BooC.App.Help C# (CSharp) Метод

Help() приватный Метод

private Help ( ) : void
Результат void
        void Help()
                    "Usage is: booc [options] file1 ...\n" +
                    "Options:\n" +
                    " -c:CULTURE           Sets the UI culture to be CULTURE\n" +
                    " -debug[+|-]          Generate debugging information (default: +)\n" +
                    " -define:S1[,Sn]      Defines symbols S1..Sn with optional values (=val) (-d:)\n" +
                    " -delaysign           Delays assembly signing\n" +
                    " -ducky               Turns on duck typing by default\n" +
                    " -checked[+|-]        Turns on or off checked operations (default: +)\n" +
                    " -embedres:FILE[,ID]  Embeds FILE with the optional ID\n"+
                    " -lib:DIRS            Adds the comma-separated DIRS to the assembly search path\n" +
                    " -noconfig            Does not load the standard configuration\n" +
                    " -nostdlib            Does not reference any of the default libraries\n" +
                    " -nologo              Does not display the compiler logo\n" +
                    " -p:PIPELINE          Sets the pipeline to PIPELINE\n" +
                    " -o:FILE              Sets the output file name to FILE\n" +
                    " -keyfile:FILE        The strongname key file used to strongname the assembly\n" +
                    " -keycontainer:NAME   The key pair container used to strongname the assembly\n" +
                    " -reference:ASS       References the specified assembly (-r:ASS)\n" +
                    " -srcdir:DIR          Adds DIR as a directory where sources can be found\n" +
                    " -target:TYPE         Sets the target type (exe, library or winexe)\n" +
                    " -resource:FILE[,ID]  Embeds FILE as a resource\n" +
                    " -pkg:P1[,Pn]         References packages P1..Pn (on supported platforms)\n" +
                    " -utf8                Source file(s) are in utf8 format\n" +
                    " -v, -vv, -vvv        Sets verbosity level from warnings to very detailed\n" +
                    " -wsa                 Enables white-space-agnostic build\n"