    if (_lastDroneCount == Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count())
                        Logging.Log("Drones", "[" + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + "] Drones Launched", Logging.Magenta);
                        _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Fighting;

                case DroneState.OutOfDrones:

                    if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones && Settings.Instance.CharacterMode == "CombatMissions" && _States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState == CombatMissionsBehaviorState.ExecuteMission)
                        if (Statistics.Instance.OutOfDronesCount >= 3)
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "We are Out of Drones! AGAIN - Headed back to base to stay!", Logging.Red);
                            _States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState = CombatMissionsBehaviorState.GotoBase;
                            Statistics.Instance.MissionCompletionErrors = 10; //this effectively will stop questor in station so we do not try to do this mission again, this needs human intervention if we have lots this many drones

                        Logging.Log("Drones","We are Out of Drones! - Headed back to base to Re-Arm",Logging.Red);
                        _States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState = CombatMissionsBehaviorState.GotoBase;


                case DroneState.Fighting:
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Fighting", "Should we recall our drones? This is a possible list of reasons why we should", Logging.Debug);

                    if (!Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Any())
                        Logging.Log("Drones", "Apparently we have lost all our drones", Logging.Orange);
                        Recall = true;
                        if (Cache.Instance.PotentialCombatTargets.Any(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe))
                            EntityCache WarpScrambledBy = Cache.Instance.Targets.OrderBy(d => d.Distance).ThenByDescending(i => i.IsWarpScramblingMe).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (WarpScrambledBy != null && DateTime.UtcNow > _nextWarpScrambledWarning)
                                _nextWarpScrambledWarning = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20);
                                Logging.Log("Drones", "We are scrambled by: [" + Logging.White + WarpScrambledBy.Name + Logging.Orange + "][" + Logging.White + Math.Round(WarpScrambledBy.Distance, 0) + Logging.Orange + "][" + Logging.White + WarpScrambledBy.Id + Logging.Orange + "]", Logging.Orange);
                                Recall = false;
                                WarpScrambled = true;
                            //Logging.Log("Drones: We are not warp scrambled at the moment...");
                            WarpScrambled = false;

                    if (!Recall)
                        // Are we done (for now) ?
                        if (
                            Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Count(e => (!e.IsSentry || (e.IsSentry && Settings.Instance.KillSentries) || (e.IsSentry && e.IsEwarTarget))
                                                               && (e.IsNpc || e.IsNpcByGroupID)
                                                               && e.Distance < Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange) == 0)
                            int TargtedByCount = 0;
                            if (Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any())
                                TargtedByCount = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Count();
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because no NPC is targeting us within [" + Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange + "] DroneControlRange Is [" + Settings.Instance.DroneControlRange + "] Targeting Range Is [" + Cache.Instance.MaxTargetRange + "] We have [" + TargtedByCount + "] total things targeting us", Logging.Magenta);
                            Recall = true;

                        if (!Recall & (Cache.Instance.IsMissionPocketDone) && !WarpScrambled)
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because we are done with this pocket.", Logging.Magenta);
                            Recall = true;
                        else if (!Recall & (_shieldPctTotal > GetShieldPctTotal()))
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because drones have lost some shields! [Old: " +
                                        _shieldPctTotal.ToString("N2") + "][New: " + GetShieldPctTotal().ToString("N2") +
                                        "]", Logging.Magenta);
                            Recall = true;
                        else if (!Recall & (_armorPctTotal > GetArmorPctTotal()))
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because drones have lost some armor! [Old:" +
                                        _armorPctTotal.ToString("N2") + "][New: " + GetArmorPctTotal().ToString("N2") +
                                        "]", Logging.Magenta);
                            Recall = true;
                        else if (!Recall & (_structurePctTotal > GetStructurePctTotal()))
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because drones have lost some structure! [Old:" +
                                        _structurePctTotal.ToString("N2") + "][New: " +
                                        GetStructurePctTotal().ToString("N2") + "]", Logging.Magenta);
                            Recall = true;
                        else if (!Recall & (Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() < _lastDroneCount))
                            // Did we lose a drone? (this should be covered by total's as well though)
                            Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones because we have lost a drone! [Old:" + _lastDroneCount +
                                        "][New: " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + "]", Logging.Orange);
                            Recall = true;
                        else if (!Recall)
                            // Default to long range recall
                            int lowShieldWarning = Settings.Instance.LongRangeDroneRecallShieldPct;
                            int lowArmorWarning = Settings.Instance.LongRangeDroneRecallArmorPct;
                            int lowCapWarning = Settings.Instance.LongRangeDroneRecallCapacitorPct;

