CSScriptCompilers.CPPCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatchImpl C# (CSharp) Метод

CompileAssemblyFromFileBatchImpl() приватный Метод

private CompileAssemblyFromFileBatchImpl ( CompilerParameters options, string fileNames ) : CompilerResults
options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
fileNames string
Результат System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults
		CompilerResults CompileAssemblyFromFileBatchImpl(CompilerParameters options, string[] fileNames)

			CompilerResults retval = new CompilerResults(new TempFileCollection());

			if (Environment.Version.Major < 2)
				throw new ApplicationException("C++/CLI scripts are only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. Please ensure the script engine is running under the appropriate version of CLR.");

			string outputName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.OutputAssembly);
			string tempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "CSSCRIPT\\CPP\\" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
			string tempProj = Path.Combine(tempDir, outputName + ".vcxproj");
			string outputFile = Path.Combine(tempDir, "Debug\\"+outputName + (options.GenerateExecutable ? ".exe" : ".dll"));

			if (Directory.Exists(tempDir))
				Directory.Delete(tempDir, true);


			using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ProjTemplateFile))
			using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(tempProj))
				string content = sr.ReadToEnd();
				content = content.Replace("$NAME$", outputName);
				//content = content.Replace("$TEMP_DIR$", tempDir);
				content = content.Replace("$INTER_DIR$", tempDir);
				content = content.Replace("$PREPR_DEBUG$", options.IncludeDebugInformation ? "_DEBUG" : "");
				content = content.Replace("$DEBUG$", options.IncludeDebugInformation ? "true" : "false");

				if (options.GenerateExecutable) //exe
                    //if (options.CompilerOptions != null && options.CompilerOptions.IndexOf("/target:winexe") != -1)	//WinForm
                    //    content = content.Replace("$MANAGED_EXT$", "2");
                    //    content = content.Replace("$LINK_WINFORM$", "SubSystem=\"2\"\r\nEntryPointSymbol=\"main\"");
                    //    content = content.Replace("$MANAGED_EXT$", "1");	//console
                    //    content = content.Replace("$LINK_WINFORM$", "");

                    content = content.Replace("$TYPE$", "Application");
				else //dll
					//content = content.Replace("$MANAGED_EXT$", "1");
					//content = content.Replace("$LINK_WINFORM$", "");
                    content = content.Replace("$TYPE$", "DynamicLibrary");

                string template = @"<Reference Include=""{0}"">
				string references = "";
				foreach (string file in options.ReferencedAssemblies)
					references += string.Format(template, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), file);
				content = content.Replace("$REFERENCES$", references);

                template = "<ClCompile Include=\"{0}\" />\n";
				string sources = "";
				foreach (string file in fileNames)
                    sources += string.Format(template, file);
				content = content.Replace("$SOURCE_FILES$", sources);


			string compileLog = "";
			//Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();

			string msbuild = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName("".GetType().Assembly.Location), "MSBuild.exe");
			string configuration = "CSSBuild";
			if (msbuild.IndexOf("Framework64") != -1) //x64
				msbuild = msbuild.Replace("Framework64", "Framework"); //VS2005 does not support x64 MSBuild/VCBuild
				configuration += "|x64";
				configuration += "|Win32";

			//compileLog = RunApp(msbuild, "\"" + tempProj + "\" /p:Configuration=\"" + configuration + "\" /nologo /verbosity:m");
            compileLog = RunApp(msbuild, "\"" + tempProj + "\"");
			compileLog = compileLog.TrimEnd();

			if (compileLog.EndsWith(" -- FAILED."))
				using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(compileLog))
					string line = "";
					while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
						line = line.Trim();

						if (line == "")

						if (line.EndsWith("Done building project"))

						int lineNumber = -1;
						string fileName = "";
						string errorNumber = "";
						string errorText = "";
						bool isWarning = false;

						int fileEnd = line.IndexOf(": warning ");
						if (fileEnd == -1)
							fileEnd = line.IndexOf(": error ");
							isWarning = true;

						if (fileEnd == -1)

						string filePart = line.Substring(0, fileEnd);
						string errorPart = line.Substring(fileEnd + 2); //" :" == 2
						int lineNumberStart = filePart.LastIndexOf("(");
						int errorDescrStart = errorPart.IndexOf(":");

						lineNumber = filePart.EndsWith(")") ? int.Parse(filePart.Substring(lineNumberStart).Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "")) : -1;
						fileName = Path.GetFullPath(lineNumber == -1 ? filePart : filePart.Substring(0, lineNumberStart).Trim());
						errorNumber = errorPart.Substring(0, errorDescrStart).Trim();
						errorText = errorPart.Substring(errorDescrStart + 1).Trim();

						CompilerError error = new CompilerError(fileName, lineNumber == -1 ? 0 : lineNumber, 0, errorNumber, errorText);
						error.IsWarning = isWarning;


			if (File.Exists(outputFile))
				if (File.Exists(options.OutputAssembly))
					File.Copy(outputFile, options.OutputAssembly, true);
					File.Move(outputFile, options.OutputAssembly);
					Directory.Delete(tempDir, true);
				catch { }

			if (options.IncludeDebugInformation)
				string pdbSrcFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, ".pdb");
				string pdbDestFile = Path.ChangeExtension(options.OutputAssembly, ".pdb");
				if (File.Exists(pdbSrcFile))
					if (File.Exists(pdbDestFile))
						File.Copy(pdbSrcFile, pdbDestFile, true);
						File.Move(pdbSrcFile, pdbDestFile); 
			return retval;