EraseEEPROM() публичный Метод

Erases the device EEPROM.
Thrown when attempting to erase the EEPROM of a device with an internal EEPROM such as an FT232R or FT245R.
public EraseEEPROM ( ) : FT_STATUS
Результат FT_STATUS
        public FT_STATUS EraseEEPROM()
            // Initialise ftStatus to something other than FT_OK
            FT_STATUS ftStatus = FT_STATUS.FT_OTHER_ERROR;
            FT_ERROR ftErrorCondition = FT_ERROR.FT_NO_ERROR;

            // If the DLL hasn't been loaded, just return here
            if (hFTD2XXDLL == IntPtr.Zero)
                return ftStatus;

            // Check for our required function pointers being set up
            if (pFT_EraseEE != IntPtr.Zero)
                tFT_EraseEE FT_EraseEE = (tFT_EraseEE)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pFT_EraseEE, typeof(tFT_EraseEE));

                if (ftHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    FT_DEVICE DeviceType = FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN;
                    // Check that it is not an FT232R or FT245R that we are trying to erase
                    GetDeviceType(ref DeviceType);
                    if (DeviceType == FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_232R)
                        // If it is a device with an internal EEPROM, throw an exception
                        ftErrorCondition = FT_ERROR.FT_INCORRECT_DEVICE;
                        ErrorHandler(ftStatus, ftErrorCondition);

                    // Call FT_EraseEE
                    ftStatus = FT_EraseEE(ftHandle);
                if (pFT_EraseEE == IntPtr.Zero)
                    LogB.Debug("FTD2XX: Failed to load function FT_EraseEE.");
            return ftStatus;