BamlLocalization.BamlLocalizabilityByReflection.GetLocalizabilityForClrProperty C# (CSharp) Метод

GetLocalizabilityForClrProperty() приватный Метод

Get the localizability of a CLR property
private GetLocalizabilityForClrProperty ( string propertyName, Type owner, System.Windows.LocalizabilityAttribute &localizability, Type &propertyType ) : void
propertyName string
owner System.Type
localizability System.Windows.LocalizabilityAttribute
propertyType System.Type
Результат void
        private void GetLocalizabilityForClrProperty(
            string                      propertyName,
            Type                        owner,
            out LocalizabilityAttribute localizability,
            out Type                    propertyType
            localizability = null;
            propertyType   = null;

            PropertyInfo info = owner.GetProperty(propertyName);
            if (info == null)
                return; // couldn't find the Clr property

            // we found the CLR property, set the type of the property
            propertyType = info.PropertyType;

            object[] locAttributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(
                TypeOfLocalizabilityAttribute, // type of the attribute
                true                    // search in base class

            if (locAttributes.Length == 0)
                Debug.Assert(locAttributes.Length == 1, "Should have only 1 localizability attribute");

                // we found the attribute defined on the property
                localizability = (LocalizabilityAttribute) locAttributes[0];