BlueSky.SyntaxEditorWindow.RDotNetExecute C# (CSharp) Метод

RDotNetExecute() приватный Метод

private RDotNetExecute ( OutputWindow ow ) : void
ow OutputWindow
Результат void
        private void RDotNetExecute(OutputWindow ow)
            CommandOutput lst = new CommandOutput();
            lst.IsFromSyntaxEditor = true;

            engine.Evaluate("BSky_One_Way_Anova = (summary(dd <- aov(mpg ~ year,data=Dataset1))[[1]])");
            engine.Evaluate("bskyfrmtobj <- BSkyFormat(BSky_One_Way_Anova)");
            CharacterMatrix cmatrix = engine.Evaluate("bskyfrmtobj").AsCharacterMatrix();
            string[,] mtx = new string[cmatrix.RowCount, cmatrix.ColumnCount];
            for (int r = 0; r < cmatrix.RowCount; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < cmatrix.ColumnCount; c++)
                    mtx[r, c] = cmatrix[r, c];
            string objectname = "bskyfrmtobj";
            string headername = "This is generated in R.NET";

            CommandRequest cmddf = new CommandRequest();
            int dimrow = 1, dimcol = 1;
            bool rowexists = false, colexists = false;
            string dataclassname = string.Empty;

            //Find class of data passed. data.frame, matrix, or array
            cmddf.CommandSyntax = "class(" + objectname + ")"; // Row exists
            object retres = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsCharacter()[0];

            if (retres != null)
                dataclassname = retres.ToString();

            //find if dimension exists
            cmddf.CommandSyntax = "!" + objectname + ")[1])"; // Row exists
            rowexists = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsLogical()[0];

            cmddf.CommandSyntax = "!" + objectname + ")[2])";// Col exists
            colexists = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsLogical()[0];

            /// Find size of matrix(objectname) & initialize data array ///
            if (rowexists)
                cmddf.CommandSyntax = "dim(" + objectname + ")[1]";
                retres = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsInteger()[0];
                if (retres != null)
                    dimrow = Int16.Parse(retres.ToString());
            if (colexists)
                cmddf.CommandSyntax = "dim(" + objectname + ")[2]";
                retres = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsInteger()[0];
                if (retres != null)
                    dimcol = Int16.Parse(retres.ToString());
            string[,] data = new string[dimrow, dimcol];
            //// now create FlexGrid and add to lst ///
            /////////finding Col headers /////
            cmddf.CommandSyntax = "colnames(" + objectname + ")";
            CharacterVector colhdrobj = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsCharacter();
            string[] colheaders;
            if (colhdrobj != null && !colhdrobj.ToString().Contains("Error"))
                if (true)//colhdrobj.GetType().IsArray)
                    int siz = colhdrobj.Count();
                    colheaders = new string[siz];
                    for (int ri = 0; ri < siz; ri++)
                        colheaders[ri] = colhdrobj[ri];

                    colheaders = new string[1];
                    colheaders[0] = colhdrobj.ToString();
                colheaders = new string[dimcol];
                for (int i = 0; i < dimcol; i++)
                    colheaders[i] = (i + 1).ToString();

            /////////finding Row headers /////

            //read configuration and then decide to pull row headers

            bool shownumrowheaders = true; /// 

            cmddf.CommandSyntax = "rownames(" + objectname + ")";
            CharacterVector rowhdrobj =  engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsCharacter();
            string[] rowheaders;// = (string[])rowhdrobj;//{ "11", "22", "33" };
            if (rowhdrobj != null && !rowhdrobj.ToString().Contains("Error"))
                if (true)//rowhdrobj.GetType().IsArray)
                    int siz = rowhdrobj.Count();
                    rowheaders = new string[siz];
                    for (int ri = 0; ri < siz; ri++)
                        rowheaders[ri] = rowhdrobj[ri];

