Microsoft.JScript.Class.CheckThatAllAbstractSuperClassMethodsAreImplemented C# (CSharp) Метод

CheckThatAllAbstractSuperClassMethodsAreImplemented() приватный Метод

private CheckThatAllAbstractSuperClassMethodsAreImplemented ( ) : void
Результат void
      private void CheckThatAllAbstractSuperClassMethodsAreImplemented(){
        //By the time we get here all abstract superclass members that are implemented by this class are already replaced by
        //their names in superMembers. What remains is to weed out those that are implemented by more derived base classes
        //and then to complain about any that are left over.
        for (int i = 0, n = this.superMembers.Length; i < n; i++){
          Object ob = this.superMembers[i];
          MethodInfo meth = ob as MethodInfo;
          if (meth != null){
            if (!meth.IsAbstract) continue;
            //Check to see if implemented by a more derived base class
            for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){
              Object mem = this.superMembers[j];
              if (mem is MethodInfo){
                MethodInfo meth2 = (MethodInfo)mem;
                if (meth2.Name != meth.Name) break;
                if (!meth2.IsAbstract && Class.ParametersMatch(meth2.GetParameters(), meth.GetParameters())){
                  IReflect rt = meth is JSFieldMethod ? ((JSFieldMethod)meth).ReturnIR() : meth.ReturnType;
                  IReflect rt2 = meth2 is JSFieldMethod ? ((JSFieldMethod)meth2).ReturnIR() : meth2.ReturnType;
                  if (rt == rt2){
                    this.superMembers[i] = meth.Name;
                    goto noError;
            //Nope, give an error (unless class is marked abstract, but not if the method comes from an interface)
            if (!this.isAbstract || (!this.isInterface && Class.DefinedOnInterface(meth))){
              StringBuilder sig = new StringBuilder(meth.DeclaringType.ToString());
              ParameterInfo[] pars = meth.GetParameters();
              for (int j = 0, m = pars.Length; j < m; j++){
                if (j < m-1)
                  sig.Append(", ");
              if (meth.ReturnType != Typeob.Void){
                sig.Append(" : ");
              this.context.HandleError(JSError.MustImplementMethod, sig.ToString());
              this.attributes |= TypeAttributes.Abstract; //Make the class compilable
            //If the super class method comes from an interface, emit an abstract method that implements it