NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeInstance.Parse C# (CSharp) Метод

Parse() публичный Метод

Parse the input and return the root of AST node structure. In the event that it runs out of parsers in the pool, it will create and let them be GC'd dynamically, logging that it has to do that. This is considered an exceptional condition. It is expected that the user will set the PARSER_POOL_SIZE property appropriately for their application. We will revisit this.
public Parse ( TextReader reader, String templateName ) : SimpleNode
reader System.IO.TextReader inputstream retrieved by a resource loader
templateName String name of the template being parsed
Результат SimpleNode
		public SimpleNode Parse(TextReader reader, String templateName)
			// do it and dump the VM namespace for this template
			return Parse(reader, templateName, true);

Same methods

RuntimeInstance::Parse ( TextReader reader, String templateName, bool dumpNamespace ) : SimpleNode

Usage Example

Пример #1
 /// <summary> Parse the input and return the root of
 /// AST node structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// In the event that it runs out of parsers in the
 /// pool, it will create and let them be GC'd
 /// dynamically, logging that it has to do that.  This
 /// is considered an exceptional condition.  It is
 /// expected that the user will set the
 /// PARSER_POOL_SIZE property appropriately for their
 /// application.  We will revisit this.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="reader">TextReader retrieved by a resource loader</param>
 /// <param name="templateName">name of the template being parsed</param>
 public static SimpleNode Parse(TextReader reader, String templateName)
     return(ri.Parse(reader, templateName));
All Usage Examples Of NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeInstance::Parse