                    //rowheaders = (string[])rowhdrobj;//{ "Aa", "Bb", "Cc" };//
                    rowheaders = new string[1];
                    rowheaders[0] = rowhdrobj.ToString();
                rowheaders = new string[dimrow];
                //Type 1.//filling number for row header if rowheader is not present
                for (int i = 0; i < dimrow; i++)
                    rowheaders[i] = (i + 1).ToString();


            bool isnumericrowheaders = true; // assuming that row headers are numeric
            short tnum;
            for (int i = 0; i < dimrow; i++)
                if (!Int16.TryParse(rowheaders[i], out tnum))
                    isnumericrowheaders = false; //row headers are non-numeric
                //if (i == 10)//just cheking first 10 numbers for being int. Not cheking all the row headers.
                //    break;

            if (isnumericrowheaders && !shownumrowheaders)
                //Type 2.//filling empty values for row header if rowheader is not present
                for (int i = 0; i < dimrow; i++)
                    rowheaders[i] = "";

            /// Populating array using data frame data
            bool isRowEmpty = true;//for Virtual. 
            int emptyRowCount = 0;//for Virtual. 
            List<int> emptyRowIndexes = new List<int>(); //for Virtual.
            string cellData = string.Empty;
            for (int r = 1; r <= dimrow; r++)
                isRowEmpty = true;//for Virtual. 
                for (int c = 1; c <= dimcol; c++)
                    if (dimcol == 1 && !dataclassname.ToLower().Equals("data.frame"))
                        cmddf.CommandSyntax = "as.character(" + objectname + "[" + r + "])";
                        cmddf.CommandSyntax = "as.character(" + objectname + "[" + r + "," + c + "])";

                    object v = engine.Evaluate(cmddf.CommandSyntax).AsCharacter()[0];
                    cellData = (v != null) ? v.ToString().Trim() : "";
                    data[r - 1, c - 1] = cellData;// v.ToString().Trim();

                    //for Virtual. // cell is non-empty in row, means row is non empty because of atleast 1 col
                    if (cellData.Length > 0)
                        isRowEmpty = false;

                //for Virtual. // counting empty rows for virtual
                if (isRowEmpty)
                    emptyRowIndexes.Add(r - 1);//making it zero based as in above nested 'for'

            // whether you want C1Flexgrid to be generated by using XML DOM or by Virtual class(Dynamic)
            bool DOMmethod = false;
            if (DOMmethod)
                //12Aug2014 Old way of creating grid using DOM and then creating and filling grid step by step
                XmlDocument xdoc = createFlexGridXmlDoc(colheaders, rowheaders, data);
                //string xdoc = "<html><body><table><thead><tr><th class=\"h\"></th><th class=\"c\">A</th><th class=\"c\">B</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class=\"h\">X</td><td class=\"c\">5</td><td class=\"c\">6</td></tr><tr><td class=\"h\">Y</td><td class=\"c\">8</td><td class=\"c\">9</td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>";
                createFlexGrid(xdoc, lst, headername);// headername = 'varname' else 'leftvarname' else 'objclass'
            else//virutal list method
                //There is no logic to remove empty rows in this vitual list method so
                //here we try to send data with non-empty rows by dropping empty ones first.
                if (emptyRowCount > 0)
                    int nonemptyrowcount = dimrow - emptyRowCount;
                    string[,] nonemptyrowsdata = new string[nonemptyrowcount, dimcol];
                    string[] nonemptyrowheaders = new string[nonemptyrowcount];
                    for (int rr = 0, rrr = 0; rr < data.GetLength(0); rr++)
                        if (emptyRowIndexes.Contains(rr))//skip empty rows.
                        for (int cc = 0; cc < data.GetLength(1); cc++)
                            nonemptyrowsdata[rrr, cc] = data[rr, cc];//only copy non-empty rows
                        nonemptyrowheaders[rrr] = rowheaders[rr];//copying row headers too.
                    //Using Dynamic Class creation and then populating the grid. //12Aug2014
                    CreateDynamicClassFlexGrid(headername, colheaders, nonemptyrowheaders, nonemptyrowsdata, lst);
                    //Using Dynamic Class creation and then populating the grid. //12Aug2014
                    CreateDynamicClassFlexGrid(headername, colheaders, rowheaders, data, lst);
            if (ow != null)//22May2014
                SendToOutput("", ref lst, ow);//send dataframe/matrix/array to output window or disk file