                            if (Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Average(d => d.Distance) <
                                (Cache.Instance.MaxDroneRange / 2d))
                                lowShieldWarning = Settings.Instance.DroneRecallShieldPct;
                                lowArmorWarning = Settings.Instance.DroneRecallArmorPct;
                                lowCapWarning = Settings.Instance.DroneRecallCapacitorPct;

                            if (!Cache.Instance.Targets.Any() && !Settings.Instance.DronesDontNeedTargetsBecauseWehaveThemSetOnAggressive)
                                Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to [" + Cache.Instance.Targets.Count() + "] targets being locked. Locking [" + Cache.Instance.Targeting.Count() + "] targets atm", Logging.Orange);
                                Recall = true;

                            if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage < lowShieldWarning && !WarpScrambled)
                                Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to shield [" +
                                            Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" +
                                            lowShieldWarning + "%] minimum", Logging.Orange);
                                Recall = true;
                            else if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage < lowArmorWarning && !WarpScrambled)
                                Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to armor [" +
                                            Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" +
                                            lowArmorWarning + "%] minimum", Logging.Orange);
                                Recall = true;
                            else if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage < lowCapWarning && !WarpScrambled)
                                Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to capacitor [" +
                                            Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" +
                                            lowCapWarning + "%] minimum", Logging.Orange);
                                Recall = true;
                            else if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.CombatMissionsBehavior && !WarpScrambled)
                                if (_States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState == CombatMissionsBehaviorState.GotoBase && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to gotobase state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                                else if (_States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState == CombatMissionsBehaviorState.GotoMission && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to gotomission state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                                else if (_States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState == CombatMissionsBehaviorState.Panic && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to panic state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                            else if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.CombatHelperBehavior && !WarpScrambled)
                                if (_States.CurrentCombatHelperBehaviorState == CombatHelperBehaviorState.Panic && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to panic state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                                else if (_States.CurrentCombatHelperBehaviorState == CombatHelperBehaviorState.GotoBase && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to panic state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                            else if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehavior && !WarpScrambled)
                                if (_States.CurrentDedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState == DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState.GotoBase && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to gotobase state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                                else if (_States.CurrentDedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState == DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState.Panic && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to panic state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;
                                else if (_States.CurrentDedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState == DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState.GotoNearestStation && !WarpScrambled)
                                    Logging.Log("Drones", "Recalling [ " + Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() + " ] drones due to GotoNearestStation state", Logging.Orange);
                                    Recall = true;

                    // Recall or engage
                    if (Recall)
                        _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Recalling;
                        if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Fighting", "EngageTarget(); - before", Logging.Debug);


                        if (Settings.Instance.DebugDrones) Logging.Log("Drones.Fighting", "EngageTarget(); - after", Logging.Debug);
                        // We lost a drone and did not recall, assume panicking and launch (if any) additional drones
                        if (Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count() < _lastDroneCount)
                            _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.Launch;

                case DroneState.Recalling:

                    // Are we done?
                    if (!Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Any())
                        _lastRecall = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        Recall = false;
                        _nextDroneAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(3);
                        _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.WaitingForTargets;

                    // Give recall command every x seconds (default is 15)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastRecallCommand).TotalSeconds > Time.Instance.RecallDronesDelayBetweenRetries + Cache.Instance.RandomNumber(0,2))
                        _lastRecallCommand = DateTime.UtcNow;

                case DroneState.Idle:

                    // below is the reasons we will start the combat state(s) - if the below is not met do nothing
                    if (Cache.Instance.InSpace &&
                        Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity != null &&
                        !Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.IsCloaked &&
                        Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GivenName.ToLower() != Settings.Instance.CombatShipName &&
                        Cache.Instance.UseDrones &&
                        _States.CurrentDroneState = DroneState.WaitingForTargets;


            // Update health values
            _shieldPctTotal = GetShieldPctTotal();
            _armorPctTotal = GetArmorPctTotal();
            _structurePctTotal = GetStructurePctTotal();
            _lastDroneCount = Cache.Instance.ActiveDrones.Count();