Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand.PrepareInternal C# (CSharp) Метод

PrepareInternal() приватный Метод

private PrepareInternal ( ) : void
Результат void
        private void PrepareInternal()
            if (m_Connector.BackendProtocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.Version2)
                planName = Connector.NextPlanName();
                preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true, false);

                ExecuteBlind(m_Connector, preparedCommandText);
                prepared = PrepareStatus.V2Prepared;

                // Tell to mediator what command is being sent.
                m_Connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Prepare);
                // Use the extended query parsing...
                planName = m_Connector.NextPlanName();
                String portalName = "";

                preparedCommandText = GetCommandText(true, true);
                NpgsqlParse parse = new NpgsqlParse(planName, preparedCommandText, new Int32[] { });
                NpgsqlDescribe statementDescribe = new NpgsqlDescribeStatement(planName);
                IEnumerable<IServerResponseObject> responseEnum;
                NpgsqlRowDescription returnRowDesc = null;

                // Write Parse, Describe, and Sync messages to the wire.

                // Tell to mediator what command is being sent.
                m_Connector.Mediator.SetSqlSent(preparedCommandText, NpgsqlMediator.SQLSentType.Parse);

                // Flush and wait for response.
                responseEnum = m_Connector.ProcessBackendResponsesEnum();

                // Look for a NpgsqlRowDescription in the responses, discarding everything else.
                foreach (IServerResponseObject response in responseEnum)
                    if (response is NpgsqlRowDescription)
                        returnRowDesc = (NpgsqlRowDescription)response;
                    else if (response is IDisposable)
                        (response as IDisposable).Dispose();

                Int16[] resultFormatCodes;

                if (returnRowDesc != null)
                    resultFormatCodes = new Int16[returnRowDesc.NumFields];

                    for (int i = 0; i < returnRowDesc.NumFields; i++)
                        NpgsqlRowDescription.FieldData returnRowDescData = returnRowDesc[i];

                        if (returnRowDescData.TypeInfo != null)
                            // Binary format?
                            // PG always defaults to text encoding.  We can fix up the row description
                            // here based on support for binary encoding.  Once this is done,
                            // there is no need to request another row description after Bind.
                            returnRowDescData.FormatCode = returnRowDescData.TypeInfo.SupportsBinaryBackendData ? FormatCode.Binary : FormatCode.Text;
                            resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)returnRowDescData.FormatCode;
                            // Text format (default).
                            resultFormatCodes[i] = (Int16)FormatCode.Text;
                    resultFormatCodes = new Int16[] { 0 };

                // Save the row description for use with all future Executes.
                currentRowDescription = returnRowDesc;

                // The Bind and Execute message objects live through multiple Executes.
                // Only Bind changes at all between Executes, which is done in BindParameters().
                bind = new NpgsqlBind(portalName, planName, new Int16[Parameters.Count], null, resultFormatCodes);
                execute = new NpgsqlExecute(portalName, 0);

                prepared = PrepareStatus.V3Prepared;