CTCClassSchedule.Controllers.SearchController.Index C# (CSharp) Метод

Index() публичный Метод

public Index ( string searchterm, string Subject, string quarter, string timestart, string timeend, string day_su, string day_m, string day_t, string day_w, string day_th, string day_f, string day_s, string f_oncampus, string f_online, string f_hybrid, string avail, string latestart, string numcredits, int p_offset ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
searchterm string
Subject string
quarter string
timestart string
timeend string
day_su string
day_m string
day_t string
day_w string
day_th string
day_f string
day_s string
f_oncampus string
f_online string
f_hybrid string
avail string
latestart string
numcredits string
p_offset int
Результат System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
        public ActionResult Index(string searchterm, string Subject, string quarter, string timestart, string timeend, string day_su, string day_m, string day_t, string day_w, string day_th, string day_f, string day_s, string f_oncampus, string f_online, string f_hybrid, string avail, string latestart, string numcredits, int p_offset = 0)
            // We don't currently support quoted phrases. - 4/19/2012, [email protected]
            searchterm = searchterm.Replace("\"", string.Empty);

            // TODO: This needs to be configurable
            if (quarter == "CE")
                Response.Redirect("http://www.campusce.net/BC/Search/Search.aspx?q=" + searchterm, true);
                return null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchterm.Trim()))
                return RedirectToAction("AllClasses", "Classes", new { YearQuarterID = quarter });

            ViewBag.timestart = timestart;
            ViewBag.timeend = timeend;
              ViewBag.avail = avail;
              ViewBag.Modality = Helpers.ConstructModalityList(f_oncampus, f_online, f_hybrid);
            ViewBag.Days = Helpers.ConstructDaysList(day_su, day_m, day_t, day_w, day_th, day_f, day_s);
            ViewBag.Subject = Subject;
            ViewBag.searchterm = Regex.Replace(searchterm, @"\s+", " ");	// replace each clump of whitespace w/ a single space (so the database can better handle it)
              ViewBag.ErrorMsg = string.Empty;

            IList<ISectionFacet> facets = Helpers.addFacets(timestart, timeend, day_su, day_m, day_t, day_w, day_th, day_f, day_s,
                                                            f_oncampus, f_online, f_hybrid, avail, latestart, numcredits);

            ViewBag.LinkParams = Helpers.getLinkParams(Request, "submit");

            using (OdsRepository repository = new OdsRepository())
                YearQuarter yrq = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(quarter) ? repository.CurrentYearQuarter : YearQuarter.FromFriendlyName(quarter);
            IList<YearQuarter> menuQuarters = Helpers.GetYearQuarterListForMenus(repository);
              QuarterNavigationModel quarterNavigation = new QuarterNavigationModel
                                                             NavigationQuarters = menuQuarters,
                                                             CurrentQuarter = menuQuarters[0],
                                                             ViewingQuarter = yrq,

                IList<Section> sections;
                using (_profiler.Step("API::GetSections()"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Subject))
                        sections = repository.GetSections(yrq, facets);
            IList<string> prefixes = SubjectInfo.GetSubjectPrefixes(Subject);
                        sections = repository.GetSections(prefixes, yrq, facets);

            int currentPage;
            int totalPages;
            int itemCount;
            IList<SectionWithSeats> sectionsEnum;
                IList<SearchResult> searchResults;
            SearchResultNoSectionModel noSectionSearchResults;
              IList<SectionsBlock> courseBlocks;
              using (ClassScheduleDb db = new ClassScheduleDb())
                    searchResults = GetSearchResults(db, searchterm, quarter);
                    noSectionSearchResults = GetNoSectionSearchResults(db, searchterm, yrq);

              sections = (from s in sections
                      join r in searchResults on s.ID.ToString() equals r.ClassID
                      select s).ToList();

                    sectionsEnum = Helpers.GetSectionsWithSeats(yrq.ID, sections, db);

              // do not count Linked sections (since we don't display them)
              itemCount = sectionsEnum.Count(s => !s.IsLinked);

                  totalPages = (int)Math.Round((itemCount / ITEMS_PER_PAGE) + 0.5);
                  currentPage = p_offset + 1;

              using (_profiler.Step("Getting just records for page"))
            if (currentPage > totalPages && totalPages > 0)
              currentPage = totalPages;
            sectionsEnum = sectionsEnum.Skip(p_offset * ITEMS_PER_PAGE).Take(ITEMS_PER_PAGE).ToList();

              courseBlocks = Helpers.GroupSectionsIntoBlocks(sectionsEnum, db);

                IEnumerable<string> allSubjects;
                using (_profiler.Step("Getting distinct list of subjects"))
                    allSubjects = sectionsEnum.Select(c => c.CourseSubject).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c);

            SearchResultsModel model = new SearchResultsModel
                                             ItemCount = itemCount,
                                       TotalPages = totalPages,
                                       CurrentPage = currentPage,
                                       Courses = courseBlocks,
                                             SearchResultNoSection = noSectionSearchResults,
                                             AllSubjects = allSubjects,
                                       QuarterNavigation = quarterNavigation,
                return View(model);