AnimatedSprite.Projectile.Update C# (CSharp) Метод

Update() публичный Метод

public Update ( GameTime gametime ) : void
gametime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
Результат void
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime)
            switch (projectileState)
                    case PROJECTILE_STATE.STILL:
                        this.Visible = false;
                        explosion.Visible = false;
                    // Using Lerp here could use target - pos and normalise for direction and then apply
                    // Velocity
                    case PROJECTILE_STATE.FIRING:
                        this.Visible = true;
                        Tileposition = Vector2.Lerp(Tileposition, Target, 0.02f * RocketVelocity);
                         // rotate towards the Target
                        this.angleOfRotation = TurnToFace(PixelPosition,
                                                Target, angleOfRotation, 1f);
                    if (Vector2.Distance(Tileposition, Target) < 0.01f)
                        projectileState = PROJECTILE_STATE.EXPOLODING;
                    case PROJECTILE_STATE.EXPOLODING:
                        explosion.Tileposition = Target;
                        explosion.Visible = true;
                // if the explosion is visible then just play the animation and count the timer
                if (explosion.Visible)
                    ExplosionTimer += gametime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                // if the timer goes off the explosion is finished
                if (ExplosionTimer > ExplosionVisibleLimit)
                    explosion.Visible = false;
                    ExplosionTimer = 0;
                projectileState = PROJECTILE_STATE.STILL;
