CSReportPaint.cReportPrint.getLineHeight C# (CSharp) Метод

getLineHeight() приватный Метод

private getLineHeight ( CSReportDll fields, float &offsetTop ) : float
fields CSReportDll
offsetTop float
Результат float
        private float getLineHeight(CSReportDll.cReportPageFields fields, ref float[] offsetTop)
            CSReportDll.cReportPageField field = null;
            float offBottom = 0;
            float aspectHeight = 0;
            float aspectWidth = 0;

            CSReportDll.cReportAspect aspect = null;
            CSReportDll.cReportAspect aspectLn = null;

            // used to get the offset to top
            float lnHeight = 0;

            // used to increase the height of the line
            float lnHeight2 = 0;
            float newLnHeight = 0;

            Font font = null;

            float topSection = 0;
            int indexSection = -1;
            float heightSection = 0;

            offsetTop = new float[1];

            if (fields.count() > 0)

                // search for the highest control
                for (int _i = 0; _i < fields.count(); _i++)
                    field = fields.item(_i);

                    // if it can grow we need to get its height to be
                    // able to print it
                    aspect = field.getInfo().getAspect();
                    aspectLn = field.getInfo().getSectionLine().getAspect();

                    // TODO: remove me
                    // System.Console.WriteLine(field.getInfo().getSectionLine().getRealIndex());

                    // if the line has changed we need to get the height of the line
                    // and add it to heightSection
                    if (indexSection != field.getInfo().getSectionLine().getIndex())

                        // save a reference to this section
                        indexSection = field.getInfo().getSectionLine().getIndex();

                        if (indexSection > offsetTop.Length -1)
                            G.redimPreserve(ref offsetTop, indexSection + 1);

                        // save this offset to add it to every control holded in the
                        // section lines which are under the current section line
                        offsetTop[indexSection] = offsetTop[indexSection] + newLnHeight - lnHeight;

                        // we get the top of the current line which includes only
                        // the height of visible lines
                        topSection = topSection + (aspectLn.getTop() - (topSection + heightSection));

                        // add to heightSection the height of this line
                        heightSection = heightSection + aspectLn.getHeight();

                        // save the height of the line to know if it has changed for canGrow
                        lnHeight = aspectLn.getHeight();

                        // the height of the original section line
                        lnHeight2 = lnHeight;

                        // save the height of the line to analize canGrow
                        newLnHeight = lnHeight;

                    // add to every control the offset produced by controls which
                    // can grow
                    if (aspect.getCanGrow())

                        aspectHeight = aspect.getHeight();
                        aspectWidth = aspect.getWidth();

                        // if there is an image we need to get its height
                        if (field.getImage() != null)

                            int imgWidth = 0;
                            int imgHeight = 0;

                            cGlobals.getBitmapSize(field.getImage(), out imgWidth, out imgHeight, true);


                            if (field.getHeight() < aspectHeight) { field.setHeight(aspectHeight); }
                            if (field.getWidth() < aspectWidth) { field.setWidth(aspectWidth); }
                            if (field.getValue() != "")
                                int flags = 0;

                                // TODO: flags to get height of text to be drawn
                                if (aspect.getWordWrap())
                                    flags = 0/*ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_WORDBREAK
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_LEFT
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_NOPREFIX
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_EDITCONTROL*/;
                                    flags = 0/*ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_SINGLELINE
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_LEFT
                                            || ECGTextAlignFlags.DT_NOPREFIX*/;
                                int idx = cGlobals.addFontIfRequired(aspect.getFont(), ref m_fnt);
                                font = m_fnt[idx];

                                if (field.getHeight() < aspectHeight) { field.setHeight(aspectHeight); }

                        // if it doesn't fit in the line because is too high
                        if (field.getHeight() + aspect.getTop() > topSection + newLnHeight)
                            offBottom = (topSection + newLnHeight) - (aspect.getTop() + aspectHeight);

                            // to separete a little
                            if (offBottom < 0) { offBottom = offBottom + 5; }

                            // new line's height 
                            newLnHeight = aspect.getTop() - topSection + field.getHeight() + offBottom;

                        // if the height of the previous line has changed because 
                        // some control has set to canGrow = true and its value
                        // makes the control's height to change, we need to add
                        // this height to heightSection
                        if (newLnHeight > lnHeight2)
                            //                                substract the original height
                            //                                |         add the hieght for canGrow
                            //                                |             |
                            heightSection = heightSection - lnHeight2 + newLnHeight;
                            lnHeight2 = newLnHeight;

            // return the height of the section
            return heightSection;